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janisj Jul 5th, 2014 04:10 PM

oops -- should be >>F1 qualifying<<

janisj Jul 5th, 2014 04:15 PM

now that is too bizarre . . . I posted that correction and left the computer just sitting for 45 mins -- and when I come back . . . it is posted <i>twice</i> 45 mins apart?? :?

janisj Jul 5th, 2014 06:54 PM

These are great :)

annhig Jul 6th, 2014 02:03 AM

but according to the latest news on the internet - from the Daily Mail no less! - he is due to take his place tomorrow. I hope that is so.>>

Daily Mail accurate as ever - he's out with a dislocated shoulder and ligament damage. admits it was his fault - you'd think he'd have learnt that two into one won't go. it won't stop me watching but it has taken some of the excitement out of it, i must confess.

love the pics, especially the llamas and Nora Batty.

RM67 Jul 6th, 2014 05:00 AM

Watching again today and really enjoying it - beautiful countryside and great support.

RM67 Jul 6th, 2014 05:06 AM

PS Love the pictures - especially the sheep.

Btw, for anyone thinking of going into Cambridge to see tomorrows stages, there is a French market on Parkers Piece 9the departure point) and the race proper starts at 12:15 ish.

annhig Jul 6th, 2014 06:53 AM

we've been watching on and off, fitting in the [delayed] British grand prix from Silverstone [won by Lewis Hamilton, hurray! as Rosberg's gear-box blew up but Button only 4th] and the tennis [one set all, sorry for the spoilers]. The Yorkshire Tourist board must be in 7th heaven to see these wonderful pictures being broadcast around the world. God's own country, indeed.

i won't be able to watch tomorrow as I've got to go to work ,but I might manage to listen, though the BBC commentary isn't a patch on the ITV's team, and you can't often say that. They just gave the Cornish flag a mention, so they are clearly very discerning.

RM67 Jul 6th, 2014 06:58 AM

I know Ann - I was just thinking what a great job they've been doing with the commentary very much against my expectations. Also, even the ad breaks haven't been too frequent or too badly timed. I didn't bother with Wimbledon as I like there to be a proper underdog, plus the womans final yesterday was very poor. Housework, tandoori chicken preparation and Tour De France all the way for me today.

annhig Jul 6th, 2014 07:26 AM

RM - the ITV commentary has always been very good in previous years and they have the same team doing it; i especially like Phil Liggett, Chris Boardman of course, and the new boy, David Millar.

vey exciting last few minutes, looks like Nibali is going to get it.

janisj Jul 6th, 2014 08:12 AM

>>won by Lewis Hamilton, hurray!<<

:( (not that Hamilton won -- that our only coverage is tape delayed so I doesn't come on for another 5 hours so that was a bit of a spoiler . . . and the Tour comes on in 4 hours)

annhig Jul 6th, 2014 08:25 AM

oh, jj, I'm so sorry! I am considering myself well and trying told off.

I will try to remember this in future.

janisj Jul 6th, 2014 08:32 AM

Naw -- don't worry about it. (Our TV networks are soooooooo lame - tape delaying everything. And being on the west coast it is even worse. We get used to it)

annhig Jul 6th, 2014 08:43 AM

jj - you re too kind. a hint then - don't miss the beginning of the Grand Prix.

janisj Jul 6th, 2014 12:46 PM

Today's Tour coverage started about 30 mins ago . . . Looks like another gorgeous day and the crowds seem even larger than yesterday. Some of those spectators really seem to have a death wish >)

Gosh - I hadn't paid much attention to the route except for the two stages oop north and now I see tomorrow's stage runs right past St Katharines Marina where we stayed.

Unfortunately the coverage of the Tour and the Gran Prix overlap so I'll be switching over soon (We're spoiled for options today - Wimbledon final was broadcast on ESPN in real time early this AM but is being re-telecast on ABC right now - so the Tour/Silverstone/Wimbledon are all on telly simultaneously)

annhig Jul 6th, 2014 12:49 PM

jj - we had the same trouble - at times we were swapping between 3 channels in a vain attempt to keep up with all 3 events. Thank goodness there was no cricket or football on as well!

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