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ncgrrl Dec 15th, 2004 10:53 AM

I'm not sure which one of the model-type people said it last night (they're interchangable to me). "Africa is so poor, I know why they escaped to America" Yeah, right, escaped.

I enjoyed Don and MaryJean because they didn't yell and scream at each other. Don did look ragged throughout and probably slept for a long time after being ousted.

Victoria can't win in anything she does with Jonathon. It will always be her fault because in Jonathon's mind he is always right. If Victoria had left the bad and it was stolen, it would have been her fault for not picking it up. His behavior will not change, she needs to leave the situation, move to someplace she's never been before, change her name and not contact anyone from her current life. It's a classic domestic violence situation. I hope she gets the help she needs.

cruisinred Dec 15th, 2004 11:07 AM

Embarassed to say, but I just checked out the Amazing Race website. Some telling details in the bio of Victoria and crazy Johnathan. Doesn't this poor girl have family or friends to tell her what a loser this guy is ????

"They decided to go on the Race in hopes of getting their relationship back on track after many grueling discussions about starting a family that have taken a toll on their marriage."

Jonathan describes himself as having a "type A" personality, while Victoria says she is resourceful. They hope this combination will help them be victorious on the Race. One of the challenges for them on the Race is going to be trusting each other's instincts and putting their bickering aside."

Victoria recalls that one of the worst moments in their relationship was when they had a fight on a trip to Miami and their entire argument was recorded after her cell phone accidentally dialed her mother's answering machine."

mr_go Dec 15th, 2004 11:54 AM

My 11-year-old daughter has been a big fan of the show since it began, and we always watch it together. In a way, I'm glad she's had this chance to see what an abusive relationship looks like, up close and personal.

On a related note, I am proud to announce that she has just earned her Green Belt in karate.

Betteratthebeach Dec 15th, 2004 12:26 PM

hey, sandi discovered some substance in AR.

Cassandra Dec 15th, 2004 12:30 PM

Best moment of the episode -- people giving the older couple some money. Even the despicable Jonathan.

But then I keep wondering why in heaven's (or h3ll's) name Victoria doesn't just walk away. I'm not blaming her as the victim, because Jonathan is an unforgivable brute. But I do wonder at the huge skew in her perception of reality that apparently has her thinking that either she's wrong or that what they both do on camera (lord knows what happens off camera) is normal and okay. Either way, it's humiliating.

As for the appalling ignorance and boorishness of some of the participants, can we set up a small foundation to send apologies and gifts to the various people they abuse -- esp. some of the poor taxi drivers!?

Zeus Dec 15th, 2004 01:35 PM

I kind of gave up on AR after the third season (same with Survivor). The concept is great, but in order to ensure ratings they've made it into something like the WWF (TV wrestling). What really po'd me was the way a team that built up a nice lead always got screwed by airline schedules or attraction opening times that allowed everyone else to catch up. I'd like to see a show that actually tested the contestents knowledge of history and geography as well as their ability to figure out their own modes of transportation between two points. Too much is scheduled for them. And what does hang-gliding, bunjee jumping and rolling haybales have to do with an Amazing Race around the World? How about just dropping the people off in the middle of Lithuania with no money and making them work or finagle their way home? At one time I thought I'd be the perfect AR contestent but the way the game is played now doesn't test one's adaptability to travel. Besides, I'm too afraid of heights to do any of those silly detours, roadblocks and so forth.

taggie Dec 15th, 2004 03:06 PM

Kate_W - I thought Gus was just playing up the beer thing a bit for the camera. At first he was probably drinking it because he was thirsty from running - he sure sweats a lot and is in terrible shape (although he does appear to have lost a bit since the show began). I would've found it hard to leave without gulping some - I like beer a lot and especially in Germany!
As for Hera's comment, I think she had her tongue firmly in her cheek and was teasing him. They're starting to develop an on-camera personality, which is more than I can say for a number of the other teams (save the wrestlers, the mama's boy and the lunatic crazy guy).

I like your idea for automatic expulsion for assaulting one's partner. Whatever it takes to get rid of the nutbar.

Marilyn Dec 15th, 2004 04:01 PM

I'm just watching now for the inevitable: Victoria is going to use her backpack (which is so much heavier than Jonathan's) to beat him to death. Honestly, I can't wait.

crefloors Dec 15th, 2004 04:02 PM

Oh I forgot about the mamma's boy...what's up with those hair things he does at the front of his head?...those stupid little "horns" sticking up. If I were his significant other, I'd yank those suckers when he started all his whinning garbage. I just can't get over that after all women have overcome, all they have achieved, all the opportunities open to them, that the self esteem is still so low in so many, and can't get by without a man....ANY man...don't attack me guys....I LOVE men, have been associated with wonderful men starting with my this isn't an idictment of men in general...just really an observation about women...again, not ALL women but it seems like a lot of them. Hopefully the "lovely and talented" Victoria will get a good look at herself and her "Prince Charming" and make some changes. She's pitiful.

