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Alice9 Sep 20th, 2017 12:39 PM

Help Planning Denmark Sweden Norway trip
For our 40th anniversary next year, my husband and I decided to plan a trip to Scandinavia (well, we decided that I would plan the trip). I know that covers a lot of ground, so I've done a lot of reading on the forums and looked at some trip reports, and got a travel book on Scandinavia in general. I also looked at some group trips, but we have never been group travel people and they just didn't appeal.

I've figured that July is a good target time, and that narrowing to just (just!) Denmark Sweden and Norway is a good place to start. I know I want to include Copenhagen Stockholm Bergen and Oslo, but I also want some countryside and other places. I read about Norway in a Nutshell and that is appealing. I'm figuring something less than 3 weeks. This is what I know.

What I don't know is what kind of itinerary to lay out and how to manage transportation between a car, trains, ferries and maybe a small fjord cruise. Also, I could use some useful planning websites, everything seems geared to a particular country, not to navigating between and planning an overall itinerary. The same with books. I saw there are some Scandinavian travel agents who put together trips, I wonder if anyone has tried having someone help just get oriented and put together a plan and then I'll deal with the details.

For me, nailing down an itinerary and figuring out transportation options is the hardest part, once I have that backbone, I can merrily go ahead with my planning. I'd appreciate any help in getting unstuck.

Oh, and I know this will be an expensive trip, that's the one constant in everything I've read. But it's a big anniversary and I think we can plan a fabulous trip.

Thanks as always,

Michael Sep 20th, 2017 12:52 PM

I wrote a trip report of our travels in Denmark this summer, and another one for previous travels in Norway and then Stockholm; click on my name to find them.

PalenQ Sep 20th, 2017 02:01 PM

What I don't know is what kind of itinerary to lay out and how to manage transportation between a car, trains, ferries and maybe a small fjord cruise. Also, I could use some useful planning websites, everything seems geared to a particular country, not to navigating between and planning an overall itinerary>

OK - For a train and ferry trip: (online European Planning & Rail Guide); and all sites with lots of objective content and not just selling things.

Check out the ScanRailpass or ScanPass whatever they call it - covers trains plus some key ferries and gives discounts on some chain hotels. Good deal for traveling as much as you seem - I've always taken trains there - countryside save for coastal areas seems blah to me - pretty much all the same - consider taking the famous Hurtigruten cruises for a few days along Norway's awesome coast:

Been to Scandinavia several times - highlights for me - yes NIN - fantastic -we saw whales! - overnight ferry Stockholm-Helsinki - days are long and coast it goes along spectacular - Oslo-Bergen train line - one of most scenic in Europe IMO. Copenhagen one of my favorite cities in Europe - plus has several easy short day trips to nearby neat places.

Alice9 Sep 20th, 2017 04:34 PM

Michael, thanks for the trip reports, I hadn't seen those.

PalenQ, thanks for the links. I read about the Hurtigruten cruises, that does sound wonderful, as does the Oslo-Bergen train line. And I'm planning on a decent amount of time in Copenhagen, I've only heard wonderful things.

Thanks for the perspective on the inland countryside.


kja Sep 20th, 2017 05:09 PM

You will see some wonderful things no matter what you choose!

For transportation options, please see and then follow the links to which it directs you, as rome2rio is not sensitive to seasonal variation.

I’m not personally familiar with any guidebook that covers this AREA well, but would encourage you to consult COUNTRY guidebooks – even if you buy them, their cost will be nominal in comparison to the cost of your trip, and you should also be able to consult them at your local library.

Also consider scanning not just trip reports here on Fodor’s, but also planning threads, as they’ll giive you all sorts of information about “roads not taken.”

Have fun planning, and happy anniversary! 40 years – awesome!

PalenQ Sep 21st, 2017 03:48 AM


Alice9 Sep 21st, 2017 04:20 AM

Thanks, kja, I generally do spend an afternoon or two at a local bookstore checking out the possibilities (and taking notes) and then buying something. You're right, the cost is nothing compared to the cost of the trip.

I always enjoy planning. My husband does not look at a thing until we're on the plane! (Well, I can assign him transportation duties, once I figure out what we want to do).


xcountry Sep 21st, 2017 05:01 AM

There is a Lonely Planet - Scandinavia guidebook which we used. Some have criticized it for lacking detail.

Personally I don't think you can mess up an itinerary like this unless you pick a wierd route that has you doubling back over territory. Choose a route that has good air connections from where you live. Perhaps start slowly. I know I would be thinking of starting in Copenhagen, then probably flying to Stockholm, taking the train to Oslo, and then either taking the train or driving to Bergen. Leave a few unplanned days in Norway so that you can just look around (small lol but it is a beautiful place).

Good luck.

xcountry Sep 21st, 2017 05:05 AM

PS - consider visiting Elsinore, which is only a 45 minute train ride from Copenhagen.

dyoll Sep 21st, 2017 07:05 AM

Copenhagen - overnight ferry to Oslo - NiN tour to Bergen - Hurtigruten cruise to Ålesund - bus/train to Oslo - Flight/train to Stockholm.
You have enough time - if you are ok with hiring a car then take 7 - 10 days to explore the fjords - skip the Oslo - Oslo bit above. With the freedom of a car you can safely avoid the crowds on the NiN - you'll find plenty to compensate. Try and fit in and keep net driving times down to 4 hrs to allow plenty of time for stops and exploration - there is plenty to see. Do a round tour from Oslo and include Bergen.

PalenQ Sep 21st, 2017 09:28 AM

dyoll gives such expert advice only a local can! Invaluable.

