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kflodin Jan 24th, 2006 03:33 PM

it was nearly 10 years ago, but my husband and I went to Italy for our 10th anniversary. At first, we thought we'd do 3 city/regions: FLorence, Rome and Venice. But upon reflection, we realized we wanted to see each city and also nap every day! We narrowed down our choices to half the time in Venice and half the time in Rome, thinkiing that a FLorence + Tuscany side trips would be another future trip. It was perfect. Venice is a must for honeymooners (we were there end of October and it was gorgeous and empty and clean-smelling and dreamy). AFter 3 or 4 days there, we flew to Rome and when we were over our first 5 hours of feeling "homesick" for Venice, we had a ball in Rome. Gelato every night, strolling through the plazas, amazing eating, and just enough sightseeing to make it atmospheric and fascinating, but also to get those naps in!

It was a beautiful beautiful trip and very romantic. I still get misty thinking about it. So bottom line, whichever destinations you pick, I urge you to consider limiting them to 2. You lose 2 days in travel both ways and you'll both be exhausted after wedding. Have a wonderful time!

rbs1175 Jan 25th, 2006 06:44 AM

So we talked last night and as of now we have decided on Italy. I will agree that after reading all of your advice there is not right choice. We figure Hawaii will be a lot of "on the go" stuff also. We are going to save Hawaii for an anniversary trip and visit a few friends that live there. Thanks for all of your advice. I will keep you posted on the plans and I am sure ask for more advice.

nina Jan 27th, 2006 07:32 AM

I've been to both Hawaii and Italy several times, and my vote is for Italy.

The advice to not move around too much is a good one, but imo, a honeymoon on Capri (I've only been on a daytrip) in one of the top resorts would be so amzing, almost magical...walking through those narrow alleyways taking in the views took my breath away.

Yes, Hawaii is beautiful and exotic, but it's also touristy (well, most of it), and crowded and imo (please don't bash me), not a cultural mecca, whereas Italy is another world.

I also love Venice, or maybe fly into Rome for a few days and take a train to Naples and have a driver take you to the Amalfi coast for a week and make that your homebase. No stress at all, no driving. We stayed at Le Agavi overlooking Positano and it was AMAZING, our room was huge, and had an incredible view as well as an enormous private terrace...nothing like the massive, cookie cutter resorts that Hawaii is littered with.

It truly is the trip of a lifetime, and can I just say, the food is to die for. If I just won a trip to my choice of either, I wouldn't hesitate, I'd pick Italy in a heartbeat.

I think you made the right choice, now go t0 the Europe board for great advice from fodorites!

TarheelsInNj Jan 27th, 2006 07:39 AM

I am very biased, because my husband and I had a perfect Italian honeymoon this past June. I think your instincts are right on that you will need to relax...I had NO idea how truly exhausted I would be after everything was over.

That being said, if you plan your Italy trip with that in mind you can have a perfectly relaxing time. I would not suggest trying to "do it all" and visit lots of cities. You can (and will!) go back another time to do this.

We rented an apartment for a week in the Tuscan countryside, and it was heaven. Rather than rent a car and do lots of daytrips to different towns, we intentionally took it slow. In fact, we only left the town once, when we went on a hike to a town a few miles away. Though we may choose to do differently on our next trip, we felt that a rental car and a schedule of places to visit would be too stressful for us (and we were right!)

Otherwise, we just ate leisurely meals, drank lots of wine, admired the views, ducked inside every shop, and wandered the charming streets. It was a week in which we felt we didn't have a care in the world, and nothing to do but be together- perfection! :)

We did balance this with a few days in Florence, and a weekend in Paris (a "long layover.") This combination allowed us to really relax and enjoy the slow pace of Tuscan life, but also to experience some of the major attractions that Europe has to offer.

nina Jan 27th, 2006 07:43 AM

I just went to Le Agavi's website and see that they haven't updated it. We were there in May of 2003, and they were in the process of ripping out the ugly green astroturf around the pool and beach deck, so I'm pretty sure it's changed by now.

Also, the website doesn't do it justice, the views are amazing, but you can't be afraid of heights (or walking up stairs).

steviegene Jan 27th, 2006 07:58 AM

I am also biased.
June-July 2004 went on a fabulous, unbeatable trip to italy. We arent really beach people, we love sight-seeing, travelling to different areas and good food and wine. Our trip was perfect. Three days, two nights in downtown rome. Tons to do, walking and nice restaurants. Then train to Naples and ferry to Capri. I cannot tell you how greatly we enjoyed staying over at Capri. First, we rented a moped, and saw THE most beautiful views Ive ever seen in my life. At night the rich & glamourous people came out and there was some fabulous people-watching at the square. It was wonderful! After two nights in Capri, we went to Positano for 5 nights. We stayed at the Miramare, which includes a boat trip in their room stay--which was fantastic. Wooden boat, up the coast, a little snorkeling, and the driver served up fresh fruit and wine. The time in Positano was great for travelling up and down the coast and seeing many towns, Ravello, Prianao, Sorrento, etc. We like to keep busy, and there was plenty of places to explore...even took a day trip to Pompeii. So my recommendation, if you were trying to chose between hawaii and italy. Choose the best of both worlds, Italy with sunshine, beaches and fabulous views-the amalfi coast.

eroz Jan 27th, 2006 08:10 AM

Italy. We spent our honeymoon there and it was amazing. Everyone does Hawaii. Boring. :)

I almost hate to say it but you can skip Cinque terre since you'll hit the Amalfi Coast.
Fly into Rome and out of Venice.
2-3 nights Amalfi to relax after the wedding
3-4 nights Rome
rent car on your way out of Rome and explore Tuscany, this was our favorite area
4 nights Tuscany see for cool farmhouses and castles, can rent some by day v. the week, end in Florence where you turn in your car and train to...
3 nights Venice

sigh. Congrats!!

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