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coral22 Mar 27th, 2024 09:01 AM

How wonderful that Ed can visit China and see where his ancestors lived. It is so moving to have that experience. And to share it with his siblings, that sounds wonderful!

You are inspiring me to really get on the ball with future planning. And to do more than one big trip a year. We always dreamed of month long trips, but now that we are retired, my husband doesn't foresee being gone for more than 2 weeks. I am hoping to stretch him out to 16-18 days for Japan, but we will see!

KarenWoo Mar 27th, 2024 12:53 PM

Originally Posted by coral22 (Post 17548215)
How wonderful that Ed can visit China and see where his ancestors lived. It is so moving to have that experience. And to share it with his siblings, that sounds wonderful!

You are inspiring me to really get on the ball with future planning. And to do more than one big trip a year. We always dreamed of month long trips, but now that we are retired, my husband doesn't foresee being gone for more than 2 weeks. I am hoping to stretch him out to 16-18 days for Japan, but we will see!

coral22, My husband was born in China, and his family came here in the 1960's. We visited China together 3 times, and he visited once or twice without me, and that's when he visited the home village for the first time. So I haven't been there. Some of his siblings have never been there, either, so they want to visit before they can't travel any more. They want this to be a sibling only trip, which is fine with me. I don't relish the long flights especially since we will be going to Australia/New Zealand this fall. And I want to save my stamina and energy for long flights to countries I haven't visited. This Australia/New Zealand trip, a 6-week trip, will be a test for us of long-term travel. Hope we survive.:)

Have you read progol's TR for Japan from last fall? Because of her TR, I would love to visit Japan, and I also would love to visit Taiwan after reading yestravel's TR. Hope we live long enough!

I have a question about your stay in CT. What town did you stay in? I've been doing some research, and I know we can access each town by train. But when we disembark, we would have to walk uphill to our accommodations with our luggage. Did you have to do that? Was it a long walk? I realize it all depends on what town and exactly where the accommodations are located. Just trying to get a feel for how this works.

bhuty Mar 28th, 2024 12:23 PM

Originally Posted by KarenWoo (Post 17548117)
However, we are considering a second trip to Italy in 2026 to visit the Amalfi Coast, Naples, etc. and we might include Rome at that time.

Just curious, what is the weather like in Rome and other places you have visited at this time of year?

So we're thinking of doing the same areas around the same time in 2026.... we might bump into each other haha.

So weather for me is funny....
The sun seems to follow me around unless I want it to snow.
But let me try a helpful answer
It's been mostly 18 to 21 Celsius in Rome and dry, sometimes cloudy sometimes sunny but always lovely. We left Rome yesterday and it was cold and rainy.... probably 11 degrees. By the time we arrived to Florence in the late afternoon it was 14 and sunny.
this morning was wet and cold and blustery.... I think about 12 degrees ....but by the time we got to the city at 9.30 it dried right up and by midday it was sunny and maybe 18 degrees or more. We head to Bologna tomorrow lunch time

macdogmom Mar 28th, 2024 01:29 PM

Karen, we stayed in Manarola in CT years ago at a very nice little hotel, La Torretta but it was a small walk up the hill from the train. We’ve stayed twice in Camolgi, which is just north of CT and you can take the ferry down and do some walking between towns if you’re so inclined. We liked Camolgi which seemed more peaceful than CT. Stayed at the Villa Rosamarino and Hotel Cenobio dei Dogi with the latter probably where I would go back for beachfront location.

