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AGM_Cape_Cod Sep 13th, 2014 11:18 AM

How to buy advance tickets for the Musee Marmatton, Paris
I have a friend going to Paris for the first time and told her to go to the Musee Marmatton. Also said that if there was a special exhibit to buy tickets in advance. She came back to me and asked how to do that. Darned if I can find a way to do that on the Internet. Anyone know how? TIA

manouche Sep 13th, 2014 11:24 AM

This is a very reliable site, useful for printing lots of advance tickets. Here's the link for the Musee Marmottan:
Print and bring the tickets with you. No need for ID.

AGM_Cape_Cod Sep 13th, 2014 11:31 AM

Thanks for your quick response, manouche but that link gives me "Ha, Désolé, La page demandée n'a pas été trouvée" When I put in Musee Marmottan it gives me a message about giving me email address for future events.

laurie_ann Sep 13th, 2014 11:34 AM

If that doesn't work you can also buy them from the French version of the museum website (not on English version though) or I also found them at (which does have an English version of the website).

Gretchen Sep 13th, 2014 11:47 AM

Would it ever be necessary to buy them in advance?

adrienne Sep 13th, 2014 12:10 PM

The Marmatton Museum is gone from that site,.

I doubt that it's necessary to buy advanced tickets. If your friend feels better doing so she can go to fnac when she gets to Paris.

Here's the fnac site for tickets until January during the special exhibit.

AGM_Cape_Cod Sep 13th, 2014 12:17 PM

When we were there in March we arrived at the museum to find a line around the corner and down the block. :( So maybe not but sometimes with special exhibits it is worth it not to be disappointed. We finally found the information on manouche's link. Google translate is your friend!! Thanks everyone!!

Iwan2go Sep 13th, 2014 09:16 PM

We had the same experience as AGM - because of the the special exhibit, the line was over an hour. So if there's a way to get the tickets ahead, I would do so.

manouche Sep 14th, 2014 04:07 AM

I just clicked on the site I gave earlier, and a pop-up directed me to click on a search engine (utiliser le moteur de recherche). When I did that, I entered "musee marmottan" in the search box. The correct information for buying tickets appeared, as it usually does.

Anytime there is an expo here, the line is gigantic. Highly recommend buying tickets ahead of time. If you wait until you get to Paris, there might not be any available at FNAC.

Christina Sep 14th, 2014 05:51 AM

You can buy tickets to most things from FNAC, and some are etickets, others you have to pick up in a FNAC store in Paris. They have Marmottan tickets and looks like you can get etickets. or

You can also usually buy tickets from Ticketmaster in most cities (ticketnet in Paris was bought by Ticketmaster), including these

If they are not etickets, this is the Ticketmaster outlet in Paris for pickup:
31, rue du Pont Neuf, 75001 PARIS
Ouverture du Lundi au Samedi de 10h à 19h
Fermé le dimanche mais aussi les jours fériés
Ligne RER A, B et D Station Châtelet-Les Halles,
Métro Ligne 4
station "les Halles" Sortie Porte Pont-Neuf

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