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mamamia2 Jul 20th, 2014 12:03 PM

Madrid—Portugal—Northern Spain—Barcelona by car, need an itinerary...
Hi, fellow Fodorites,

Our plans have suddenly changed due to some unexpected circumstances, and we need to make some QUICK decisions and book new accommodations for our trip to Spain that's starting less than 3 weeks from now...

Originally we were planning 15 days in Spain (after 10 days in Israel): 4 nights in Barcelona, 2 nights in Valencia and our last 5 in Madrid. That itinerary has not changed, we're still landing in Madrid in the morning but instead of taking the flight to Israel, we now plan those 10 days to be added to our original itinerary, all spent in Spain and Portugal. Also I already am taking advantage of the new situation, planning to arrive in Barcelona 2 nights earlier to enjoy more time in that fascinating city (already booked that accommodation).

So we have 8 days to "kill" between landing in Madrid and arriving in Barcelona, which I really want to use the best I can.... I thought to rent a car at the Madrid airport (please note: Jet lag would be an issue...) and travel to Portugal that I know has some fascinating places, and then travel to northern Spain, and then arrive in Barcelona. Truth is, I have to make some QUICK decisions, in order to book our accommodations ASAP, but being buried with work I simply didn't have time to spend researching Portugal or Northern Spain.

I'd appreciate some itinerary ideas... Thanks so much!

ribeirasacra Jul 20th, 2014 01:45 PM

Confusing post.
You talk about 15 days in Spain then go on to how many nights allocated for each location.
So with 11 nights (as listed) makes for 12 days that gives you only 3 days spare.
To see Northern Spain and Portugal in those few days is impossible.

IMDonehere Jul 20th, 2014 01:52 PM

I'm with Ribe

I don't even know where to start to narrow down your choices.

mamamia2 Jul 20th, 2014 02:54 PM

Really sorry!!!.... Need new batteries in my calculator, maybe drink less coffee also :-)

Here it is: Our original plan was to land in Madrid mid August for our connection flight to Israel, where we planned to stay for 10 nights. Then we planned 11 nights/12 days in Spain: fly to Barcelona for 4 nights, 2 in Valencia (arrive by train), 5 in Madrid (train). Fly back home from Madrid.

The change is: instead of those 10 nights in Israel — we elect to stay In Spain.

Of those 10 nights I stole 3 (not 2, sorry again) to arrive in Barcelona earlier.

So we now have 7 nights/8 days left to enjoy, renting a car from MAD (I think better than hopping from one place to another by trains, which are also quite expensive) — to end up in Barcelona.

Based on my general knowledge, we want to see some charming places in Portugal (driving West from MAD) and northern Spain (driving North-East), before arriving at Barcelona.

I need a plan for those 7 nights/8 days.


mamamia2 Jul 20th, 2014 03:03 PM

Also, a note: Landing in MAD at 7:30 am (2:30 Central time) is gonna make it a bit uneasy, so the 1st day needs to be easy and short to overcome our fatigue and Jet Lag........

mamamia2 Jul 20th, 2014 03:08 PM

Sorry again, of course, 7:30 am in Madrid is 12:30 am Central... even worse.....

HappyTrvlr Jul 20th, 2014 03:25 PM

Since it is going to be very hot in the south of Spain, I'd head northwest to the coast. Seven days isn't enough to add Portugal.

IMDonehere Jul 20th, 2014 03:30 PM

If you head to Portugal by car you will need to fly from there to Barcelona. Many times in Spain a car is a burden rather than a help. The train system is excellent.

If you want to rent a car and drive think of heading to towns which are generally north ending in Bilbao or San Sebastian/Donostia and then flying down to Barcelona.

Other towns to consider are Salamanca, Burgos,Segovia, Soria, and Santander.

And remember, not all roads in Spain are equal. I have not done that route in a long time so I do not know how many lanes each has, but they are all not the same.

mamamia2 Jul 20th, 2014 05:10 PM

We're planning 1 or 2 day-trips from Madrid. Already booked the train to Toledo.

Spending couple minutes researching Google maps, Madrid to Porto in Portugal (spent 5 minutes looking for "must-sees" in Portugal, Porto was on the list) is 5.5 hours, with Segovia nearby that can serve as a layover for the 1st night...