Jolie Dec 15th, 2004 04:17 PM

I think this crop of losers reflects poorly on the producers. I'm sure they had many, many pairs to choose from, and yet it looks like they hand-picked those they thought would be the most sensationalist (like that guy shoving his wife).

I am also disappointed that the producers selected Senegal as the leg of the race where they would take all of one team's money and make them beg from the locals. As the older couple pointed out, how insulting is that to the locals to see rich Americans asking them for their hard-earned money? The porducers had the luxury to select another location to take the money away, and yet they diliberately picked this country with widespread unemployment and poverty in which to send the Americans begging for money.

I don't think I will watch this show anymore.

taggie Dec 15th, 2004 04:57 PM

crefloors - the sisters from Utah that were eliminated a couple of shows ago called that guy (Adam?) "Hellboy" because of his horns. :)
He's a personal trainer!! But couldn't carry the baskets of salt as well as the older woman (Mary Jean)!!

Kayb95 Dec 15th, 2004 07:08 PM

I like Marilyn's idea! I was appalled by Jonathon's behavior. I just kept saying "What an idiot!" (only I didn't use anything so tame as "idiot.")

I hope Victoria leaves him - and soon. Before his violent outbursts and tantrums get worse.

Giovanna Dec 15th, 2004 08:42 PM

It really isn't as much fun this time. We didn't start with the first show, but have diligently watched the last three. There has always been a "villain," someone most couldn't stand, but this time it's hard to find someone to like!

Perhaps the producers felt that bunch of oddballs would boost ratings, but just based on this thread some plan to stop watching because of their choices. It's truly unfortunate that the powers that be on TV give us so little credit. They apparently think we are so stupid, we'll enjoy their contrived decisions.

Can't give up now, but as I noted before it just isn't as much fun.

chicgeek Dec 15th, 2004 09:20 PM

I just checked this thread out to see if anyone else thinks like I do about this show. I LOVED the last Race, and think this one is really base and ridiculous. There isn't one couple that stands out for me---in a positive way--- or that I am rooting for.

The embarrassing thing for me is that after the last Race, I told a number of people what a great show it is, and how much I like it. Now they are probably watching it, wondering about my taste.

Does anyone share my embarrassment, too, about how these Americans must be perceived in the countries they are visiting on this Race? They are rude and selfish, and just run over everyone in their quest. And cheat them out of money at the same time. I don't like the values being portrayed. To say nothing of that creep, Jonathan!

I guess the producers think these weird personalities add excitement and interest to the show. Not for me. Bring back the couples who used to show real gamesmanship and excitement at seeing all the wonderful places they go and the people they meet.

wondering Dec 15th, 2004 09:24 PM

Compared to the first run of this show this recent run is terrible (imo)...every show deviates a bit more from the original which was set for cancellation until the awards came in...the great travel opportunities and sites get lost while you watch the antics of these strange started out a real adventure program and has been hit by the ratings race! i have never seen a group this bad put together on one utterly sad for those of us who love to vicariously travel...didn't this conversation come up during the last run???

ann_marie Dec 16th, 2004 06:33 AM

This is too funny....Jonathan and Victoria actually have their own website...

Betsy Dec 16th, 2004 06:51 AM

Go to the J and V site that Ann Marie posted above to read Jonathan's declaration that he does not abuse Victoria as well as his lame excuse about his behavior on the show. Then scroll down and read his earlier posts. Quite sad.

Kate_W Dec 16th, 2004 06:57 AM

Jolie: At least Don and Mary Jean realized that it would be completely inappropriate to ask locals for money, and the other teams recognized it and demonstrated sufficient "enlightened self-interest" to know that they should contribute, lest they end up in the same situation themselves. I think it is interesting that the producers set that particular challenge in Senegal - to see whether the players would act appropriately.

preeya Dec 16th, 2004 07:01 AM

And what about that girl (dont remember her name) told the wrestler guy that he's 5'5" and he is on steroids and that he should get used to her pushing?? Too personal!! Cant there be a pure good race than backbiting and bitching?

Ryan Dec 16th, 2004 07:24 AM

For an even more interesting view of Jonathan, here's the link to his bio on (internet movie-database.)

I'm still laughing after reading it. For anyone familiar with the concept of Unintentional Comedy, this ranks pretty high on the scale. It cracks me up to read about "D" list celebrities that take themselves WAY to seriously. He's produced a couple of "straight to video" movies and all of a sudden he's Speilberg.

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