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Why8 Dec 18th, 2006 09:55 AM

Ireland Christmas 2006 - Itinerary Help Needed!
Hello Fodorites,

A friend and myself (2 guys around 30ish) bought air tickets to Dublin over the Christmas holiday (next Sunday!!!). We're going to be there for 7 days and hope to travel around a bit, driving around (as buses/trains are not running on Christmas day!)

After reading all the helpful posts here, I've planned a crazily tight itinerary for that week, could you please help to critique and make some suggestions!

First off, I know everyone will say cut reduce the number of places to travel to, but that's really difficult for now! :(

24 Dec
- 11:20am Arrive at Dublin, take bus into city, check into hotel, join festive mood, have a countdown party at Temple Bar
- Overnight stay in Dublin

25 Dec
- Morning: Breakfast and walk around Dublin
Noon: Pick up rental car (Dan Dooley's website is the only one that seems open on that day). Drive to Galway
Night: Dinner and explore Galway
- Overnight stay in Galway

26 Dec
- Day trip: drive around Connemara
- Overnight stay in Galway

27 Dec
- Drive to Killarney, stopping by Cliffs of Moher and Bunratty
- Evening: arrive at Killarney, dinner
- Overnight stay in Killarney

28 Dec
- Explore Killarney
- Drive back to Dublin
- Overnight stay in Dublin

29 Dec
- Explore Dublin
- Overnight stay in Dublin

30 Dec
- 12:20 Fly out of Dublin

At the moment, I have not booked any B&Bs yet. So I appreciate any comments/critiques, suggestions of where to stay, where to eat.

Please please please let there be some kind soul who reads my message and posts some reply. Please e-mail me directly at [email protected] if you can!

wojazz3 Dec 18th, 2006 03:00 PM

Generally, emailing response means that nobody can see what others have said and nobody can learn from others posts, so I'll leave my post here.

I've never been in Ireland over the Holidays but, you are right, most things will be shut down on Christmas day. It would serve you well to pick up some snacks on Christmas Eve so you have something in the car for travel days.

Generally a few things. You will have very short days this time of year. Sunrise is at 8:47, sunset is at 4:25 on Christmas day on the west coast. A good percentage of B&Bs are closed that week, so I would make reservations before you go instead of trying to drive around and find one open. Finding dinner on Christmas night will generally be at hotels and tend to be expensive. You might even want to make reservations before you leave. Also generally, it seems like a lot of driving for 2-3 days on the west coast (basically, 26-27). There's a Christmas Eve countdown party in Dublin? Seems weird.

Specifics: Again, I haven't been there on Christmas Day, but my guess is that Galway will generally be closed down as will Dublin in the morning. You will be walking some pretty quiet streets. The drive to Galway should be quick by Irish standards because traffic should be very light, though if this is your first day driving on theleft in your life, you'll have some fun getting out of Dublin. Figure 4 hours, 3.5 if you are used to driving on the left. 3 at a minimum.

26th is a good day but many places may still be closed if you are looking for food.

The 27th is a full day because of the limited light. You will probably get to Killarney well after dark.

28th: I'm not sure that there is a great deal to explore in Killarney, but there are days worth of explorations outside the town. This would be one of the times that you could actually drive the Gap of Dunloe. Usually, car travel is highly discouraged. The road is not particularly good but it should be pretty deserted. Drive time to Dublin should be 5-6 hours depending on skills. It could certainly take longer especially with stops.

Get rid of the car when you get back to Dublin. You won't need or want it. Those last couple of days in Dublin should be fun.

We have a number of locals to Dublin who can give you much more info. Hopefully they will jump in.


Padraig Dec 18th, 2006 03:12 PM

Are you serious?

1. Have you verified that you can pick up a car on Christmas day? Christmas eve is possible.
2. Have you found accommodation in Galway or Killarney? Most B&Bs are small family businesses, and will be closed at Christmas. Hotels sell Christmas packages, typically for three days or more, at exorbitant rates.
3. Tourism for scenery on the shortest days of the year, with a good chance of bad weather, is not a good idea.