Alice9 Sep 21st, 2017 10:33 AM

xcountry - thanks for the suggestions! And at this point, at least, I AM thinking of starting in Copenhagen, being in a single place for a while to start will be good.

And dyoll, will definitely look into NiN vs getting a car, and using that great link. You all are giving me a lot of work to get started on!


Alice9 Jan 13th, 2018 06:34 AM

So, I know it's been awhile, but a lot has been going on in my life. But I am now seriously planning this trip and here's where I am, after looking at the trip reports and other resources the helpful folks on this forum have posted:
1) We will start in Copenhagen, I'm not sure on the number of days, between 3 and 5 I think. This depends on how many day trips we want to make, and how long of a total trip I can talk my husband into! I will be reading a lot of Copenhagen posts and then I will probably start a new post just on my Copgenhagen questions.
2) We will then see the western coast of Norway. Either Bergen to Oslo or Oslo to Bergen. POSSIBLY going further north. This is the most complicated part of the trip, with the most options and the most decisions to be made. I'm still reading a lot about this and will likely start a new post on just this part of the trip when I get a better handle on it.
3) We will end in Stockholm and the questions for Copenhagen are the same for Stockholm - how long, how many day trips.

Current questions:
1) I want to figure out the length of the trip and how long each leg will be so I can start scoping out international airfare. In terms of best time to travel, I'm thinking starting late June or early July. My husband wants 2 weeks, I want... more. Maybe just 3 days more. But, as you know, being flexible about starting and ending dates can help in finding better airfares.
2) In terms of getting from country to country - I looked at the within Scandinavia airlines and prices and they seem very reasonable. Is this a good option for getting from Copenhagen to Oslo/Bergen and then from there to Stockholm? Overnight ferries don't appeal, and time is of the essence. Or are trains a better option?
3) I need to decide if we want to drive part of the Norway leg, a number of trip reports have been enthusiastic about the scenic routes. My husband is pretty good about driving in other countries, should we consider driving part of that leg?

Thanks as always, and at some point I will start some new posts so the topic isn't so broad.

kja Jan 13th, 2018 10:00 AM

As a rough estimate, you might start with 2 to 3 days for Copenhagen itself, more for day trips, and 4 or 5 days for Stockholm plus at least one for the archipelago. But of course, it really depends on what you want to see and experience.

xcountry Jan 13th, 2018 01:15 PM

I think a car is an excellent idea in Norway. Easy to drive. And it is so nice to be able to divert off to somewhere you have heard or read about.

bilboburgler Jan 14th, 2018 06:18 AM

Yes to a car in Norway, every waterfall is a chance to get excited and or pull over. The towns are very small outside Bergen and Oslo, the days are long in Norway and I've even done a 3 hour hike after supper in broad dalylight, hotels are expensive but you can also hire hutte in the woods.

If you follow my name back to October 2016 you'll find a thread on cycling in Denmark, you may even find you want to ride in Copenhagen and I recommend "Mike's tour" the half day is fine. There is only one little hill in Copenhagen all the rest is dead flat and experiencing cycling in a city where more than 50% of journeys is by bike will be interesting. (no helmets reqd).

Alice9 Feb 4th, 2018 10:31 AM

Okay, I'm getting serious about the Norway part of the trip. I have some train, some ferry, some driving, but too many 'one night stands' - neither one of likes staying anyplace just one night unless it's really necessary to break up a drive. So here's what I have and need to fix:
We'll get to Oslo from Copenhagen (somehow, haven't decided).
2 nights Oslo.
Train to Flam, but don't stay there - ferry to Balestrand and stay there 1 night. (I saw this advice multiple places).
Spend the day in Balestrand, and then Ferry to Bergen and stay there 1 night.
Spend the morning in Bergen and then in the afternoon, drive to Loen. Stay there 1 night. (I think this may be too long a drive).
Drive to Alesun. Alesun 2 nights.

So 1 night in Balestrand, 1 in Bergen, 1 in Loen. This makes no sense. I do want to get to Alesun and that area. From there we'll fly to Stockholm.

So, what to do? Do I have things in the wrong order? Would it be heresy to skip Bergen? Should I just give in and add another day somewhere? Where?


Thanks in advance, as always,

dyoll Feb 16th, 2018 01:51 PM

Oslo to Copenhagen is the ferry. Why Ålesund? Bergen has more to offer. 2 nights in Balestrand, return to Flåm and complete Norway in a Nutshell - Nærøyfjord and Stalheimskleiva is more varied and scenic than the express boat to Bergen. 2 nights minimum in Bergen and fly out of there. If you stay longer in Bergen you could take the Hardangerfjord in a Nutshell tour.

Alice9 Feb 20th, 2018 04:15 PM

So we want to go further north, and do some of the scenic drives. We've decided to go to see Geiranger Fjord and then drive The National route of Geiranger Trollstigen. That is why I decided against Bergen. We will drive through Loen, and do the skylift. So 2 nights Balestrand, 1 night Geiranger, 2 nights Alesund.

When I looked at it Alesund seemed to have a lot of activities in the area and a good place to base.

And for Oslo to Copenhagen, I'm not sure if we want to take the ferry to just to fly, it's not that expensive. Still looking into that.

Once I get Norway settled, I have to find hotels in Copenhagen and Stockholm, but that should be easier. Some of these places in Norway are small and don't have many options for lodging, so I wanted to do those first.


misha2 Mar 25th, 2018 02:31 PM

Hi Alice, I'm just following here. We're doing a similar (sadly shorter) version of this in August. Learning so much.

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