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ChicagoDallasGirl May 9th, 2005 04:56 PM

Leaving in 5 days for Italy, am I forgetting anything?
CDG here one more time before we leave. I know this week may get a little crazy, so I wanted to post today to make sure that I thanked all of you Fodorites who answered my questions, provided feedback and shared your experiences so that future travelers are just a little bit more informed and inspired:-) Thanks bunches!

I've been preparing while planning, but wonder if there's anything I still need to do before we leave this weekend. We'll only be gone for a week on our Venice-Rome-Florence get-away.

I've nailed down a lot of details, but these are some of the high level "must-do" items that I've take care of:
**Made copies of important documents, passports and credit cards

**Printed copies of our confirmations, itineraries and hotel addresses/phone numbers

**Sent copy of travel details to loved ones in case of emergency

**Lined up mix-and-match clothing to ensure light packing

**I've called the bank to alert them that we'll be making transactions in Italy.

**Secured reservations at Doges Palace for Secret Itineraries tour and at Borghese Museum.

**Refilled prescriptions that run out while away

Still need to have mail and newspaper held.

Any last minute tips, advice or suggestions for a first-timer to Italy?

Budman May 9th, 2005 05:11 PM

Reconfirm airline reservations & seat assignments. I got to the airport for my flight to Italy and somehow someone had given away my seat assignment. I had made resrvation/seat assignment 4 months in advance. ((b))

Grasshopper May 9th, 2005 05:11 PM

Do you have a journal for taking notes and keeping track of your thoughts and experiences?

Have a GREAT time. There's nothing like the first trip to Italia.

mgfit May 9th, 2005 05:17 PM

I also bring a large zip lock bag to put all of my travel info I collect along the trip in...I always like the cards from the restaurants and the maps of the cities and such....I just keep putting them in the bag to keep them all together until we get home. I also recommend a trip is so great because you will forget so many things while you are there you can take notes to capture your memories of a special meal or bottle of wine.....if you are a wine drinker, they have wine journals too!

One other thing that helped me on this last trip. I emailed each hotel and asked for detailed directions from the train station. They told me which metro stop to get off at and provided walking directions from the metro stop to the hotel. I got good maps (from Streetwise) and made sure to find all of the directions on the map before we left. This made it easy to walk with confidence in a city that may have people targeting tourists. It also made it much easier than trying to figure it out upon arrival.

Have a great trip! Ciao!

LoveItaly May 9th, 2005 05:17 PM

Hi CDG, you did not mention ATM card but assume you have one. And you did call your bank to let them know that you will be using the ATM card in Europe? Do you need to have them increase the withdrawal amount? But of course you will have the ATM in Italy restrict you to their amount but if you need more you can go to another ATM.

Don't forget - have a beautiful trip!

Another reminder - we would all love to hear about your trip when you return home and get settled in.

P.S. Do take contact phone #'s for your credit card companies and ATM card just in case you have a problem.

ChicagoDallasGirl May 9th, 2005 05:31 PM

Budman-I forgot to put that I reconfirmed flight/seats on the list of things I've done. I also plan to check-in online and get boarding passes Friday evening.

Grasshopper - Thanks for the journal reminder. I'm definitely looking forward to sharing our experience once we return.

Mgfit-I'm going to put the ziplocks in my suitcase right now! That was something I told DH we needed to do. They can come in sooo handy when traveling! I too love collecting little things. I've got tons of menus, biz cards, matchbooks and receipts from each trip since we got married a year ago. Also, I've studied maps and obtained directions but need to compile them in one handy document. Will do now.

LoveItaly- I didn't have the bank increase our limit because we talked about money and shouldn't go over our current withdraw limit. I don't think either of us have just a plain ATM card. Do you think we should get one from the bank? I read somewhere that it's safest to use cards without the Visa logo...Our bank can provide them same day.

Edward2005 May 9th, 2005 05:34 PM

If you have a web-based email address you can email all your important trip information to yourself. Then if you lose the information on your trip, you can go to an internet cafe and retreive it from your own email account.