Bring sleeping bags and a thermos; hire a large car with good reclining seats. Or change your programme.

Nlingenfel Dec 18th, 2006 03:16 PM

I would suggest reservations. For at least the first night in Dublin and the last night before you fly home.
You may have a problem and at least these two important days are covered.
A lot of places will be closed for the holiday.

cailin Dec 19th, 2006 02:39 AM

You won't get much exploring done in Dublin or Galway on Christmas day. Everything - and I mean everything - will be shut!

You could go to a Christmas Day service in Christchurch Cathedral, and perhaps go out to the 40ft (south of Dun Laoghaire) to watch the swimmers (yes - in the sea!!) but other than that there will be nothing to do on Christmas day!

Why8 Dec 19th, 2006 02:45 AM

Thanks guys.

First, the car rental - I checked and Padraig is absolutely right: the Car Rentals are not available on 25th Dec!

So I managed to make bookings now with Budget to collect the car upon arrival at the airport instead, and drive into town. With that settled now, I'm off to search for hotels.

wojazz3/Bill: 1, Good point that we should not e-mail response but rather, post them here! :)
2, Not sure about the Christmas countdown party, was just hoping for it...
3, Fortunately, driving on the left isn't a problem as I used to live in Singapore - but weather conditions plus a friend mentioned "black ice" -- that sounds scary!!!

Padraig: you're right that it's a bad idea to do tourism this time of the year, but I'm kinda stuck with this place now, and just trying to make the most of it!

Hotel Search
I need 24th, 28th and 29th in Dublin, 25th and 26th in Galway, 27th in Killarney. Any recommendations?

Connemara Drive on 26th
Any recommendations on the route?

Thanks, everyone!

cailin Dec 19th, 2006 02:49 AM

The weather is pretty mild here at the moment so you shouldn't get any black ice. That's more common in Jan/Feb.

What kind of budget do you have for hotels?

cailin Dec 19th, 2006 02:54 AM

oh - Dublin on Christmas Eve is usually good fun. The shops start closing at about 3pm and the pubs start filling up. It's much quieter than a normal night out in Dublin though as our country cousins have gone "back home" to their families, so it's only the true Dubliners left. So, because of that, I'd say Temple Bar may be pretty quiet. You might be better trying the pubs around Grafton Street - Keoghs, The Duke, etc are always packed and great fun!

Why8 Dec 19th, 2006 03:06 AM

hiya cailin,

Thanks for the tip on what to do Christmas eve, will check out those pubs you mentioned.

For the hotel: "as cheap as possible" would fit. We're just two guys, so just need a proper room with bed and heating.

For Dublin, I'm looking at Anchor Guest House (, gonna phone them up to check the rates!

Now left with Galway and Killarney accomodations, and planning the Connemara drive!

Why8 Dec 19th, 2006 03:08 AM

Hi all,
Sorry for a stupid question: but are there gas stations available along the routes I drive? Do they accept credit cards and are they open over this period that I'll be there?

cailin Dec 19th, 2006 03:25 AM

As someone else said, I think it would be unlikely that you could find a guest house for Christmas Eve / Day - as these are family run businesses and are peoples homes, so it's unlikely they would want strangers there on Christmas day. For budget hotels, you could try Jury's Inn at Christchurch - it's central and so you will find it easy to get around. Bewleys Hotel in Ballsbridge is also pretty reasonable, but it's further out and you may have difficulty getting transport - particularly on Christmas day.

There will be petrol stations on all your routes. You will find petrol stations open on Christmas Day, but I would imagine most will close that afternoon - so fill up before you leave Dublin. Yes, all petrol stations will accept credit cards.

Padraig Dec 19th, 2006 03:28 AM

It's good that you got the car sorted. Now let's address your itinerary. I suggest that you start by scrapping your first draft.

