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mcnyc Jul 24th, 2005 05:11 AM

Just back from my nightmare, at least Milan was great!
Hello all. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm freshly returned from my Mediterranean trip with my parents and uncle, and I'm utterly exhausted.

Milan was great, so thanks to everyone who gave advice for this trip (and ideas for future trips!). It was the only part of our trip where we'd be innocently unaware that our luggage (save 1) was not to be seen for the rest of our trip.

LoveItaly, I'm sorry to say that I did not find the name of your hotel. I looked around and around for it, but only found a store and a complete renovation of the building that was to the left of the Opera House. I even walked down that little street between the Opera house and the hotel, to see if there was anything I might have missed. Perhaps I was jetlagged and missed it completely. In any case, my apologies, but hope someone else might be able to help and confirm/correct my observations.

Even though I don’t remember much about my trip, most especially the cruise portion, a trip report with what I do remember is forthcoming. Right now, I am still dealing with Alitalia on my lost luggage issues. As the family I was traveling with are on the elderly side, this caused me much grief as I ran off every excursion looking for clothes or male diapers, depending on what day we're talking about. I never bought a lot since I believed Costa telling me they’d find and deliver my luggage. In the end, I got clothes for everyone except me, and I was too exhausted to even care at a certain point.

We filed lost luggage claims upon discovering that none our luggage was not ever going to come through the conveyer belt in Genoa on 7/9. Since we were on the last flight into Genoa that evening, I was told to check the next morning for our luggage. On the bright side, I did not have to worry about schlepping 3 pieces of luggage onto the bus to our hotel in Genoa so late at night. Like a soccer mom, I herded my family to a taxi to Genoa to get news on our luggage, and then herded them back onto a taxi to our cruise, empty handed, to Savona. I never knew boarding a cruise with no luggage would be considered slightly suspicious. I had to explain everywhere that the airline lost our luggage and we have no other clothing, where we got the most sympathetic looks. I was still chipper at this point, and naively looking forward to the delivery of our bags the next day. Silly me.

The Costa Fortuna people were nice enough, and said they would do everything to find our luggage before the end of the cruise, stating that it was rare that they do not find luggage. I believed them until day 3 of the cruise, and became an irritated passenger on day 5 of the cruise, having not had time to decompress from my hectic work schedule immediately before the cruise. The guest relations people did not allow me to see the manager until that day, when I also asked how long it took for laundry to return to my room, seeing that we had limited clothing, all of which had the Costa symbol on it at that point (it took no less than 2 full days before we got our clothes back from the laundry, even after requesting express service!). I only saw 1 luggage of 3 delivered to me, in Barcelona, 5 minutes before the ship was to leave port. Fortunately this had my mother's and my clothes in it, since I had no time to shop for my own clothes, save 2 Costa t-shirts and a skirt. As I understood it, 4 other cabins did not receive their luggage when we disembarked on 7/17, but as my fellow irate passenger stated, “I don’t care about the other people, right now, I care about my luggage. Get me my luggage! The cruise is almost over!!!”

Immediately after the cruise, I ran over to Genoa airport lost and found, only to find that they'd sent the luggage to our first cruise stop, Naples, where it was waiting there for pick up by the Costa people. They were then sent to Barcelona, but they didn’t know why Costa didn’t pick it up at the first location, or why only 1 piece of luggage was delivered in Barcelona when they were all sent together there.

This is where I need help. I was told to contact my travel agent to get some sort of compensation. Unfortunately, our travel agent was traveling with us on the cruise, and she didn’t do anything save ask me questions like have we received our luggage yet, or commenting how we’re so lucky to wear new clothes every day (?!?!?!?!?!?!!!). The Costa people have been helpful to me in this respect, asking that I contact their main office in the US, and stating my situation. They, of course, did not promise me anything, which I completely understand. However, I’ve never lost luggage before, mainly because I pack light and never had to check luggage. I’ve been told to keep receipts for everything I’ve purchased. I’m assuming I ask reimbursement of this from the airline? Any help you can provide would be most helpful.

And to think, I went away to get away from life stress (family stress I expected). Who knew it would follow me. Lucky me, I get to go back to work tomorrow. BLECH!!!

Cassandra Jul 24th, 2005 05:31 AM

The airline, Costa, and your travel agent are all going to point fingers at the others. Seems to me Costa is the one who is finally responsible for your never having seen your belongings ever again. One possibility, depending on spending levels and limits, is to threaten small claims court. Whatever others may suggest, I hope you have or can generate a day-by-day journal of the failures, with details of who you spoke to, what they claimed.

