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MsWorthy Sep 24th, 2014 05:25 AM

How many pairs of shoes would you bring for a EuroTrip?
Hello -

Is there a standard number of shoes for an 18-day EuroTrip? Heard some rumours that people tend to frown upon unfashionable people in Paris? I personally think that sounds ridiculous but I've never been there or any parts of Europe for that matter so I don't know how snotty Europeans can be, if ever. Again, I'm not saying they are -- but it sounded like they're oh so trendy and I wouldn't want to be caught dead with my runners if they are prancing around wearing their gucci boots..

sparkchaser Sep 24th, 2014 05:33 AM

Two. Maybe three if I am going to do some backwoods hiking.

<i>Heard some rumours that people tend to frown upon unfashionable people in Paris? </i>

You're a tourist. You will look like a tourist and you are just going to have to be ok with that.

The Parisian Fashionistas are going to look down at you no matter how many pairs of shoes you wear.

If you want to bring 21 pairs of shoes, go right ahead. You gotta do what you feel comfortable with.

vjpblovesitaly Sep 24th, 2014 05:33 AM

"Is there a standard number of shoes for an 18-day EuroTrip"

How could anyone know this? Take a worldwide survey?

I would bring two and wear one. Two for day (dark walking shoes) and one for going out to dinner. I am not a fussy female who desires be gawked at or admired by strangers. I try to dress appropriately given my surroundings, not to be "fashionable."

colduphere Sep 24th, 2014 05:37 AM

We travel light. So I only bring the pair of shoes I am wearing. I usually wear one dress shoe and one running shoe - that way I always look at least somewhat stylish.

adrienne Sep 24th, 2014 05:37 AM

Those are rumors. What people are these? Other tourists? Restaurants and shops that want your money?

I bring 2 pairs of shoes (either 2 walking shoes or 1 walking shoe and 1 sandal, depending on the weather) and something to wear in the hotel room.

I've never seen tourists wearing Gucci boots.

saige Sep 24th, 2014 05:49 AM

Comfortable shoes are your best bet. I wear one pair and pack one more. You'll be walking a lot in Europe, sometimes with luggage. Have a great trip. saige

MsWorthy Sep 24th, 2014 05:53 AM

Thanks adrienne, colduphere, vjpblovesitaly, sparkchaser - Thank you for the responses. Two pairs is what I'm thinking of bringing too!When I said 'heard rumours', I actually meant with my co-workers..

The closest encounter I've ever had with French people was when husband and I went to Quebec province for Valentines - and we went to this fancy schmancy place for dinner with some guy singing right by us while eating. I never really noticed if they were judging us with our clothes. However, when we were waiting for the valet, a lady approached me and touched my fur coat.

Perhaps wondering if it was real? Good thing it was cause I borrowed it from my mom.

MsWorthy Sep 24th, 2014 05:53 AM

Thanks Saige!

sparkchaser Sep 24th, 2014 05:55 AM

French Canada doesn't count.

colduphere Sep 24th, 2014 05:59 AM

French Canadians love to sing while they eat. The high notes can be a challenge though.

MsWorthy Sep 24th, 2014 06:02 AM

@sparkchaser - I smiled on "French Canada doesn't count"

hetismij2 Sep 24th, 2014 06:08 AM

Contrary to popular tourist belief the huge majority of Parisians, like the huge majority of Europeans, are far too busy leading their own lives to notice or care what tourists, or indeed their neighbours, are wearing.

Wear things you feel comfortable in. Weather appropriate obviously, but whatever you want.

I wear one pair of shoes, pack another and usually throw in some old Teva sandals to give my feet a rest in the hotel. Both pairs of shoes are walking/hiking shoes, unless going somewhere snowy when I take a pair of snow boots, or somewhere warm when a second pair of sandals goes too.

latedaytraveler Sep 24th, 2014 06:17 AM


"When I said 'heard rumours', I actually meant with my co-workers.."

Let me guess - have they ever been to Europe? Probably not. :)

latedaytraveler Sep 24th, 2014 06:18 AM

... And have a great time!

Tulips Sep 24th, 2014 06:44 AM

I'm European, and would normally take: one pair of sports shoes, some comfortable flat shoes (like Hogan's ballet slippers), one pair of heels, and in summer a pair of flat sandals as well. And some slippers if it's somewhere warm with a pool or beach.

5 pairs max. Though if we're driving I'll take more.

swandav2000 Sep 24th, 2014 06:45 AM

I generally take 3 pair -- the pair I'm wearing (usually larger ones), a spare pair in case the first pair get wet, and a pair of hiking boots.


anyegr Sep 24th, 2014 08:01 AM

I have never brought more than two pairs, including the ones I'm wearing.

I have been forced to buy shoes once during a trip, but that was actually sort of fun. Well, having to walk around with a hole in my shoe before I found a shoe shop wasn't fun (I got blisters under my foot), but I'd have had to walk almost as far to get to the hotel anyway.

I think it's more important to make absolutely sure the shoes you bring are comfortable to wear.

dwdvagamundo Sep 24th, 2014 08:14 AM

I usually do as swandav and sparkchaser, but if I'm not going anywhere hiking boots are needed, I leave them behind and wear one pair and pack another.

KTtravel Sep 24th, 2014 08:34 AM

I usually bring a pair or two of good walking shoes and either sandals or a dressier pair of shoes depending on the weather and/or if I need something dressier. I have given up trying to look "chic" as limping doesn't look fashionable. The cobblestones and uneven walking paths are not forgiving of cute shoes.

dotheboyshall Sep 24th, 2014 08:40 AM

I bring the pair I'm wearing and the pair I'm not wearing. Though on the last trip I didn't need the pair I wasn't wearing.

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