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-   -   Kind of hard to do a trip report of a 4 month trip, but I have pictures if you're interested... (

Clifton May 21st, 2003 06:42 PM

Mina, such an eye for composition you have! Great shots. Your pics help confirm that I'd really love to take a Ljubljana/Bled to Dubrovnik trip someday. Darn ya, I already have a full list of places to go. :)

Anyway, nice work and you may want to think about giving Ofoto a try for your prints since you have them there anyway.

We have a number of travel pics of ours up on our walls that Ofoto did and they're not bad. Some are even 16X20. They overlightened on of mine from the Connemara and had a new one out with the changes I requested at no charge, including shipping.

Beatchick May 21st, 2003 06:45 PM


Thanks for sharing your photos with us! I loved the blue door with the rose trellis the best and next the view of the water & balcony from your hotel room - the latter looked like an ad photo for Greece!!


kismetchimera May 21st, 2003 06:58 PM

I tried to get in the webb to see the photos, but could not get through...

cigalechanta May 21st, 2003 07:06 PM

Thank you Mina, after trying at least ten times(due to my Typos and physical problems) I finally saw what was worth trying to see.

crazymina May 21st, 2003 11:26 PM

Kind comments, thanks again. :)

As for the sepia filter...I found using the filter in the original shoot, versus changing it in photoshop was neat because it seem to have an almost polarizing quality...details in buildings lost in regular color became enhanced in sepia. So therefore I don't know if changing filters within photoshop would be as good. Changing to black and white seems to be fine though. When in doubt, I took the same shot in both color and sepia...easy to do on a digital!

Marija...there were many highlights...most having to do with people I met. Having David all to myself was definitely a highlight, as was Croatia and Spain. I wish I could say more, but then I'd never stop!

Scarlett, if I make it to NYC soon, you have a deal. :)

Clifton, did you post in high res and order through ofoto? The photos I posted I saved in a very low resolution, so I didn't know if they'd print well. On my last trip, I burned them on all CD with a very high res and took them to a photolab. I'd be interested in giving ofoto a try, since I really like their free online posting service.

Mucky, Dachau was one of my most memorable days, partly because I didn't expect to be so deeply touched by it all. I would strongly advise you take the free tour, which takes two hours. In the winter, it was on Saturday, but I think there are more offered in peak times. Our guide was very insightful and I know that there would have been much I missed without him. I've heard the tours are far better than the audio guides as well. They take a couple of hours. I finished off with the short film that was shown, and that wrapped it up together in a profound way. I highly recommend it.

Good to know some of these newer cameras have friend and I did some digital camera shopping in Olomouc and couldn't find any that had the feature. I want to buy a new one soon...but the one good thing about the dinosaurs is that they're durable! Dropped mine three times (once from standing on a bench to the concrete below) and it still worked fine.

crazymina May 21st, 2003 11:31 PM

oh, forgot to say, kismetchimera...if you'd like to email me at [email protected], I can send you a direct link to the pictures, which may work better.

kismetchimera May 22nd, 2003 01:28 PM

Mina, your pictures were GREAT!!! Thank You so much for sharing such beauties with us...I really enjoyed the black and white photos.. the one taken at Dachau is poignant, so sad, if only the place could talk.....

auntgrapes May 22nd, 2003 07:42 PM

Mina~~the photos are terrific !

Mme_LeBlanc May 23rd, 2003 07:42 AM


Your photos are incredible! What an eye you have. I especially loved the photo of the children playing in the fountain in Seville. Looks like you had a trip you'll never forget.

Nikki May 23rd, 2003 07:58 AM

Wow. Inspirational.

Clifton May 23rd, 2003 09:05 PM


Well, we had a mix of both. Started off capturing at high res, but switched down to low res when we realized how much memory we were eating up and didn't want to dip into funds for another flash card enroute.

Still though, the prints from the low res JPG's came out very clear at 4X6 and even at 5X7 when we went against Ofoto's recommendations. Nothing 5X7 or smaller came out blurry or overpixelated. Next time though, we'll take enough memory or a digital wallet, in order to every thing at high res. You just never know.

You might want to just have them print a couple off, as they're only 50 cents for the 4X6 and see how they do, before you do a whole order. Also, I understand that Costco and Sam's Club warehouse sales places do file to print photo development as well on the cheap, if you're a member.

marktynernyc May 24th, 2003 08:36 AM

the company running the photo album web site, Ofotot, reserves the right to sell/give your email address to other partners. Do not join Ofoto. You should be able to view the photos without having to join.

crazymina May 24th, 2003 09:02 AM

Thanks Clifton for the info!

Hi Mark, I wasn't aware of that. However, to get an account to see the pictures, I know you can give any old bogus email long as no one else has given the same fake address. It's pretty easy to get around their registration without giving your real email address.

Jim_Tardio May 24th, 2003 09:44 AM

Nice work, Mina. Thanks for posting the link. You have a good eye for isolating a subject.

I also suggest Costco or Sam's Club for prints. Sams uses a Fuji Frontier Digital printer which is an excellent way to to.

crazymina May 24th, 2003 09:57 AM

Thanks Jim. I appreciate your compliment! I love your pictures and check back time to time for new ones. There are a couple of yours that I with with a hill in the back under an ominous sky and Gondolier silouettes. I'll look into your suggestions for Costo...

WanderingTexan May 24th, 2003 01:26 PM

Fabulous Mina! Are you going to be in Italy next June? I need a photographer for my daughter's wedding!! Thanks so much for sharing. We use photoshop and I bought an HP 100 photo printer, around $100-150 last year... prints pretty decent photos.

flygirl May 24th, 2003 06:02 PM

gorgeous photos Mina~! and love your stories...

islandmom May 24th, 2003 07:30 PM

Holy Moly! I thought I was good at photography until I saw your photos. You are so good! You have to become a travel photographer. And your comments were funny. I never thought of traveling Europe in the cold and snow. It looks magical.

Without being distasteful, how much $$$ would I be looking at for a dream trip like yours?

crazymina May 24th, 2003 10:33 PM

Islandmom, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]. I can fill you in on the cost of my trip then, as it's probably not kosher for me to post how much I spent. ;-)

Wandering Texan, I replied to your question on the Dubrovnik thread you posted, so I won't repeat it here...

Thanks flygirl!

Joelleinitaly04 May 25th, 2003 06:08 AM

How did you manage to get David all to yourself?

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