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Martiee Feb 28th, 2008 03:39 AM

Is this normal? or am i going slightly mad??
Hi guys.

We are leaving for europe tomorrow and it feels like im losing my marbles one by one. Im nervous, on edge, cranky one moment crying the next. Everything is just going wrong today or it just seems like it is. Air france have "lost" our seat allocation and cannot assign new seats to me because the airport for what ever reason is working with it, so no guantantees on that. I have broken 2 nails, fell over my own feet, im worring about bookings, not having everything packed in time and petrified of al that can go wrong.... i know i must just breathe but demm its not as easy as it sounds... Am i going mad or is this "normal" pre holiday behaviour?

Padraig Feb 28th, 2008 03:44 AM

Would it make you feel better if people here told you that this was not normal?

Looks like you are a little keyed up at the moment. Slow down. These things have a way of getting themselves sorted out, and if something does go a bit wrong, there is a fix to be found.

Can't help on the nails.

OpusX Feb 28th, 2008 03:49 AM

Relax. You're doing what a lot of people can't do nor afford to. Go with the flow and enjoy it. To fret like you are is illogical.

Grcxx3 Feb 28th, 2008 03:58 AM

Martiee - that's normal in our house. I don't have a problem - but my DH goes nuts! Stressed, anxious, annoying....... My sons call it "Dad's Pre-Trip Grumps"!

Take some deep breaths and try not to worry. Work through your list and do just one thing at a time!

My philosophy is just to get to the plane as organized as possible. Once I hit the plane - I have a drink and stop worrying. NOTHING I can do at that point. I just "go with the flow!" I know it's nerve wracking, but you'll get through it!

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Viajero2 Feb 28th, 2008 04:09 AM

Oh yeah, that's exactly what you should be doing......given the state of mind you are already in, go looking for more ammunition to continue driving yourself mad.... #o

Make a list of tasks you need to do before the trip. Focusing and tackling this list will lessen the anxiety and transition your mind to an actual plan. Nothing you listed is a big deal...except your worrying, which you have complete and absolute power over. Don't give your power away.

Pinchme_iam_dreaming Feb 28th, 2008 04:11 AM

Slow down and relax. Call Air France and explain to them you have already booked your hotels,cars etc. for this date. I assume you have already paid for your flight? they will get you out tomorrow, maybe not on the flight you booked or even the same airline but you have a ticket so you're going. About packing... What ever you forget, you can buy when you get there. Take your medicines,eyeglasses,passports,bank cards,unplug the coffee maker,turn the heater down to 55*,lock the windows and doors, don't forget to put the cat/dog out or to the kennel, take a coat, travel guides and clothes. You're almost there and it will be fine. Have fun.

barbmike Feb 28th, 2008 04:23 AM

Hi M,

These are very bad "signs" your experiencing. I think you should seriously consider cancelling your trip and taking a trip in your local area.
This happens to most Newbies !!!

ira Feb 28th, 2008 05:05 AM

Hi M,

Stop everything and have a glass of wine.

Have another glass of wine.

Get to the airport a little early and speak to the agent about their screw up.

You will get seats.

>petrified of al that can go wrong....

It won't be as bad as you can imagine.

Makes sure that you have your tickts, your passports and your credit cards.

Everything else can be sorted out.

Enjoy your visit.


GreenDragon Feb 28th, 2008 05:23 AM

Take a deep breath, and relax.

Then make a list of all the things that need to be done prior to the trip. Cross them off as they are done. Trust me, it makes you feel a lot more in control and crossing each one off gives you a great feeling of accomplishment.

Realize that you can do nothing about the seats at the moment. Put on your list to check them at a later time.

francegirl Feb 28th, 2008 05:51 AM

Be in the moment and be aware of your feelings. As long as you have your passport, tickets and credit cards, you're fine. Anything that's lost will be found. If a flight is cancelled or delayed you'll get there sooner or later. If you've forgotten anything think of the fun of buying what you need in Europe! Dip you nails in some polish remover, cut them all to equal length, keep them clean and have fun!

enroute Feb 28th, 2008 06:13 AM

Great advice about the nails from francegirl. You will probably break more just handling the luggage.

Listen to Ira. He knows. :-)

Get to the airport early. Seats are a very small issue.

Do you have a checklist of things to do and take with you?

Go over it a couple of times before heading to the airport.


jscarbary Feb 28th, 2008 06:24 AM

I would love to be able to say that I'm leaving for Europe tomorrow and have to worry about where I'll have to sit on the plane. Who knows, maybe the only seats available will be first/business class!

kerouac Feb 28th, 2008 06:27 AM

Definitely going mad. The main psychiatric hospital in Paris is Sainte Anne in the 13th arrondissement, metro Saint Jacques.

joebear Feb 28th, 2008 06:35 AM

What says you have to be leaving on a trip to feel this way? Stress is affecting you...I reccomend a nice hot cup of coffee and some chocolate while making those lists and rethinking the last minute details...

Weadles Feb 28th, 2008 06:49 AM


In my house we call it, "Irritable Travel Syndrome." It strikes a few days before any big trip and often coincides with unexpected work emergencies, root canals, musings about whether we should still be married after 25 years, and rolling suitcases that are suddenly missing at least one wheel.

None of the above has ever stopped us from traveling, however, and we always have a fantastic time once we're there. I'm sure you will, too!

Fodorite018 Feb 28th, 2008 06:53 AM

Last summer we flew to France. Booked via Delta, flew on Air France. Tried to checkin online the night before to no avail. Arrived early at the airport, and they had no record of us. Showed them our copies of the etickets, and it was no problem. It probably worked out better...ended up with exit row seating:) On the return trip, same thing...but also got the upper deck of the plane, exit row, so lots of room. Hope your trip goes as well.

suze Feb 28th, 2008 07:22 AM

yes, you are going slightly mad
yes, it is perfectly normal

I take my mind off it by overly obsessivley concentrating on my packing -lol!

It's not only "newbies", I get nervous and a bit discombobulated before every big trip.

Bitter Feb 28th, 2008 07:30 AM

Better some of this happens now, rather than at check in (which has happened to us). "Um, we can't find half of you in the computer." They'll work it out (and they did) and you'll be fine. Now, just go concentrate on what you can control, i.e. your packing and organization.

socaltraveler Feb 28th, 2008 08:39 AM

Going slightly mad is quite normal. The details of packing, leaving the house, etc., always make me wonder why we are bothering with all this. My husband comes home from work, packs a suitcase and wonders why I'm nuts.

I used to worry about leaving the kids, now I worry about leaving the dog with the kids. Once we get to the airport and the luggage is whisked away, all is well.

Ira is right on all counts, including the wine - with passport and $$, all is well. Have a great vacation, wish I were there.

nytraveler Feb 28th, 2008 10:09 AM

It's unclear from your post about the AF seats - the only real issue here.

If they have changed equipment and your seat assignments are gone you will be given others at the airport. (They only give out a certain % in advance.) It really doesn't matter which seat you are in - they all arrive at the same time.

If you mean they have lost your reservation - as in they say you didn't buy tickets - get on the phone with them now, with your ticket confirmation info - and get it straightened out.

The rest of it is just pre-travel angst. Take a few deep breaths, review your list - and go ahed and pack.

Broken nails are not the end of the world - that's why there are emery boards.

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