What an appalling mess! I'm so sorry!

elaine Jul 24th, 2005 05:35 AM

I think you should try asking for much more than just compensation for the clothes, but fora rebate on a vacation that was spoiled by events that were entirely not YOUR fault.
In addition to compensation from them aor a spoiled trip, your own insurance company may cover you for the losses.

ira Jul 24th, 2005 05:42 AM

Hi mc,

My sympathies.

I agree, you want a new vacation and compensation for the clothes you bought.

It is unlikely that any of the people involved in causing this fiasco will be amenable to paying you anything.

Conde Nast traveler has an Ombudsman who has helped many others in your sort of situation. You might want to write Conde Nast after you have been brushed off by the others.


mcnyc Jul 24th, 2005 06:15 AM

Thanks. I completely expect that Costa and Alitalia will be pointing fingers at each other. It's something I expected at our first cruise stop, when I didn't get our luggage. I am hoping I do not have to go the court route, as it will only cause more havoc and stress for me.

It was indeed a completely ruined vacation, with false hopes installed at every port.

At our first stop in Naples, I was told they found all 3 luggage. Great! When I went back to the ship after our excursion, and found no luggage in our room, I went straight to guest relations who told me they had no news on our luggage, but they would have more news the next day.

The next morning, in Palermo, I got the brush off and was told there was no news about my luggage. I had to insist they had news, especially since they had told me they had found my luggage. The woman disappears into the back office for a long time, only to return and tell me they found 2 pieces, not 3, and it would be delivered in the afternoon, around 4:30pm. Great. I go out for a little time to myself, come back, ask my mother if we received any luggage, and was told nope. Go back to guest relations, who tells me again there's no news, when I insist they look again, because I was told there was some news that morning. Of course, they could not find my luggage yet again. The next day is Tunisia, so we're not to expect luggage, but should get something in Palma. Fine.

Tunisia night is gala night. We were not in the mind to walk around in rented/borrowed dresses and sneakers. Needless to say, we ate pizza at the buffet. I hate pizza now.

Palma comes and goes, again, no luggage, and I had to insist they had some news on my luggage. The woman who took my claim in the beginning of the cruise was stand-offish, and obviously giving me the brush off. I demanded answers, and she comes back with they've only found 1 luggage. Great. What happened to the other 2, I ask. I am not a happy camper. I tell her every time I've asked, I have lost a piece of luggage. I only brought 3 pieces of luggage, so I'm one ask away from losing all my luggage yet again, none of which I have seen since I left JFK. I'm afraid to ask anymore. Psychology works. I'm told maybe Barcelona would hold better news for me. Yeah right.

Barcelona comes. I ask in the morning. No news. I tell them there's been news, they need to try harder. We come back from our cruise excursion, no luggage. I go to guest relations again. Where is my luggage, I ask. No news. Really? Check again. He disappears into the back office. They may deliver the luggage today. I ask for a definitive answer, yes or no, not "may" or "maybe" since I have to purchase clothes, plus, we're in Italy one more week for vacation. I then ask how long it takes for laundry to get done around here, or if they've lost my laundry as well since it has been more than 2 days since its drop off. The man disappears into the back office, and I finally get to FINALLY meet the manager I've been requesting to see the entire cruise. He's a nice enough guy. Helpful enough. Too bad too little too late. Thank goodness I get to see my luggage today, I was afraid to give my clothes to the laundry at this point.

Being reasonable beings, we were allowed to walk directly into the manager's office to talk to him and get updates. This made me feel better than getting the brush off from all but 2 nice young ladies who were at least nice to my face.

The airline has called me today to try and deliver my luggage to my house!!! I'm scared, as when they called yesterday, they were asking if I lived in Brooklyn. They were supposed to have delivered by 10am today, but nothing yet. I've even checked my lost luggage info at Alitalia online, and they had my wrong address down.

Of course, ever the trooper, on the bright side, there isn't as much dirty laundry to sort through this time. I will be kissing my family's luggage the minute it is delivered safely in my hands.

aggiemom Jul 24th, 2005 06:58 AM

mc - I'm so sorry for your nightmare! Please post again and keep us updated.

PS: I have six loads of laundry waiting for me right now so, you're right - always look on the bright side!!

