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Mr. X Aug 8th, 2001 07:22 AM

Michaelangelo's David
Women- Proportionately, do you think DAvid is on the small side when it comes to penis size? Disappointed when you've seen the sculpture?

Nope Aug 8th, 2001 07:42 AM

Bear in mind that Michelangelo was a very good sculptor - the small penis is not an accident. So, what was M trying to say? I think he was deliberately trying to play down the sexuality of David, in order to emphasize that the encounter between David and Goliath was not sexual.

Martin Aug 8th, 2001 07:56 AM

David was supposed to be a boy... say 13. The fact that Mike gave him a 21-year-old rest-of-body is what's the "wrong" with the sculpture. Check out Donatello's David.

I'm just Aug 8th, 2001 08:31 AM

Remember, people were smaller back then. <BR> <BR>;-)

Dr Ruth Aug 8th, 2001 09:04 AM

It's not the size of the wave, it's the motion of the ocean

one woman Aug 8th, 2001 09:19 AM

Mr X, <BR> <BR>Do you really think that given a choice women prefer well endowed men over a man with a body like the David? There's more to a man than the size of his penis. And anyway, have you noticed that ALL of the nude statues are small that way? I don't know if it's because men were smaller then, or because the artists downplay the sexuality (I think Nope is right on there) or that the artists wanted to feel better about themselves. I'd take a David any day of the week! He's my idea of the perfect physique.

amy Aug 8th, 2001 10:29 AM

Since we just returned from seeing David himself, I think I may have some insight to your question. The statue was originally supposed to be on top of the Duomo. Therefore, Michaelangelo crafted this masterpiece to appear all one size, as if you are looking up at him. His head is proportionally bigger than legs and feet (smaller)to give the effect of proportion when looking at David from below. So you can guess what else is out of proportion.

one woman Aug 8th, 2001 10:35 AM

Amy, I think somebody's pulling your leg! I've read a LOT about Michaelangelo and about his crafting the David and nowhere was he ever supposed to be on top of the Duomo. M took the David to the Piazza Vecchio (where it stood for 3 centuries before being moved indoors) at night. In the morning he found notes taped to the statue. Concerned that it would be poorly received he was moved to find the notes all praising the work. David represents Renaissance man's emergence and victory over the struggles of the middle ages.

What happened? Aug 8th, 2001 10:43 AM

I posted a question yesterday about male statues being graphic and female ones not, and it has disappeared. <BR>We were just wondering why. <BR>Anyone know?

bigger Aug 8th, 2001 11:08 AM

Anyone who says the size of the wave means nothing has never ridden the Big Kahuna.

one woman Aug 8th, 2001 11:10 AM

OH PLEASE!!!! Anyone who is impressed by the Big Kahuna hasn't met an "artiste"

Lizzie Aug 8th, 2001 11:44 AM

One woman: Wow, Michelangelo found notes TAPED to his David? Are you sure they didn't just use Post-It notes? They had tape in the Renaissance? <BR> <BR>Sorry, couldn't resist.

One Woman Aug 8th, 2001 11:47 AM

I think they used a special Ren-tape. Gum stuck to the back of a paper. It was the pre-cursor to the post-it-note. Kind of like how the ancient Egyptians could figure out how to build an entire pyramid and then became a 3rd world nation.

surfer Aug 8th, 2001 11:53 AM

Does size matter? As Kahuna Girl up there says, only if you've never ridden the big wave. Try surfing a tsunami for a while and then going back to the tidepool ripples.

Michelle Aug 8th, 2001 01:43 PM

I was not disappointed in any way whatsoever when I saw Michelangelo's David. <BR> <BR>Besides, size in the flacid state is not an indicator I would take to the bank...

Capo Aug 8th, 2001 02:16 PM

Precisely, Michelle. As sex advice columnist Dan Savage puts it, some men are "growers" and others are "show-ers." <BR> <BR>What I find most amusing were how the genitals on many statues were covered up with fig leaves and the like. Wasn't this almost always, if not always, at the behest of the Catholic Church? <BR> <BR>

Katherine Aug 8th, 2001 02:19 PM

At one point the Pope demanded that clothes be painted on the figures on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Michaelangelo of course was appalled. One of his amiche did the job, however, and consoled him that he was using a paint that would be easy to remove later.

Book Chick Aug 8th, 2001 02:20 PM

Capo, you bet! Why do you think there was such a fight between Michaelangelo & the pope over the depiction of "creation" on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? And for heavens' sake, THAT wasn't even 3 dimensional!!!! <BR>BC

YS Aug 8th, 2001 02:24 PM

I just thought of the David's penis to be bigger and in the state other then flacid... I'm not sure the statue would be outdoors...

Size Aug 8th, 2001 02:45 PM

They say that you can't make butter with a toothpick...

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