Then I checked Porto - Barcelona and it's 10 hours drive in northern Spain, so it can be done in 2 days with couple stops, maybe 3 days... So generally it is doable, so it seems....

I'm open to ideas....

IMDonehere Jul 20th, 2014 07:58 PM

I think part of the problem is that Barcelona is not considered northern Spain and I think the driving is going to take you longer than you think.

ribeirasacra Jul 21st, 2014 12:53 AM

A lot has happened over night!
The trip between BCN and Portugal maybe 10 hours on paper, but that leaves little time to really explore and the route will be on Autovias (highways) In Portugal you will need to know about how to pay the electronic tolls. On top of that you have to return the car to Spain or face a hefty reparation fee.
Go with then advice of heading to (max) Basque country
or head up the Costa Brava

kimhe Jul 21st, 2014 03:00 AM

Here's to the point info about places and things to see and do in the Basque Country, a favourite part of the country during the summer months due to the cooler climate, the food and the landscapes. Both big cities and small towns and villages, great coastline and beautiful inland.

The Basque Country is the culinary heartland of Spain, and you'll find a local and distinctive culture that people take great pride in. A stark contrast to both Barcelona and Madrid:

thursdaysd Jul 21st, 2014 04:52 AM

Not sure where you saw 10 hours for Porto to Barcelona, but Via Michelin says its twelve and a half, almost all on motorways, and you probably need to add a bit. I would not tie up two full days of a short trip on interstate driving, not to mention the driving to get to Portgal in the first place. If you really want to add Portugal I would take the night train from Madrid to Lisbon, and the train between Lisbon and points north, and then fly to Spain. But it would be simpler just to settle for northern Spain, where you will find plenty to see. And eat...

kimhe Jul 21st, 2014 05:52 AM

...and my suggested itinerary for seven nights in the Basque Country in summer would be
- 2 nights Bilbao:
- 2 nights in Lekeitio (and visit Guernica on the way):
- 3 nights in San Sebastian:


mamamia2 Jul 21st, 2014 06:41 AM

I'm grateful for the above ideas, which I will digest later this evening (buried in work right now). But when I claim that driving from Porto to Barcelona takes 10 hours (based on Google-Maps, but even 12) it doesn't mean I plan driving from Porto to Barcelona... It's just for the idea of size and distances, like checking Madrid—Bilbao = 4 hours.

I'm sticking to car rental, based on previous experience in Europe... We drove thru Switzerland, Provence, Italy (more than once), even Scotland... I like the freedom, and I hate schlepping luggage and being stressed adhering to train and flight schedules...

As I mentioned, I will study your ideas. But I already know, and as I mentioned, the first day we would have to take it easy after our long flight, so maybe drive first to Segovia (1 hour), spend our first night there.

Cowboy1968 Jul 21st, 2014 06:47 AM

Just a very generic suggestion..
As you assume (probably very correctly) that you will be somewhat exhausted and jet-lagged on your arrival day in Madrid, why not use that day to put some distance between you and the capital by rail?
You could go by train (with a sufficiently spaced buffer between your estimated arrival and the train's departure) to one of the cities in the North or Northwest, like Leon, Burgos, Santander or Santiago.
Stay one night.
Pick up rental car next day when you are fresh again.
And take whatever route towards Barcelona.

bilboburgler Jul 21st, 2014 06:56 AM

I'd go north into Rioja and the the Picos d'europa mountains, then follow the line of monestries and towns west coming back along the coast when you run out of time stopping off at Bilbao on the way and then across to Barcelona. It isnt a pretty route but all enjoyable. Much as I'd love to go to Portugal I cannot see you have time to do it.

Cowboy1968 Jul 21st, 2014 07:02 AM

Unless your flight lands on a Sunday or Saturday, I would not call driving on Madrid's maze of freeways during the morning rush hour a prime example of "taking it easy" after a red-eye flight ;-)

ribeirasacra Jul 21st, 2014 07:08 AM

Driving with jet lag is not a suggestion I would make. Stay in Madrid first off.
Do not forget your IDP either.

mamamia2 Jul 21st, 2014 07:36 AM

We're landing Saturday morning, 7:30 am... As I mentioned, if we drive on that day, it would be a short drive to Segovia, rest, tour the city, spend the night there... The idea of taking the train up north is interesting... I'll look into it... But for that we need to get to the city first, right?

BTW, excuse my ignorance, what's IDP?

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