Peggyann Jul 24th, 2005 06:59 AM

Dear MCNYC: My sincerest condolences to you . What a mess and a travellers worst nightmare come true! After looking forward to a nice relaxing cruise to have to deal with your own disappointment as well as taking care of others who are older.
I think sometimes, although I dearly love the Italian psyche, they are capable of putting on a cheerful face and give one reassurances based on not much fact. Unfortunately for you, this was the case. Good news today, but then no good news in reality. Lots of missing communicating between Alitalia and Costa, somebody, probably in both camps, dropped the ball. Over and Over.
I agree with Ira's suggestion about the Conde Nast ombudsman. Worth a try.

Did you fly JFK to Genoa or was there a change of planes somewhere in Europe. I'm in dread of something like this happening to my family group in 6 weeks. We are 19, and many are up there in age.
Good luck in trying to get some satisfaction. Getting back to work might be just the ticket for you now after this miserable adventure. I hope there were some good times in all of your excursions wearing the Costa clothing! Good luck to you and sometime you may be able to share some of your better moments on this trip.

tuckerdc Jul 24th, 2005 07:15 AM

I'm on pins and needles, mcnyc - waiting to hear if the luggage actually shows up! Hope you'll post pronto.

Condolences on a dreadful experience. Whether or not you get your belongings back in hand, somebody OWES you something, big-time!

nonnafelice Jul 24th, 2005 07:26 AM

What a horrible experience.

I learned after we had a nightmare time with Virgin Atlantic earlier this year, that the European Union has some pretty strict consumer-friendly regulations about what the airlines have to do when they screw up.

Here is some information that may help you with a claim, from the European Consumer Center -- see

You are protected when you travel on a flight from or to an EU country under the European Regulation on Denied Boarding, Cancellation or Long Delay (EC 261/2004). You are also protected under the Montreal Convention for the Unification on Certain Rules for the International Carriage by Air 1999.

Lost, damaged and delayed luggage
Under the Montreal Convention, air passengers can demand up to 1,000 Special Drawing Rights for loss, destruction or delay of baggage. The value of an SDR is based on a basket of international currencies. The calculation is made daily by the International Monetary Fund and is available on

How to claim for damaged or lost luggage.
If luggage fails to arrive at its destination or is damaged it is important to follow these procedures; In case of damage the passenger has to make a written complaint within 7 days from the date of the receipt of the luggage. In case of delay a written complaint must be made within 21 days of receipt of the luggage.

nonnafelice Jul 24th, 2005 07:28 AM

P.S. I wasn't sure whether you actually booked your flight through Alitalia, or if it was part of a package from Costa. Here is another paragraph that may apply:

Air travel as part of a package holiday
Although flights that form part of a package holiday are covered by EC Regulation 261/2004, where for example a holiday is cancelled due to an element of the package holiday other than the flight being unavailable the airline will not be liable. Where air travel is part of a package holiday the air passenger may be entitled to receive the compensation from the tour operator instead of from the airline.

mcnyc Jul 24th, 2005 08:24 AM

Thanks for everyone's concerns. The eagle has landed. We received our luggages, a little worse for the wear, in Queens. There are small tears in our luggage, expected of course, but all in all, it's pretty well intact. I was ready to drive to the airport myself to pick up the luggages if they didn't arrive by 1!

If only the luggage could speak...I can see from their labels that they've been to Milan, Rome and Genoa, but no Napoli or Barcelona.

Thank you all for your advice. I'm not one to complain for the most part, but I'm extremely dissatisfied that a vacation my parents and uncle have been looking forward to all their lives has been ruined. I now only look forward to taking them to their next dream destinations. But I will use the Conde Nast Ombudsman to get proper restitution. First, I will write to the airline today so that I may protect my rights w/i the 21 allotted days.

Peggyann: My flight was JFK to MXP, 10 hour layover until my flight from MXP to GOA. Relatively uneventful for the most part. I've traveled to Europe and Asia a few times, each time w/ a connecting flight (except for London), and have never met up with such a nightmare. I'm sure this is one of those "quirks". I just hit the jackpot, that's all. I cannot tell you how many people walked around me with a cartful of suitcases, all which were checked, none which were lost. It's also amazing how you notice things like that when you have nothing to carry. It gave traveling lightly a whole new meaning. It also allowed me to figure out what I can and cannot live without. Clothes, apparently, were the last thing on my mind, however, water and gelato were first and foremost.

Nonnafelice: thank you for the links. We purchased our tickets separately from the cruise, as we were getting there earlier and staying later. Our travel agent suggested that we book our own tickets due to our itinerary, so I did, and got an open jaw ticket for cheaper than a regular round trip.

