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msheiny Aug 31st, 2014 06:48 PM

Leaving for Paris in three weeks, what are the must "book ahead" sights?
I have read that many of the top tourist destinations are much easier and less lines if you book online ahead of time. Is there anything you would suggest taking care of before we leave?
thanks in advance!

adrienne Aug 31st, 2014 06:52 PM

What sights will you be visiting? There are no lines for most sights in Paris.

greg Aug 31st, 2014 07:51 PM

Eiffel tower:

Michelin starred restaurants.

denisea Sep 1st, 2014 05:11 AM

There are some lines this time of year for the most famous sites (Louvre, d'Orsay, Notre Dame Towers). You can usually book a reservation to go up in the Eiffel Tower. The more popular museums will have some lines, depends on what day of the week and what time of day, and even which entrance you use. Go early or late to avoid lines. I have had better luck with underground mall entrance at the Louvre on rue Rivoli, not the front entrance where the pyramid is. Sainte Chappelle usually has a line due to security since it is part of the Justice Complex, you can't avoid this line, of course. The Paris Museum Pass will help you avoid ticket lines but you will still have a line (although usually shorter) for security at many sites.

You can buy the pass once you get to Paris. It comes in 2 day, 4 day and 6 day versions and once you begin using it, you need to use it on consecutive days. I love it because it is convenient although it may not be a money saver for you, especially if you do not visit a lot of monuments and museums. It is not good at the ET but can be used virtually everywhere else. The site will give you the days/hours for museum openings. Be sure you check to see when the places you want to visit are open(or closed) or has extended evening hours. The site also has an evening openings section.

Sarastro Sep 1st, 2014 05:19 AM

Online reservations for the Eiffel Tower are usually difficult to obtain and not really necessary. They can tie you to a period when it is raining and you may not want to use them then anyway. Either go early in the day (it opens at 09h00) or in the early evening.

I do not reserve for cafés or chain restaurants; I always reserve for regular restaurants. How far in advance one reserves depends upon the popularity of the place. Some restaurants I reserve the same day, others require a week or more.

nytraveler Sep 1st, 2014 05:35 AM

The only sight I am aware of that you need advance tickets for is the Eiffel Tower.

If you want to eat in a very famous restaurant you would be well advised to get reservations in advance. (Some are small and it may be necessary to book several weeks - esp i ffor more than 2 people)

PhillyFan Sep 1st, 2014 10:22 AM

<<What sights will you be visiting? There are no lines for most sights in Paris.


AlessandraZoe Sep 1st, 2014 10:46 AM

"Is there anything you would suggest taking care of before we leave?"

The only thing I would suggest is that if you are foodies, do your due diligence now, and if you don't ask your hotel to make reservations for you ahead of time, have at least some sort of evening "sketch" that you can fill in.

For example, I once used to go to Paris with every single night's meal planned. Now for a week's stay, I only make sure I have two or three nights reserved. I have ideas, though, for the rest :)

Here is where we will all lecture you with our Fodor's Forum Fingers:

Carte Musee? Great value if you want it (we did for our first five trips) but no need to buy ahead of time.

Transport Passes? No to the Paris Visite; other passes might work well for you. Most of us veteran returnees just use carnets. If you want a weekly pass, just make sure you create little passport size pics at home and put in a little baggie. Again, NO NEED TO BUY AHEAD OF TIME.

curiouser2709 Sep 1st, 2014 12:13 PM

I was in Paris in July so it was busy, also it was bastille day. My friend and I pre booked nothing and we were fine! We didn't go up the Eiffel Tower but we did go up the arc de triomphe, visited the louvre, Notre dame and all the other common spots. Unless you prefer the piece of mind I wouldn't pre-book.
Have a brilliant time! I loved it.

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