We went to Paris every year in May for about a decade starting in 2019 and always visited other places (mainly Italy, Spain and Portugal) and had pretty great weather in May. My husband also started going to a conference in London in late September and that was also a great time to travel. Went to Stockholm and Denmark in mid September one year and that was perfect weather for those very interesting cities. Our travel bug has lessened and my husband decided to forego the conferences so now we go back forth from our home in Santa Barbara to an apt in Bay Area and see grandkids and friends. We have a third grandchild in Hawaii on the big island so that may be our “getting on a plane trip” from now on. And my beloved 14 year dog also keeps me close to home…

KarenWoo Mar 29th, 2024 05:51 AM

Macdogmom, thank you for your detailed reply. It’s very helpful. Is there a train station in Camolgi? We would like to visit the CT villages by train and by ferry. Will keep Camolgi in mind. Also thinking of possibly staying in La Spezia but need to do more research. I will check out the hotel you mention in Manarola. Also thinking of visiting Portovenere.

coral22 Mar 29th, 2024 08:59 AM

I will be doing a trip report soon! After the trip we had the holidays, our first grandchild was born and now I need to dig out my notes and reorganize my thoughts.

We also stayed in Manarola which we loved! We stayed at Hotel Marina Piccola which I recommend. It had a great location, a nice sized room, full breakfast, great hosts and a partial sea view. About $150 a night. There aren't many hotels there but there are many apartments to rent. We drove in and parked in the city lot for the duration and it was a 1/2 mile walk into town. It was pretty flat with one steeper area but very manageable. There is a service available from the lot for $6 bag to transport the luggage. The train stop there is very close to everything but also requires traveling through the steeper area, also.

We were there for 2 nights which was perfect for us, I don't think a day trip is a good idea. We had an afternoon and a nice dinner and a full day and a magical evening. We made sure that it was a light day for the cruises in port, the day before had 10,000 cruisers descend. We visited Monterrosso which we enjoyed and it would be the place to be if you wanted beach time. It is the flatest, but also the biggest and the most spread out. The train stop is in a tunnel in the middle of town, so you have 2 different directions to head to to see the whole town and you are backtracking through the tunnel to do it. We also visited Vernazza which is charming and very worthwhile but it is smaller and so crowded. It is Rick Steve's darling and wouldn't be my choice as a place to stay. We didn't visit Corniglia with its almost 400 steps to the train station and eliminated Riomaggiore because of time constraints, so I can't help with those towns.

You mentioned La Spezia as a place to stay, and we considered it, but we were put off by its being a military base and where the cruises dock. Many mention parking there if driving in or if by train to pick up the local CT train there. I can't imagine hopping on the standing room only train with my luggage, but people do it all the time.

We had a special night at Nissan Dorma, a covered outdoor charcuterie restaurant with many extensive choices. It is way up there, but has a pretty easy zigzag pathway, and while climbing you see the spots where the postcards must be photographed from. It was breathtaking and the sunset was magnificent!

coral22 Mar 29th, 2024 09:10 AM

I am having a problem finding an online picture of Nessun Dorma that will post, hopefully this works!

KarenWoo Mar 29th, 2024 09:26 AM

coral22, thank you for your detailed explanation. It's all very helpful. When it's closer to our trip, if I decide on the hotel you stayed in, I will ask them if there is the luggage service at the train station as well. We most likely won't have a car for this part of the trip. I wonder if the hotel provides luggage service? I can ask about that, too. Based on what you said about La Spezia, I wouldn't want to stay there. We are currently thinking of 3 nights in the CT.

Looking forward to your TR. And congratulations on the birth of your first grandchild! We have 4 grandchildren, and they really do enrich our lives.

Just looked up the hotel you stayed at. Their website states they are less than 5 minutes from the train station. So that could work for us.

coral22 Mar 29th, 2024 09:58 AM

I know our hotel did not have luggage service and I doubt other accommodations do. These are very small hotels. There are no motorized vehicles allowed in the town outside of a golf cart I noticed buzzing around (maybe for residents?) And a couple of luggage service vehicles which were basically golf carts with a small trailer on the back. Even using the luggage service did not take you all the way to the hotel. It was not difficult to manage, though.

We did not want to have a car in CT but in trying to piece together the train route, we found it to be such a day killer that we went with the car. The cost of having the car 2 more days was not much more, because we were then entering into the weekly rate, and with the train fares x4 people, it made the cost close. The ease of not lugging our luggage on 2 different trains and the time savings was the right choice. We originally thought we would pick up the car in La Spezia, when we moved on, but then we would have to get on the train with our luggage to get there. We were happy just to zip out of there and continue on to Tuscany.