A lesson learned: no matter what the nice people at guest relations tell you, the minute you leave the cruise, your lost luggage file ceases to exist in the eyes of the cruise. You become soley responsible for finding your luggages' whereabouts. I was aware of this, plus, I was quite persistent in finding our stuff, so I educated the nice people in guest relations (the manager didn't need to be educated, he just confirmed what I already knew).

No rest for the wicked, I guess. Thanks for reading my rants. I'm still a bit sleep deprived.

nibblette Jul 24th, 2005 09:48 AM

So sorry for the horrible vacation! If you have travel insurance, they can help you some.
Agree with the others that you should get compensation for more than the extra expenses. You will most likely get a bunch of finger pointing. The new EU laws should help.

If you get no satisfaction, you can write to Conde Nast's Ombudsman or to National Geographic Traveler (Chris Elliott), both of which help travelers with disasters like you. But you will have to try to get the compensation from the travel agent/airline/Costa, whoever is supposedly ultimately responsible first. The magazines only step in after you have run into a deadend.
Don't forget to document everything (names and dates of people spoken to) and keep copies of all letters sent and trip expense receipts.
Good luck. Please update us on the outcome.

LoveItaly Jul 24th, 2005 01:49 PM

Dear Margaret, I can't even tell you how very sorry I am regarding the lost luggage and your ruined trip. A nightmare for sure! You have been given some good advice here as to how to proceed so I won't bother repeating that.

My dear, I cannot believe with all you had on your mind you took the time, or even remembered, to check out the Mariana alla Scala Hotel for me. Words such as thank you do not begin to describe my appreciation. You were looking in exactly the right location. If the hotel was still there you could not have missed it. The entrance was on the little street by the way.

So, now I know why there is no website, no information at all. This favorite hotel of mine in Milan no longer exsist. I am rather surprised as the location was so perfect and the hotel was wonderful. But what is the saying "you can't go home". Margaret again I thank you so very much, I am truly touched that you checked this out for me and then posted the situation here on Fodor's. With all you have been through I am afraid I would not have even thought about it.

My very best wishes to you that you and your family will get a suitable reimbursement for all the misery and the ruined vacation. I truly admire your spirit. Hope you can get some rest, take good care of yourself. And again, thank you so much for all your thoughts.

sallyjane3 Jul 24th, 2005 03:10 PM

Bless your heart! I am so sorry your trip was ruined. I will keep my fingers crossed and said a prayer or two that things will even out for you, which means there's a fun time coming, huh?!

mcnyc Jul 24th, 2005 05:15 PM

Hi LoveItaly. Thank you for your kind words, but I would have looked regardless of my situation, after all, I'm already there, why not? I still feel bad I didn't take pictures of the area to confirm/contradict my observations. :(

I do want to clarify and let you know that I was still blissfully unaware that our luggage was by then on a joy ride in the back of a baggage cart roaming Malpensa. I'm glad I didn't know then, because it was the one part of my trip where I genuinely had fun w/o dread hanging over me. And it allowed me to enjoy a city I've always wanted to visit, even if it was only for a few hours.

Perhaps the renovations will be for a new hotel? I'm not sure.

Anyway, I've promised my brother I'd take him for his first European trip on his birthday in late March (very handy!), so I may be back to Italy (and Milan, but w/luggage stored at Centrale) to show him the sites. All I need now is for him to be able to take some time off work. Being in Palermo, I even got him a bottle of limoncello in the middle of searching for necessities. After all, limoncello is a necessity, isn't it? ;) He's lucky I have self control, otherwise, it woulda been down the hatch. Instead, I downed my sorrows in bottles of sparkling water. How boring!

Anyway, I'm done writing up my critiques for both the cruise line and the airline, which I will review again when I've had more sleep. And seeing how our travel agent handled our situation during our trip, well, I'm not even going to deal with her anymore, not even writing to let her know what a lousy job she performed. I will chalk it up to "you get what you paid for." Her loss. We were 4 people in 2 balcony rooms, and while I don't have much money, I'm willing to pay for the elders' comfort.

Thanks to everyone for their kind words as well. My mind is better able to process thoughts now that it's night and near sleepy time.

I'll keep everyone updated in the meantime.

wlzmatilida Jul 25th, 2005 05:43 AM

Hi Mc!

What a terrible mess and I think we're all in agreement that it is a nightmare (and it's not even over).

As I am a travel agent, I thought I'd reply to your post and hopefully be of some help...

