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paris1953 Jul 30th, 2014 08:23 AM

Oh boy!!! This is getting good!!!

Christina Jul 30th, 2014 09:31 AM

Is Sancerre a brand of chocolate syrup, or what?>>

Is that a joke? It's a French wine appellation from the Loire area, there are both white and red Sancerres (almost most people only think of the whites). I like a red Sancerre with salmon, as it is fairly light, it is a pinot noir. I personally don't think wine goes with ice cream, but some people do.

Interesting report. I would be cautious about being picked up by dragueurs in Paris who prey on tourists, though.

as a tip on the word, you do not need to paste your report into anything, if you highlight it and right click (to copy and as if you were going to paste it) and hit submit, if the site is down, it will still be "in" your browser, so to speak. So if there were an error and you brought up the thread again, you could still paste that into it. Or you can just paste it into an email message or something.

mogsanova Jul 30th, 2014 09:54 AM

The antithesis of me! No plans! So daring! I am loving this - I can't meet up with a Pierre as I am married, but am so enjoying your narrative. Will be tuning in for more!

kerouac Jul 30th, 2014 10:10 AM

<I>Is Sancerre a brand of chocolate syrup, or what?>>

Is that a joke?</I>

It was totally clear to me that it was a joke based on the way it was mentioned in the previous episode.

YankyGal Jul 30th, 2014 10:15 AM

Well she made it home safe and sound, so as far as I can tell, it was consensual preying. :-)

I'm in, too, ruedebuci - looking forward to more!

ruedebuci Jul 30th, 2014 11:13 AM

Christina thanks for your concern, sincerely, but I'm very street smart. Yeah I know anything could happen. I've done some crazy stuff in Paris, most of which I can't post about! (And some of which I wouldn't do again). And thanks for the tip about posting and saving.

Yanky that's funny "consensual preying"!

Mogs I've done the "no plans" thing a couple times before. Try it!

LCBoniti Jul 30th, 2014 12:00 PM

Wow. I would love to hear all about the "crazy stuff" . . . but I'll settle for what you can share here. :)

denisea Jul 30th, 2014 01:46 PM

Sounds like fun, Rue. Clearly we all want to live vicariously through you! :-)

ruedebuci Jul 31st, 2014 09:13 PM

Day 2 - continued

After a nap, don't remember how long, I needed to find dinner. No plans meant I had no dinner reservations that night, a Thursday. I walked to Marco Polo. Complet. Last trip I had some good Mexican food on rue Dauphine. I had to try it and compare it to the fantastic Mexican food I have here at home. I generally eat Mexican at least once a week, so why not? I think the place is called Fajitas.

And it's packed. I have to wait about 10 minutes. I order a Corona and chicken quesadillas. And chips and salsa. It hits the spot.

I did see Pierre again briefly, he insisted, and it was lovely but he had to work so our time was short.

My note taking was terrible this trip. What did I do with the rest of my evening? Likely walked around here and there. I do remember I ended the night drinking Champagne at the Flore.

irishface Aug 1st, 2014 05:41 AM

delightful report! Can't wait for more.

denisea Aug 1st, 2014 06:45 AM

Dying laughing at you! We passed a Mexican restaurant every day on our last trip but I cannot get myself to go out for Mexican while in Paris. It's a total mental block for me. I do always seem to make it to Marco Polo on every trip though---apparently I have no mental block with Italian while in Paris!

ssander Aug 1st, 2014 08:56 AM

Enjoying your trip report...and it <i><strong>is</i></strong> a trip.

Your style is different than mine. I research like crazy before, and tend to be somewhat flexible once there -- but not like you -- wow!

I also write up my TRs in Word and paste into Fodors...I am a frequent mis-typer.

Keep it coming.


FabulousFrance Aug 1st, 2014 09:10 AM

Seems to me you are remembering the important things ;-)

TDudette Aug 1st, 2014 09:51 AM

More, please.

ruedebuci Jan 7th, 2015 08:23 PM

As is typical of me, I never finished my report. I hang my head in guilty shame.

But I need to post a follow-up because my head is about to explode. After I returned home, I heard from "Pierre" from time to time. He did remember my birthday which was nice. Mostly just chit chat, hey how are you type stuff. I played it cool as I do.

Well today he finally asks, when am I coming to Paris again? March it is. Sooner than I thought :)

Does this mean I have a French manfriend? LOL

YankyGal Jan 8th, 2015 04:41 AM

Nice! And yes, sounds that way to me!

So that means you need to finish up with this report before you go in March. :-)

ruedebuci Jan 8th, 2015 09:50 AM

Thanks! Maybe I will, but I don't know if anyone would be interested since it was months ago.

Kathie Jan 8th, 2015 11:46 AM

Hey, I'm always interested in what a fellow Fodorite who loves champagne does in Paris!

ruedebuci Jan 25th, 2015 04:08 PM

Thanks Kathie but it doesn't seem like that is going to happen. Sorry I'm lame!

BUT I just booked trip 15 for the end of March. My French man friend twisted my arm! It's been a long time since I went in the spring as I prefer summer trips. I hope the weather is good!

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