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amy13c May 4th, 2005 06:39 AM

Help!!! What shoes do I bring?
I will be traveling to Paris from May 17 to the 20th and I have no idea what shoes to wear. I will mostly be bringing capris to wear during the day and then getting a little more dressed up during the night. I am not so worried about the night but during the day I am not too sure what shoes to wear. I would usually wear sandals with capris here in the states. Can I also wear them in Paris? Are shoes that are opened ok for that time of year? Any advice you could give would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for all of your help.


suze May 4th, 2005 06:42 AM

A pair of closed comfortable flats, a pair of good looking sandals, and one walking shoes or sneakers is what I normally take. 2 in the suitcase, 1 on my feet.

nytraveler May 4th, 2005 07:05 AM

You can wear whatever type of shoes you want. Just be sure that they are very comfy (you will be walking MILES) and that they don;t have high heels (unless you have a lot of experience walking on cobblestones).

Travelnut May 4th, 2005 07:19 AM

It wouldn't be my preference to walk around in a major city with open sandals; feet get dirty, that leads to blisters...nevermind the occasional misstep into doggie leavings...

crefloors May 4th, 2005 07:24 AM

I was in Paris a couple of years ago the first week in June. The first two days were up in the 70's and then it turned cloudy, much the mid 60's, and we had rain showers off and on. Never a full day of rain...but a mix of showers and sun during each day. I had a pair of low heeled boots with cushioned in-soles that I wore a lot and then some closed toes microfiber shoes with cushioned sole and a slight wedge heel..about 1 1/2" high. No sandals that trip. What the weather will be like for you this year? Just be prepared.

LoveItaly May 4th, 2005 11:21 AM

I amy, I wore sandals during a trip in Charlesto SC. First time ever I got some blisters on the top of my feet which got infected. My Dr. told me that is is best to not wear sandals when doing lots of walking (sightseeing etc.) as sidewalks are very dirty and infections are very easy to get. So just wanted to share this info with you for what it is worth.

TexasAggie May 4th, 2005 11:30 AM

Thanks LoveItaly.

I have blister-prone feet and would not want to get an infection on vacation, yuck!
I'm not sure how I still get them after years of ballet as a child and teen and cross-country running since college... doesn't it seem like there should be a lifetime limit on how many blisters one can be forced to endure?!

yk May 4th, 2005 11:33 AM

I think the weather in Paris in mid May is still a bit nippy. Probably high in the 60s. I'm not sure if you really want to wear capris and sandals.

cls2paris May 4th, 2005 12:09 PM

I've been in Paris twice in May and wore good sturdy sandals most days. I was very comfortable and I don't recall my feet getting terribly dirty. I have Clark's sandals that have neoprene lining so no seams or leather touch your skin and thus, no blisters! Love them!

LoveItaly May 4th, 2005 12:22 PM

Hi cls2paris, actually it was Clark's sandals that I wore that day in Charleston. It was my first ever experience with blisters.

BTW TexasAggie, my Dr. had me buy the Band-Aid brand "Advanced Healing Blister. It is supose to promote fast blister healing. Also claims to be "multi day". Has a cushionig gel.
Use on an open blister to keep blister sterlized. You might want to pick up a package of these. Happy walking everyone! P.S. They must sell these in France as well as the box also says "vite gueri pour les ampoules"

cmcfong May 4th, 2005 12:23 PM

I wear a pair of black Naot Mary Janes. Great for walking and they look fine with pants or a skirt. I did miles last week in London and never had a minute's problems with my feet.

crefloors May 4th, 2005 12:46 PM

I usually trade off shoes from day to day so if there is any pressure point it won't continually get it in the same place. I also take moleskin with me. I've never had to use it thank goodness.

ucsun May 4th, 2005 01:02 PM

as a guy i can't help you w/ open-toe shoes. but i can tell you that whatever shoe you pick, go out and walk around for a few hours (yes 3+) and see how you feel. you could easily cover 5+ miles of walking a day in do need to be comfy.

try the sneaker-like shoes (puma, diesel, addidas) they are fairly cushiony yet trendy.

RufusTFirefly May 4th, 2005 01:03 PM

I take a pair of Rockport Rocksports for everyday walking, and a pair of waterproof, light hiking boots for rainy days and more strenuous walks.

miguelgcuadra May 4th, 2005 01:04 PM

wear COMFORT , no one will be looking at you. my g/f always wear sneakers and carry a pair of sandals or shoes in her back pack, that way if she is not confortable wearing sneakers going into some places she just switched back and forth.

miguelgcuadra May 4th, 2005 01:07 PM

after walking miles for hours in uncomfortable shoes, you do not care about looks.......there are very nice looking sneakers in stores now. i agree that is lot better to wear socks...

abbydog May 4th, 2005 01:11 PM

I am hardly a slave to fashion, but I have noticed on past trips that no French or Italians wear sneakers, or even socks for that matter. (This was confirmed by my British friend, who openly scoffed at my feet on our first trip.) So these days I like to wear comfortable, cushy, open-toe "slides" (most recently Clarks) or leather walking shoes.

ucsun May 4th, 2005 01:15 PM

abbydog, for the last two years i have seen plenty of sneakers of all kinds in rome, paris, and london. the puma sneaker (especially the one w/ a velcro strap across) is absolutely huge in paris. i saw so many i wanted to go buy one and figured i'd blend in. and go look at stores and you'll see that sneakers are very popular.

but for the most part, you are seeing people going to and from work so you see less sneakers and casual clothes, and more business casual clothing. go out (where ever you live) and look at what people are wearing during the week: business attire.

socialworker May 4th, 2005 01:20 PM

I also have worn raised open toe slides. By raised I mean the sole and heel are sort of thick--almost clog style but open--so your feet and toes stay "safely" above all the nasty stuff on the ground and esp on bathroom floors!!

miguelgcuadra May 4th, 2005 01:22 PM

so i wonder what europeans do with the sneakers they buy in the USA...they go crazy with the variety we have.

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