KarenWoo Mar 29th, 2024 04:09 PM

coral22, thanks for all the info about the trains. We would not want to bring our luggage on trains with standing room only. Too old for that! Was it stressful driving your car to the parking lot? I will also look into a private transfer service. We might be coming from Lucca. But that could change because our itinerary is not set in stone yet. I will post an itinerary for review in a few months. But I might be willing to splurge for a private transfer. At our ages, ease and comfort are very important!

bhuty Mar 29th, 2024 11:46 PM


We are currently in Bologna
We picked up a car in Rome and drove to Florence then now to Bologna and then to Venice.

Let me know if you want to know anything

I can highly recommend a car

bilboburgler Mar 30th, 2024 12:21 AM

if fear of standing up is large in your mind (I've never had to stand up on Italian trains despite many journeys) then book first class. Not very expensive and so much easier than a car.

bvlenci Mar 30th, 2024 04:13 AM

Originally Posted by bhuty (Post 17548968)

We are currently in Bologna
We picked up a car in Rome and drove to Florence then now to Bologna and then to Venice.

Let me know if you want to know anything

I can highly recommend a car

If I were going from Rome to Florence to Bologna to Venice, I wouldn't dream of driving. I live in Italy and have my own car, but every Italian I know would make that trip by train. The train is much faster, and is usually cheaper.

Also private non-resident cars are forbidden in the center (ZTL) zones of Florence, Bologna, and Venice; lots of people get souvenir tickets in the mail six months after their holiday.

We have a close relative in Bologna, but we've only driven there twice. The first time, we were delivering some furniture. Our relative met us at the town gate to pilot us past the off-limits areas. The second time we were leaving too late to take the last train. That time we actually strayed into a ZTL zone, because a bus had blocked the sign. Fortunately we think the bus also shielded us from the camera, because the expected ticket never arrived. All of our other trips to Bologna are by train.

KarenWoo Mar 30th, 2024 05:42 AM

Thank you everyone for all of your helpful advice. I think when coral22 talked about standing room on the trains with luggage that she was talking about the trains from La Spezia to the CT villages. Can you buy tickets for these trains in advance? Do they have first class? I haven’t done a lot of research yet into the trains because I am in very preliminary stages of planning for May 2025. I hope that later in April or May I will be ready to post an itinerary for review.

Bhuty, can you share your itinerary with me? The places you visited and how many nights? Thanks.

coral22 Mar 30th, 2024 07:52 AM

Yes, I was talking about the Cinque Terre Express, which operates between Genoa and La Spezia, and that was standing room only every time we were on it in October. There is no 1st class. You can buy a single ticket but it is not for a specific time, you activate it before you get on the train. A pass for the duration is easier and more economical. And there is a combo pass available, which you need to access the hiking trails during certain times of the year.

On our journey, we were coming from Varenna and had initially thought we would use the train, but our journey would have been, Varenna-Milan-Genoa-Manorola, and would have been about 6 hours. We had heard that the train from Varenna to Milan could be very crowded, too .So we got a cab from Varenna to Milan airport, which was on the favorable side of Milan to begin our drive. The drive to Manorola was easy and cut our travel time in half. We were also heading to Lucca next and we wanted a car for our Tuscany portion anyway, so that also saved us from getting on the express again to get to La Spezia to pick up the rental car. And from the La Spezia train station, you would have to get to the rental car location with luggage. So in Manarola, we used the luggage service again to the parking lot and were on our way.

Karen, I am with you on the ease of these transfers being important. There were 4 of us traveling, 68-71 years old, and we get tired more easily and can get stressed out about the details. We travel light and are physically fit but it still is a lot to manage. And in the Lake Como area and especially CT there are a lot of hills and steps to manage. Pick your accommodations carefully because a lot of times a view=steps. It is not as dramatic, but think along the lines of Santorini and Dubrovnik, (I know you have been to both!)

