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Michele Feb 18th, 2001 07:55 PM

Help - Italy or Greece for Honeymoon
I cant decide. First I was thinking, how romantic, Santorini Greece for a honeymoon - but then I thought 10 days - what will we do with all that time. Some people suggested island hopping - but I'm not into all that packing and unpacking. Basically, looking for rest and relaxation (a little privacy) for the first few days and then would like to get some culture (which, is where I guess Italy is coming in - oh and of course, great food and even better wine). My fiance doesn't mind sitting on a beach for a few days, but then he will undoubtely become restless. Any advice????

Art Feb 18th, 2001 08:20 PM

I enjoyed Greece but for romance, I would suggest spending the time in Venice and Florance. Venice is unique and in my opinion the most romantic city I've ever been in. Florance for its great art. <BR>

April Feb 18th, 2001 09:29 PM

Traveling in Greece is anything but relaxing. And the food... I'd definitely go for Italy.

Miles Feb 19th, 2001 02:15 AM

I think Venice is a "naff" destination, for a honeymoon, a bit thoughtless, and the "obvious choice" the person who replied previously has little or no imagination - the "sheep" or "herd" mentality. You could try the Amalfi coast - Hotel Santa Caterina in a "honeymoon suite" very luxurious, beautiful setting, you are guaranteed a good holiday. Or find hotels in Greece belonging to "leading hotels of the world" of "relais et chatueaux" any of these you will find to be satisfactory for that "special trip" - what a hackneyed, doubtful and indefinite phrase!

Tammy Feb 19th, 2001 05:38 AM

Ten days in Santorini would be a very long time. I was there on a stop during a cruise of the islands. You might consider that option if you want to relax and see alot. We went on a 7 day cruise from Istanbul to Athens. We saw so much beauty and some of the best ruins in the world. <BR> <BR>If you're not interested in a cruise, I agree with Miles. Seven days could easily be spent on the Amalfi coast. We're planning on going there next May. You can see ruins at Pompeii, Herculeneum, Pasteum and Capua. Go to Capri and check out all the towns on the coast. Rome is only a 2 1/2 hour train ride from Naples. <BR> <BR>As for food, if you like Greek food, we had great meals almost every where we went in Greece. On Santorini, Aris Restaurant is great with a view to match.

Michele Feb 19th, 2001 07:06 PM

Thanks everyone for getting back so quickly. I pretty much had my heart set on Italy. However, my dilemma is as follows: I'm told its not easy to get to the Almafi Coast - not to crazy about driving, particularly after the flight from NY - any suggestions?

xxx Feb 19th, 2001 07:24 PM

Suggestion: Sicily (Taormina and environs)

Anne Feb 21st, 2001 02:36 PM

If you're nervous about driving (I love the wild curves) there are buses to and from Rome that are pretty easy to figure out.

Michele Feb 27th, 2001 07:28 PM

Thanks all for your replies - speak with you in another post. <BR> <BR>Till then........

nancy Mar 28th, 2001 08:34 AM

I was in Sicily last June...we went to see relatives there that we have not seen in 30 years....Taormina, by far, is breathtakingly beautiful....We stayed <BR>most of the trip in Messina....and spent 4 days in Taormina...Taorminia is so romantic...we stayed in one of the hotels on the, we had the best of both...the beach for a few hours each day...then Taormina for shopping....(tons of stores)...views (spectacular) picturesque.... <BR> <BR>I highly recommend Taormina...and I'm sure there is plenty of tours to take <BR>to other surrouding cities...don't rent <BR>a makes the drivers in New <BR>York look tame...very scary driving... <BR>no's almost an "art" to know how to keep up with the way they drive....we decided to Cab it everywhere or higher a driver..which is what we did from Messina to the city... <BR> <BR>Have not been to Greece, so I can not <BR>compare....I agree that Venice also <BR>is a very romantic place. <BR> <BR>Nancy <BR> <BR>Nancy

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