1. Did you take travel insurance? Either on your own or offered by the cruise line? If the answer to this question is YES then save yourself time in writing to the cruise line, airline, etc. and file a claim ASAP. (further, if your travel agent did not mention, or offer travel insurance when you were booking your cruise with her then beat her with a stale slice of pizza). :)

2. My guess would be the airline dropped the ball and the cruise line complicated things further with poor customer service. While I hate to say this, you were dealing with a double threat here -- a airline & a cruise line not known for being efficient!

I've been booking cruises for 15 years and I won't book Costa -- unless the client came to me and insisted, and then I'd have them sign a waiver -- does that tell you anything?!

3. Compensation from either the airline or the cruise line - don't waste your time. They are not going to send you a check for "X" amount of dollars. At the most, they might send you a certificate for future travel -- and you don't really want that do you?

4. Writing Conde Nast -- it's worth a shot, but I can't even imagine the volume of mail they receive considering I'm in the business and occasionally have to go to bat for one of my clients, and that's just my tiny corner of the industry.

(and, btw, this is where you find out what a company is REALLY like -- when there's a problem). For example -- I dealt with one resort for 9 years and everything was fine -- until they overbooked and put my client in an inferior property (hysterical calls from client in the Caribbean). It took me nearly ONE YEAR of phone calls to the VP in New York, countless letters, documentation, etc., to get her a $380 refund.

I'm sure Conde Nast is BOMBARDED with complaint letters (the volume on airline screw ups alone must be staggering), and I don't know what their criteria is for choosing someone's letter out of the mail received.

But if you do get a response, let us know! I have my fingers crossed that you took out travel insurance.



mcnyc Jul 25th, 2005 06:54 PM

Hi Melodie, I did get travel insurance from the cruise line. I will reread the insurance coverage to see what's pertinent to my situation. I'm still writing to the airline and the cruise line as they both need to know their mishaps caused me and my family to have a miserable time, and waste way too much money. In the end, they need to make some kind of resitution. One promised to send me my luggage to my final destination; the other, when my luggage wasn't at my final destination, had the responsibility to get my luggage to me. Otherwise, why have me spend my time dealing with guest relations filling out forms and giving them copies of my files when I could have called the airline myself to retrieve my luggage.

Needless to say, I'm still stressed from the past 2 weeks. And work today really didn't help.

wlzmatilida Jul 25th, 2005 09:37 PM


I am SO glad to hear that you've got travel insurance!

This is where you will get a refund, and while I agree with you about the fact that they owe you resitution and an apology, the hard facts are that you will get a form letter from the cruise line "apologizing" and offering you "X" amount of discount on a future cruise.

You mentioned "why have you fill out all those forms", etc? Well, because somewhere the "procedure" is that's what you do -- they tell you that, because you feel like you're actually doing something to resolve your situation, and they've "fulfilled" their obligation and gotton you out of their hair and don't have to deal with you anymore.

I know, it's crazy, because you'd think that they'd actually WANT to make their clients happy so they'd book another cruise with them, but I'm sorry, that's not the case with Costa, and many other travel providers. They figure they're going to make this up in volume; or the next 10 passengers.

It's a really stupid way to do business and a good indication why the airlines are all in bankruptcy and many cruise lines following their lead. Nevermind the moral implications.

Apparently they've never heard of that old saying that one person with a bad experience will tell 20 people, and those 20 people will tell more people, etc.

Just last week I had clients coming back from Paris...I had arranged for transfers to/from their hotel. Well, their flight was delayed 2 hrs upon arrival. My client did all the right things - she waited and when no one showed up, she got her own cab and then called the tour company..several one ever returned her call. So,on her return flight, again she got a cab - to the tune of $100 Euros on top of what she'd already paid in advance for no pick up!

I filed a report. My wholesaler came back with a lame excuse. "they waited outside CDG for over an hour". "the cab was outside their hotel at 10:15A to return to the airport". Stupid.

I had to send a letter saying this wasn't acceptable. If this is a transfer company they should be monitoring if flights that are late and deal with it accordingly. On the return -- how was my client to know that anyone was there at 10:15A outside their hotel? Did anyone actually CALL their room?

I had to throw in that maybe my agency wouldn't be making any more reservations with them because of this, and the fact that I'm on a electronic board of travel agents (over 3,000) that I just might have to WARN about this before I was able to get them their refund!

So, my agency does thousands of dollars of business with them, as opposed to the individual who has one reservation, so you can imagine the level of customer service for an individual!



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