Grasshopper May 9th, 2005 05:37 PM

OOh, Edward, that's a GREAT idea. I've never thought of that.

Tiff May 9th, 2005 05:38 PM

Oh, my ChiDalGal, so happy for you.

Have a special and delightful birthday.

Got your passport?

Can't wait to hear about your trip.

Big smiles for you! :S-

ChicagoDallasGirl May 9th, 2005 06:38 PM

Thanks Edward! That is a good idea.

Tiff-I'm sooo excited. I won't get to see the Ufizzi, but I'm sure we'll have an awesome time in Florence and elsewhere:-) Thanks for the well-wishes!

kybourbon May 9th, 2005 06:58 PM

Put your name, address, hotel names and addresses inside your luggage in case it gets lost or separated from the luggage tags.

LoveItaly May 9th, 2005 07:00 PM

Hi CDG, your ATM with or without the VISA logo? I honestly do not know because I have never been to France, I am unhappy to say.

I was just thinking in case of emergency if you had your ATM withdrawal increased by your bank, only in case of emergency, it might be good.

But on the other hand, if one has an emergency they can use their credit card to get cash and repay that on return to the US, it would be less then 30 days interest, so not the end of the world.

BTW, for what it is worth. My stepdaughter has a position where she is in charge of security regarding computers and it is very highly monitered. She strongly advises to not have anything on your computer (regardig personal info) that you will access from an internet cafe, library etc. as it is so easy for hackers to pick up one's personal financial information. I know a lot of people do not worry about this but due to her position she has seen horror stories (ID theft) so just mentioning it for your consideration. When she travels she keeps copies of all personal info (which you are doing) versus having it on her computer. Just passing this along for your consideration.

Again, have fun!! And enjoy the excitment of the week before you leave. That is always part of the vacation IMHO.

ChicagoDallasGirl May 9th, 2005 07:06 PM

Thanks LoveItaly. Just for clarity, I think Edward was referring to e-mailing yourself your travel info, flight itinerary, hotel stuff, not personal info like account numbers and such. I'm looking forward to have tons of fun. I thought I was already excited, but it's intensifying with each passing moment:-)

I'll be taking notes (physical and mental) to share on my return.

Jean May 9th, 2005 07:39 PM

In a completely different vein, we like to take a small pair of binoculars to get a better look at the amazing ceilings in churches (I'm particularly nutty for mosaics) and for the occasion distant view (especially in Rome from the top of St. Peter's, the top of the Spanish Steps, the top of the Castello, from Piazza Garibaldi).

LoveItaly May 9th, 2005 07:51 PM

Hi CDG, itineray etc. that would be good. BTW, just read Jean's post to you and it made me smile.

Every time I have gone to Italy I intend to take my binoculars. I have never remembered to do that. IF you have a pair, do tuck them into your carryon. And hopefully next year when I go to Italy I will also. Cin,cin.

LoveItaly May 9th, 2005 08:07 PM

Oh good grief, need to use the edit button, itinerary is what I meant to say. Just don't put any personal ID information in with it. And have fun!

Tiff May 10th, 2005 07:42 AM

Oh, one more thing, my lil ChiDalgirl,

If you did indeed really want to see the Ufizzi, don't give up on the idea, if not no worries, you'll catch it next time, there is so much splendor in Florence.

I never knew how lucky I was until I read many posts here. When I was in Florence, it was in May, I had no reservations, and did not have to wait long to get it, just a normal little line. And with David at the Accademia, same thing, no line, and got to stand right next to him, amazing.

It was lovely, and it wasn't until I started researching trips here that I found out how lucky I was to have had the experience of no lines, etc. Just lil me waltzing in, and there you go.

Also your hotel may have an "in" to get you "in" to Ufizzi, you never know.

Happy birthday, sweetie! Enjoy your first time. I can't wait to hear about your experiences in Venice, we leave in January, and it seems oh so far away!

Take care, have fun, and bask in the glory of Italy! :S- T.

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