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rd1 Mar 2nd, 2006 05:39 PM

Is there a Barclay's bank atm at Heathrow?
Hello I am leaving on my trip next wednesday, I am very excited! I called my bank and they said they have arrangements with barclays bank and that if I use their atms there is no additional fee. I was just wondering if heathrow has one that way I will noot need to exchange money before hand.

P_M Mar 2nd, 2006 05:47 PM

There were at least 2 Barclay's ATMs at Gatwick so I bet they have them at Heathrow also. I'm sure someone else can tell you with certainty.

jsmith Mar 2nd, 2006 05:53 PM

Absolutely, I know because it ate my credit union card the first time I used it.

henneth Mar 2nd, 2006 05:57 PM

I usually come in to T3 and soon as I've cleared immigration and gone through the double doors and exited into the lobby area there are a few ATMs on the right, one of them is Barclays. If there aren't crowds lining up or you are leaving the terminal in that area (getting a taxi or the HEX) then get your cash out there.
If you are planning to go into London by tube or are making your way to Heathrow Central bus station then there are Barclays ATMs right in that part of the airport complex that are usually less busy.

Gardyloo Mar 2nd, 2006 06:25 PM

There are numerous Barclays ATMs around LHR, all terminals AFAIK.

rd1 Mar 3rd, 2006 07:21 PM

Thanks to all for the info

Neopolitan Mar 3rd, 2006 08:05 PM

But even if there weren't, what's the difference? Using someone else's ATM will cost you what -- maybe $2.50 or even $5.00?
Do you know somewhere where you could exchange money before going for less than that? If so, please tell us where.

henneth Mar 4th, 2006 08:34 AM

rd1 explained that Barclays have an arrangement with his/her local bank that's why that particular ATM would be far more useful than any other cash machine.

Michael Mar 5th, 2006 12:00 AM


"Do you know somewhere where you could exchange money before going for less than that?"

Yes, before the banks decided to get greedy. The $5 fee imposed by BofA is fairly recent. I prefer spending my money elsewhere.

Neopolitan Mar 7th, 2006 02:28 PM

henneth, you missed my point. I agree that if your bank has an arrangement with Barclay's as mine does (BofA) that is best. My point was that it would be silly to get foreign money in advance if you would have to use someone else's ATM, as getting money from that non-affiliated ATM would still almost certainly be cheaper than getting it in advance.

And Michael, I too know places where you USED to be able to get money cheaper, but I'm not sure what that has to do with getting money NOW. And that fee from most banks to get it now, is often in addition to a poorer exchange rate than you'll get at an ATM.

Michael Mar 7th, 2006 02:45 PM

My credit union still charges no fee with the same rate of exchange. I do not see why we have to accept increased charges for ATM transactions when the cost of these transactions is probably going down. After all, we were encouraged to use ATMs as a cost cutting measure for the banks; mine charges for teller transactions on the account that I have.

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