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lawchick Jan 23rd, 2007 01:01 AM

It's very boring here during the day (in Europe).
This thread gets very boring during the day (CET) when all the Yankies are in bed.

So, I'll tell you what the day is like here in Brussels - to amuse fellow readers.

It's very cold today. It has been very warm of late (9-14 degrees) but today is 1 degree. Even the dog doo on the pavements is frozen.

The skies are very grey - but the rabbits are playing outside. I think they forgot to hibernate this year.

There is no exciting news in Brussels today it seems - but I still enjoy this picture from last week -

More car drivers should take public transport.

Dukey Jan 23rd, 2007 01:12 AM

This Yankee has been up for over an hour and the weather where I am sounds like the weather where you are.

I'm staring out at a bunch of trees in my backyard; I think I'd trade for boring Brussels LOL!

cristine27 Jan 23rd, 2007 01:18 AM

Well, i can share the weather from Athens/Greece.. :-)
It's partly sunny and everybody hopes that one of these days the winter will come. It's like spring this year in Greece.. I want to see some snow!!!

lawchick Jan 23rd, 2007 01:20 AM

I would swap brussels for sunny Athens.

Marianna Jan 23rd, 2007 01:25 AM

We had a little snow overnight in my area just north of Boston, MA. It is cold and getting colder later in the week. We had some very mild days in late December and the beginning of January, but now it has gone back to the normal weather for winter in New England.

Cristine27, I'll trade my dusting of snow for the sunny warmth of Greece!

Toupary Jan 23rd, 2007 01:27 AM


It's 1°C here in Paris, so I sympathise. Perfect nesting weather, but not for me. I have a little puppy who won't cooperate.

They're calling for snow here tomorrow.

Tulips Jan 23rd, 2007 01:44 AM

We were due a little cold weather lawchick; I'm in Antwerpen. Wouldn't mind some snow; anything but more rain and wind.

Nothing exciting happening here. I want to go to New York to shop for bags and shoes with Marginal_Margiela.

lawchick Jan 23rd, 2007 01:50 AM

Tulip - the shopping is great in Antwerpen. I go there regularly. Brussels is crap - you can either buy Chanel or C&A - there is little in between.

flanneruk Jan 23rd, 2007 01:51 AM

The weather in the Cotswolds is simply glorious.

Just cold enough to solidify the muddy paths and not a cloud in the sky. The flannerpooch was so excited at the first relatively dry morning constitutional he's had in a month he spent quarter of an hour rolling in the frosty long (and doo-free: our townsfolk scoop it up, unlike the Bruxellois) grass.

The view through my office window is a mass of snowdrops, and you can see the buds on the first crocuses. There are even a couple of foolhardy daffs thinking about popping out.

cafegoddess Jan 23rd, 2007 01:51 AM

It is past midnight in Hawaii, the night is cool and I can hear the waves pounding the shore, we are supposed to have a beautiful day. I can't sleep and I am wishing I am in London right now.

flanneruk Jan 23rd, 2007 01:56 AM


Do rabbits hibernate? They never seem to stop foraging down here.

Or is it that British rabbits are workaholics, while Eurocrat rabbits are usually always after an excuse to skive off?

Versus Jan 23rd, 2007 01:56 AM

Well it's almost 6 am in Miami, FL and I have woken up VERY EARLY today - usually get up by 9 am - so I decided to check out my favorite Fodors forum.
A nice, sunny and warm weather awaits, this month the weather have been like spring time here in Miami, clear blue skies, very sunny and a little breeze, perfect for going to the beach or relaxing by the pool.
I've been doing some research on home swapping. Read some about it in this forum a few days ago and it might be a good idea to travel more often.
Good day to all of you out there!!

111op Jan 23rd, 2007 01:58 AM

Isn't there r. Antoine Dansaert in Brussels? And that shop called Stijl? If too bored it's always possible to get some chocolates from Pierre Marcolini.

lawchick Jan 23rd, 2007 01:59 AM

I actually don't think rabbits hibernate infact. I think last winter they were probably wiped out by myxomatosis or eaten by Belgians - or most likely both.

Mind you, our canteen does have a fondness for Lapin à la Gueuze.

lawchick Jan 23rd, 2007 02:00 AM

I would indeed like to go to Marcolini and buy chocolates, but it's difficult when I'm feigning work here on the green-field site.

111op Jan 23rd, 2007 02:03 AM

Don't Europeans get these long lunch hours starting about now? It's around 12 noon. Time to stop by Pierre Marcolini!

lawchick Jan 23rd, 2007 02:06 AM

I have to go to the hairdressers. Hair is slightly more important than chocolate.

I must look lovely for my shallow eurocrat free food and drink fancy reception this evening.

Actually - thats a way for cheap tourists to save money in Brussels. Just dress up smartly and wander from reception to reception - they are always on in the same places.

flanneruk Jan 23rd, 2007 02:15 AM

Actually, I'm being ufair.

There's a message in my inbox from the director of the DG responsible for my industry. Dated 1930 last night - 10 mins after I'd sent the note this was a reply to.

The UK counterpart typically takes a week.

caroline_edinburgh Jan 23rd, 2007 02:36 AM

Also c. 1 degree here down in Pembroke where I'm visiting the PILs. Been lovely and sunny since Saturday when we arrived, and yesterday we saw masses of daffodils out on a roadside near Tenby. We left Edinburgh with horizontal rain and no sign even of the snowdrops yet.

Tulips Jan 23rd, 2007 03:03 AM

lawchick; I totally agree with your shopping assesment; went to Rue Dansaert a few months ago, and can't really see what the fuss is about. I much prefer the general atmosphere of shopping in Antwerp (but maybe that's because it's more familiar).

Haven't seen rabbits lately, but just saw a squirrel that I thought would hibernate. Also a probably escaped tropical bird, looking lovely among the robins and blackbirds. At least I don't think it flew here from Africa. Hope it survives this cold spell.

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