I think your idea of 3 nights in CT is good, especially with your month long visit. We only had 10 days in Italy so our choice of 2 nights, was right for us. In our group, I voted to skip CT, and I am so glad I lost 3-1. It was so beautiful and unique, I will always remember that sunset!

bhuty Mar 31st, 2024 10:07 AM

Originally Posted by bvlenci (Post 17548998)
If I were going from Rome to Florence to Bologna to Venice, I wouldn't dream of driving. I live in Italy and have my own car, but every Italian I know would make that trip by train. The train is much faster, and is usually cheaper.

Also private non-resident cars are forbidden in the center (ZTL) zones of Florence, Bologna, and Venice; lots of people get souvenir tickets in the mail six months after their holiday.

We have a close relative in Bologna, but we've only driven there twice. The first time, we were delivering some furniture. Our relative met us at the town gate to pilot us past the off-limits areas. The second time we were leaving too late to take the last train. That time we actually strayed into a ZTL zone, because a bus had blocked the sign. Fortunately we think the bus also shielded us from the camera, because the expected ticket never arrived. All of our other trips to Bologna are by train.

Yes I think despite my best efforts to stay out of it I also may have been forced into it for about 100 metres..... I'll find out in 6 months maybe.

Honestly driving hasn't been too bad. Bologna to Venice is 90 minutes which I'm happy with.
In regards to Bologna, we used a big car park and walked the rest of the way. It's so pleasant that there's no reason to drive anyway.

Just for perspective and context.
I'm an over 50 aussie driving on the wrong side of the road on unfamiliar roads in a manual (stick shift) with crazy Italian drivers and pedestrians and cyclists who think they can just safely jump out in front of you at any time.
Yes it's a challenge of being constantly attentive but if I can do it then surely someone who knows how to drive on the right can work out how to drive in Italy.

I drove in Rome, Florence, Bologna and TO Venice

bhuty Mar 31st, 2024 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by KarenWoo (Post 17549024)
Thank you everyone for all of your helpful advice.

Bhuty, can you share your itinerary with me? The places you visited and how many nights? Thanks.

Karen, I'm texting from my phone instead of my computer at the moment and I'm not enjoying the experience haha. If I was on my computer I would give a better reply. But also i would know and not have to remember..... but I think I remember you saying that you're going to Australia soon.

If you email me to [email protected] then I can give you more info.

We did 3 days around Rome while we had a car, 3 full days in the city without a car
2 days Florence
2 days Bologna
2 days but 1 night in Venice as we speak.... having a seafood dinner at osteria boccodoro right now and spending time because the unthinkable is happening..... it's raining

northie Mar 31st, 2024 09:04 PM

Karen, Ive been to England in most months of the year except July and August . Ive loved all the times for different reasons. The last time we went was November and i love dth epreaprartions and the decorations for Xmas in London -also Guy Fawkes night.,
we,ve been to Ireland in April, May and September and had no rain at any time . Weathe rwas good for travelling and toruing -coolish
Ive only been to Italy twice and that was in September//October and we found the wather perfect and not too crowded - that was Rome and the Amalfi coast .

HungryinCT May 1st, 2024 01:15 PM

The best times to travel to Italy are March , April , September & October. June to August is way too busy and way too hot and even the Italians leave the towns. You will just be surrounded by tourists and it won't be enjoyable at all.

bvlenci May 2nd, 2024 03:38 AM

Originally Posted by HungryinCT (Post 17558826)
The best times to travel to Italy are March , April , September & October. June to August is way too busy and way too hot and even the Italians leave the towns. You will just be surrounded by tourists and it won't be enjoyable at all.

The days when Italians left town for a month are long gone. In places where there are tourists, you won't see an exodus of Italians. (Otherwise there would be no hotels or restaurants open for those tourists.)

I would say that May and early June could be good times to visit Italy, depending on where you're going. September recently has been very hot. If you're going to Rome or Florence, the winter is the best time.

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