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Suzanne May 21st, 1998 05:05 PM

LIverpool-Beatle Stuff
Has anyone done the Beatle stuff in Liverpool? Is it OK or is it hokey? We love the Beatles but our time is tight and wouldn't want to dampen our memories with crap. We are also traveling with our two teens. Is there a good B&B in the Liverpool vacinity or outside of Liverpool on the way to the Lake District? Does anyone know of a castle to stay in in that area?

ET May 23rd, 1998 04:11 PM

I believe there are outfits in Liverpool that do tours of Beatle sites. I haven't done it myself, but I'd love to if I were in those parts. If you do a search on "The Beatles" with any search engine, lots of sites come up, some of which may help. Also, I seem to remember a letter to the NY Times travel section about this in the last couple of years. A call to your local reference librarian could confirm this. Good luck.

mmooney Jun 25th, 1998 06:25 PM

<BR>I hope this message doesn't get to you too late. I took a Magical "History" Tour when I was in Liverpool and found it fascinating. Of course, Beatles music played on the bus throughout the tour to set the mood. We were shown the places where they all grew up, Strawberry Fields orphanage, the cemetery where Eleanor Rigby is buried, and many other interesting places. I am a devoted fan of the Beatles and the tour was something I still talk about although its been about 10 years since I took it. I'd go for it!

Julie Jun 25th, 1998 09:22 PM

Ironically, I grew up with the Beatles, but it is my 12 yr. old who is totally obsessed with The Beatles. (good taste!) We won't be able to make it to Liverpool, but are there any good Beatles related things to see in the London area?

Colleen Jun 30th, 1998 01:59 PM

YES! Take the Magical Mystery Tour! We were in Liverpool for a day in April, and had the same reservations you have, e.i., is it hokey? etc. The answer is "no." The tour, with driver and guide who were musicians and played at the Cavern and know everyone, was great, and you get to places you couldn't on your own (Liverpool is big) - including the Cavern Club, which Cynthia Lennon rebuilt. Ok: I had to dab a tear now and then. Please e-mail me for details - I'll tell you all about it! It was fab! Gear, even!

Heather Jul 1st, 1998 03:06 PM

When in Liverpool, be sure to visit the waterfront area Along the Mersey River. They have done a wonderful job of restoration. The ferry ride is not to be missed. In addition the Albert Docks have been converted into lots of great stores. Several museums there too.

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