The big problem is going to be accommodation. The chances of your being able to check in anywhere on Christmas Day are small, so I think you should work your programme on the basis of where you can find beds. In addition, very few catering establishments will be open on Christmas day. My suggestion is that you take the hit, and book into a hotel for their Christmas package (min 2 nights, with Christmas dinner and other stuff included, and not very cheap). I looked at a newspaper, and there are a few still being advertised, but not in your target areas. Can you make it to Galway on the day you arrive? The would be dependent on a morning arrival and your not being jet-lagged. Three hours driving in perfect conditions, more likely four and a half. That might be the best way to save your proposed programme.

Don't waste a minute, I urge you. Contact Galway Tourist Office by phone and throw yourself on their mercy. See

If you think you need to stay in Dublin then go to and ask them to rescue you. I do mean "rescue"; you have put yourselves into a challenging situation.

Fun on Christmas Eve is the least of your problems. Wherever you are, go into the nearest pub and the place will be heaving. If you drink, please don't drive afterwards (especially in Dublin, as I might be on the road).

Accommodation after the 27th is not such an acute problem, so that can wait.

Get beds, and come back to discuss your programme.

Why8 Dec 19th, 2006 05:40 AM

Hi Padraig,

i managed to book Claddagh Hostel at Galway for the nights of 25th and 26th! So looks like I can keep my original plan. Now only to book the hotels for the other nights!

Will keep you updated

cailin Dec 19th, 2006 06:08 AM

Isaacs Hostel in Dublin has dorm rooms available on the 24th - it seems to get good reviews on Trip Advisor and the location is good - between Christchurch Cathedral and Temple Bar, and only a short walk to Grafton Street.

If I can be of any more help, just shout! Hope you have a fun trip - it's a nice time of year to visit as the atmosphere should be good!

Why8 Dec 19th, 2006 06:13 AM

hiya cailin,

thanks for the help, but Isaacs Hostel does have some pretty bad reviews on Tripadvisor actually.

Can you help recommend a hotel in Killarney on the 27th night? I researched in this Forum and just e-mailed Killarney Lodge ( Dialled their number but couldn't get them on the line, wonder if they are closed... :(

cailin Dec 19th, 2006 06:13 AM

actually, I was mistaken by Isaac's location - I thought it was at the top of Dame Street. There is another hostel at the top of Dame Street that would be a better location. I'll see if I can find the name of it for you.

cailin Dec 19th, 2006 06:16 AM

Sorry, the one I was thinking of was Kinlay House -

ter2000 Dec 19th, 2006 07:14 AM

I just saw this in today's Irish Times -
How's this for an alternative Christmas Day? Head to Dingle, Co Kerry, for a swim in the wild Atlantic followed by canapés and mulled wine on the beach before enjoying a day trip around Slea Head and sitting down to a sumptuous Christmas banquet with all the other backpackers in the Randy Leprechaun (ooer!).

It's a bargain, too. Paddywagon tours is offering a two-night Christmas special with hostel accommodation and all the activities listed above for just €145
Very good value and you'll have a lot of fun as well. As all of Ireland closes down for Christmas you might consider it.

Why8 Dec 19th, 2006 08:11 AM

Hi ter2000,
Nice idea, but I'm not so crazy about swimming in the wild Atlantic in December! :) But the price is looking really good.

Hi cailin,
My travelling partner (he's not reading this forum) just booked us into this Kingfisher Guesthouse ( for the night of 24th. Location is 166 Parnell Street, is that downtown and easy to walk over to those Grafton Street pubs you mentioned?

So now, I'm covered for hotels from 24th till 26th, as Padraig said, the most critical period of my stay there.

For 27th (Killarney), I'm waiting for the reply from Killarney Lodge, and then for 28th and 29th (back in Dublin), 1st choice is Anchor Guest House; 2nd choice is a toss-up between Barnacles and Kinlay House which cailin recommended...

This last minute planning is killing me! I'm having travel planning fatigue... from reading so many reviews and trying to make so many phone calls all over the place, but glad you guys/girls are so helpful!!!

Why8 Dec 19th, 2006 08:15 AM

Whoopsa, Kinlay House is not available on 29th Dec, so that eliminates that. Anchor Guest House is really not answering my phone calls, nor my e-mail. I want to get this over with, so I might just book with Barnacles...!

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