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sandy_b Dec 11th, 2007 05:34 PM

Wonderful, funny, loved your report . . . love your writing style.

You brought back wonderful memories for me . . . freezing my b*TT off in Prague.

Please, travel soon and post another report.

Sandy (in Denton)

luvtotravel Dec 11th, 2007 06:25 PM

Well, that was excellent reading. Thanks for posting. Must find your other trip reports now.

I'm also in California and have been lamenting how cold it is -- 57 today. All of a sudden, it doesn't seem so cold.

Lia Dec 11th, 2007 06:59 PM

Enjoyed your very funny trip report! I just left Prague two weeks ago on my solo 'round-the-world journey and am now basking in warm (75F) and sunny Hong Kong.

It snowed heavily the first day I was in Prague and I was afraid I had planned badly, although coming from Chicago, it didn't slow me down and I got some great pix of the horse-drawn carriages in the snow.

Luckily, it cleared up and the rest of my trip was cold but sunny. Had a great time in Prague.

spatzle Dec 12th, 2007 07:52 AM

Hilarious report! I recently got back from a solo trip there as well and it was great to recall the aspects of the city you describe much better than I could, partly because I'm completely oblivious to detail. I'm now wondering how much dog poo I stepped in as I didn't even think to look down while I was walking around the city gawking at the buildings. Kudos on learning Czech! I would have loved to learn more and certainly would have loved being able to have real conversations with people in Czech.

Magellan_5 Dec 12th, 2007 08:48 AM

Thanks to everyone who posted such nice responses. Yes, my extremities are completely thawed out now, thank you very much (LOL)! I'm amazed at how many of you were recently in Prague too - its so funny to think that we may have passed each other in the airport or on the street at one point...without a clue that a fellow/sister Fodorite was right in our very midst!

francophile03 Dec 12th, 2007 05:28 PM

Thanks for your honest, funny, and helpful trip report. I highly enjoyed reading about your adventures. We were very cold on our visit to Prague and it was only October!

Magellan_5 Dec 13th, 2007 08:10 AM

Thanks, francophile - I've heard that it's warmed up a bit since I was there. Guess I was just lucky! ;)

jgg Dec 14th, 2007 09:52 AM

Just noticed your report and thoroughly enjoyed it. We are headed to Prague in June. Really appreciated your recommendation for the Communist Museum (hadn't heard about it yet) and the Black Light Theater. We will be travelling with kids so thanks for the hint to find the more family friendly shows. I amrinting out your report to have the details about restaurants (particularly ones with nonsmoking areas)!

Magellan_5 Dec 14th, 2007 10:31 AM

Hi jgg - Glad you found it helpful. FYI, if you have little ones who like to play, you might want to take them to Children's Island (see Lonely Planet for map). It's a nice little park for kids with everything from a rope swing to a skateboard ramp, and benches with a pretty view. It's located in southern Mala Strana. I just happened to chance upon it on my way to Kampa island and the John Lennon Wall, and it was absolutely packed. Have a great time - M.

ckwald Dec 16th, 2007 11:33 AM

My god, woman, I hope you write professionally. If you don't, you should. I had a blast reading your report-- loaded with character and all that useful info too. Congratulations on the best Fodors trip report I've ever seen!

lucy_d Dec 16th, 2007 01:41 PM

Thanks for the great report! :)

Magellan_5 Dec 16th, 2007 03:43 PM

ckwald - Wow, thanks - I think that's one of the nicest compliments I've ever received! No, I'm not a professional writer, but perhaps one day, through some form of divine intervention, I will be able to miraculously break free from the miserable putty-colored cublicle to which I am currently shackled. At which point I will head to Paris - yes, for good! To write travel tales FOREVER AND EVER!!! (cue diabolical laughter here):D

Magellan_5 Dec 16th, 2007 03:49 PM

lucy_d - Thanks to you too!

PicayoJack Jan 5th, 2008 07:47 AM

A marvelous read!

' actually signed up with Fodor's just to thank you for this report.

I've been preparing my trip to Prague for a couple of months now and was surfing for tips on how to dress for a Prague January. (I've lived near Valencia Spain for twenty or so years and have forgotten about winter) I found several informative items in various blogs, but none as entertaining as yours.

If anyone is interested and would like to provide further suggestions for Prague in January, I've put up some ideas for this trip, and some others, at my "fun" website:

Thanks again Magellan_5

yasron Jan 5th, 2008 08:28 AM

Magellan- loved your report. We were in Prague last year in December but no snow. It was great to relive all the places.
Now I 'm going to look for your Spain report!!

Magellan_5 Jan 6th, 2008 01:23 PM

Thanks yasron - glad you enjoyed it!

seafox Feb 4th, 2008 06:16 AM

great report - I'll follow your suggestions this Fall!

Magellan_5 Jan 23rd, 2009 11:14 AM

Again, bookmarking my trip reports for myself. Got a new computer and can't find anything I wrote now. Cheers everyone.

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