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ginquinnmoon Sep 9th, 2014 04:03 PM

Italy, Austria, Belgium
I know, I know I'm nuts and want to jam pack a family trip. Ten day trip, during Christmas season, in and out of Rome. I'm hoping 3 days in Rome, 1 or 2 in Florence, day trip to Venice then 1 day in Verona or Luca. I am hoping to then fly to Austria and/or Belgium. I know it's a lot. I backpacked many years ago and want to relive as much as possible with family. Any travel, lodge, restaurant help is gratefully appreciated. Mostly I'm hoping I'm not nuts. Please tell me I'm not nuts

ginquinnmoon Sep 9th, 2014 04:23 PM

Correction: Italy, Switzerland and Austria

janisj Sep 9th, 2014 04:39 PM

'I know it's a lot. I backpacked many years ago and want to relive as much as possible with family."

So you want to torture your family????

What a 19 yo can do w/o sleep and dashing around gawping at things . . . and a family . . . two TOTALLY different things.

With just ten days -- and ESPECIALLY in the short/cold/wet days of winter -- Just Rome/Florence/Venice would be a very ambitious itinerary. Plus - have you even accounted for the 2.5 days eaten up just traveling to/from Europe?

nytraveler Sep 9th, 2014 04:42 PM

You're nuts.

How many days do you actually have on the ground (not counting the day you arrive or the day you depart)?

Are any of these Dec 24, Dec 25 or Dec 31/Jan 1 - when sightseeing can be very limited?

Must you fly both in and out of Rome? You can save a full day by flying open jaws and not have to circle back to rome.

Never mind the days - how many nights do you have in each place (2 nights equels one full day).

Just Rome, Florence and Venice is really pushing it for 10 full days on the ground - esp around holidays.

Adding Verona, Lucca and vienna and/or Switz means you will spend at least half of our limited time there just getting from one place to another. Given the very short days and that sights may well be closed for holidays and open shorter off-season hours - you are cutting back on sightseeing opportunities even more.

And what if you get snow? How much can that hold up flights? Slow down travel even in cities?

I suggest you sit down and make a list of your days on the ground, including what you will see that day (realistic timing) and what city you will sleep in. Allow 1/2 days each time you change cities (it doesnlt matter if the train is 2 hours - from starting to pack in hotel A to unpacking in hotel B will take at least 1/2 day) and then see how quickly you run out of days. Unless this is just a check the box rather than actually see anything.

Also, how many and what ages are the "family". If there are seniors or any small kids as part of the group assume everything will take longer.

bvlenci Sep 10th, 2014 11:05 AM

Let your kids do their own backpacking when they're old enough. Make this a family vacation. Kids enjoy being somewhere, but they hate getting there, as you probably know.

sandralist Sep 10th, 2014 11:45 AM

Your nuts.

But here are some crazy possibilities

Arrive Rome -- some nights in Rome
Train to Florence -- day trips to Venice and Lucca
Fly from Pisa or Bologna to Vienna
Fly from Vienna to Rome

Arrive Rome --- some nights in Rome
Train to Florence -- day trip to Lucca
Train to Venice -- Flight to Brussels
Flight from Brussels to Rome

Arrive Rome --- some nights in Rome
Train to Florence -- day trip to Lucca
Train to Venice -- overnight train to Vienna
Flight from Vienna to Rome

Who is the family? What are the ages? What do you most want out of this trip?

In Italy last year there was a slam of dreadful storms right at Christmas that grounded air traffic and stopped some trains. You need to be able to roll with the uncertainties of weather.

msteacher Sep 10th, 2014 11:54 AM

Austria and Switzerland are beautiful, but they should be a different trip from this one. The thing about those big, beautiful Alps is that they take considerable time to get over. They will be covered in snow, so cities will be cold and wet. The reason to go there in winter is to ski, which you don't have time for. Stick to Italy this trip.

ginquinnmoon Sep 11th, 2014 04:45 PM

Thanks so much for the responses. I knew it was nuts just needed confirmation (from someone other then my husband that is). We will focus on Italy, which is fantastic. Rented an apartment in Rome for the first three days. So happy to receive any suggestions for where to stay in Florence and Verona. My daughter is spending the fall semester in Rome and my son is college age. My intent is to enjoy and of course not torture

msteacher Sep 12th, 2014 12:26 PM

Good for you! That sounds like a much more enjoyable plan. Buon viaggio!

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