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laclaire Jan 19th, 2007 03:48 AM

Instance of crime: Barcelona
I debated about posting this, but here goes. Consider it a case study of petty crime in Barcelona.

Last night I went to one of the VIP Bread and Butter (Barcelona's fashiion week) parties, and for it I wore black high heeled, knee-high boots, a retro dress (high neck, long sleeves, to just above my knees) and my black leather jacket (these details are important) that was just longer than the dress. I spent my last 7€ on the cab to get there (I had not been planning on going out), got my wrist stamped and had a wonderful night, which ended around 4 a.m.

I have walked home (a very safe area in the Eixample) a million times, and at all hours. The difference here is that I am normally in business attire or casual jeans and a top.

Mistake #1: single female dressed rather seductively walking anywhere alone at 4 a.m.

I decided to take advantage of the time difference and the walk home to call my mother.

Mistakes #2 and 3: talking on a cell phone that late (means you are not paying attention) and in English (meaning to everyone that you are super foreign and thus, a target)

I was walking along chatting with Mom and saw a guy on my side of the sidewalk. Normally, I would have crossed the street to avoid him, but I was literally right in front of my building, so I just kept walking.

Mistake #4: going against my better judgement to avoid the only guy on a lonely street.

I stopped to tell my mother I was going inside and would lose coverage.

Mistake #5: stopping for longer than it takes to open the door. Moving targets are not appealing.

While saying goodbye, the guy came up behind me, grabbed the bottom of my dress/coat and lifted it up to my waist. I have never screamed so loud in my life and he ran, but slowed to a walk a few yards away muttering something. That is when the most impressive stream of Spanish curses flowed out of my mouth, which stopped him dead in his tracks. And that is when I took chase, all the while screaming horrible things like "pedophile, assassin, you killed him!," and anything that i thought would make others want to chase and hurt him. Unfortunately, the streets were empty.

When I finally gave up the chase (high heels), I looked in my hand and saw my phone was still open. Mom had heard everything and was panicking. I explained and then said "I'll call you tomorrow," hung up and walked back home.

What have I learned? To practice what I preach, no matter what the situation.

Walking home at night is OK depending on your clothing and ability to get out of a weird situation (ie, if you can't run, take a cab), but if you don't met those requirements, don't do it, even if you have to borrow money. Women, this is especially true.

Do not walk and talk on a cell phone (in any language, really) late at night. You look unaware.

Empty street except for one guy and he is on your side? Cross the street no matter how close to your destination you are.

He did not steal anything, nor did he touch/harm any part of my body, but I woke up this morning with an intense feeling of upset. Does he live in my neighborhood? What if I had not been loud/strong/angry enough to react how I did? What could have happened?

This is not to scare people off of Barcelona. This is to say that no matter how long you have been here (or any city, for that matter) and how safe and savvy you feel, you must obey the basic rules of self preservation at all times. Even if it is fashion week.

kleeblatt Jan 19th, 2007 04:21 AM

What a thread. Thank goodness you screamed and became the aggressor. Thank goodness he was scared off by that. Thank goodness nothing happened outside of a major fright.

Glad you're here today posting this. Thanks for the warning.

It was in Barcelona, but it could have been anywhere.

Why do men do these things? I'll never understand.

lawchick Jan 19th, 2007 04:54 AM

I have had my leg groped in Brussels on the metro at 8.30 am and my breast squeezed - on the street at 8.50 am. I have had my ass felt in the supermarket at 6.30 pm.

These things happen anytime of the day - any where - tho there is a high instance of groping in Brussels.

Dukey Jan 19th, 2007 05:00 AM

Right out of Almodovar!!! (I know, wrong city but you know what I mean.) Especially the abrupt hanging up of the cell phone...

Glad you were not hurt and can completely understand the aftermath feelings of invasion.

DanB Jan 19th, 2007 05:16 AM

I'm glad you weren't hurt. There's really no reason to list Barcelona however, this could happen in any city on the planet.

missypie Jan 19th, 2007 06:01 AM

Why do we all seem to use cell phones in instances when we shouldn't? I'm so glad you're okay, laclaire. Cell phones are such a distraction, under so many circumstances. We should all learn a lesson from your experience, but I fear we won't.

bilboburgler Jan 19th, 2007 07:37 AM

Sorry this happened. I like Barcelona but this sort of attack could have happened in many cities world wide. Also a bit of a machismo problem so very much not your fault. As you say the area is good but 4 am ...

As you know Barcelona has a number of tricky areas but the old rope walk/sandy path area. The name escapes but Las Ramblas or similar leaps to mind. In the area nearest the sea you become surrounded by tiny side streets and the big stamp market. All this is famous for Gold Medal pick pocketing. Last time I saw it on TV we walked the length with the police chief who sees it has 70% of the city problmems.

So take care.

Lexma90 Jan 19th, 2007 09:02 AM

Thanks for the illustration that there are factors that all of us need to be aware of.

We will be visiting Spain, and more specifically Barcelona, for the first time this Spring, with our 11-year-old son in tow. We adults have visited London, Paris, Rome, Venice, Florence, New York, San Francisco, Washington D.C. and formerly lived in Chicago and Boston (son has been to many of those but not all). We've never had a problem with pickpockets or any theft or threatened theft. My husband (& son) looks Spanish/Italian/French, so that may be part of it, but he dresses American (polo shirts and khakis), so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. We take the standard security precautions and like to think we're careful and aware, but I'm sure that we're not paying attention 100% of the time.

Anyway, should we be more concerned about pickpockets and theft in Barcelona than elsewhere? We're staying in the Barri Gotic, by the way. I keep reading dire posts, and am starting to wonder...

rhapsody Jan 19th, 2007 09:10 AM

Wow, thanks for the ttt post. But it could happen and has happened anywhere.

marigross Jan 19th, 2007 09:33 AM

laclaire, I can imagine how much you debated this before posting! I know that for most US people walking around at 4:00AM sounds a bit extreme but it makes complete sense when considering the Spanish hours.

Thank God you are safe and the incident was just a scare.

The only times I have lost a credit card or left my keys inside the car I have been on the phone, so yes I agree that the cell phone was the main culprit.

I can only imagine how shocked the guy was! I must say that it was madness to chase after him...but one never knows how one will react in a situation.

laclaire Jan 19th, 2007 09:52 AM

I am very aware that this could have happened anywhere (I won't even go into what things I had to deal with living in Brooklyn, Boston, etc), but I specified Barcelona because that is where I am and recently there have been a lot of crime in Barcelona questions. Mostly, I just wanted to illustrate the mistakes I made in hopes that people learn to avoid them. I know I have.

laclaire Jan 19th, 2007 09:57 AM

Oh, and all of you, thanks for the well wishing. Also, I agree that taking chase was a random reaction, but lord knows he was not expecting it. I should have called Spanish 911 and reported his location, as there are always police nearby. Then perhaps he would have been caught.

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