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Crissy90 Apr 24th, 2013 10:32 AM

How to pack macarons for traveling?
I'm planning on taking homemade macarons on a 4 hour flight. The flight leaves at 2 so the macarons will leave the refrigerator at 10 tops. I've read some recommendations on air tight containers and stuff but here are my main concerns: If they come straight from the freezer to an air tight container to be served in about 11 hours later, will moisture from defreezing will affect the texture? And even if i let them come to refrigerator temp before packing will the same happen? or should i pack them room temp? and 2nd: How to avoid them from cracking? They will be in my carry-on but some motion will happen and they're a birthday surprise so i want them to look perfect. I do have a temperature keeping container that stores 2 smaller containers, only that they are not air tight. Could those work? Thanks!

doug_stallings Apr 24th, 2013 10:35 AM

I took macarons to Boston from New York, which was a 6-hour drive. Granted, they were not home made but they were refrigerated until shortly before we left and then again shortly after arrival ... so may be 7 hours in all. No problems.

greg Apr 24th, 2013 10:44 AM

I have done this several times. I don't think the refrigeration is an issue for the time period you are talking about even though the store would tell you that you should be eating the same day. The biggest problem has been the fragility of these things. Even though I have put it in a carry-on and never exposed to shocks, it came out in kind of a sorry state back home. I think the store would pack macaroon to macaroon touching each other which would not survive the plane trip intact. I think you have to find way to put enough cushions in between or find a container with pre-molded cushioned slots so they don't move around and bang against each other.

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