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jenmarsh Apr 22nd, 2004 05:03 AM

Harry's bar in Venice
Has anyone been to Harry's bar in Venice? Someone recently told me that it was outstanding but everything I read makes it sound like a tourist trap. I'm looking for a fantastic restaurant in Venice (no limit on price) for my last night in Italy.

yk Apr 22nd, 2004 05:10 AM

Here's a link to a thread about Harry's bar:;tid=34404482

elaine Apr 22nd, 2004 05:24 AM

In my experience, the top three for food, atmosphere, and service (and price!) are
the restaurant of the Cipriani hotel
(you get there by private launch from a stop near the San Marco vaporetto stop), Da Fiori, and Antico Martini.

m_kingdom2 Apr 22nd, 2004 05:28 AM

I'll second Elaine's opinion.

Harry's Bar is legendary, your usual tourist would not, one would imagine, be able to afford the relatively top-end prices charged there.

Reeder Apr 22nd, 2004 05:59 AM

We were in Vencie last month and we "went" to Harry's Bar!! Well the true story wa s it was late in the afternoon and we were passing by and I was telling my husband what he would have to pay for a martini there. So we just opened the door and walked int--looked aroud a bit (were not impressed) and walked out. BUT we can see we "went" to Harry's Bar in all honesty. H

m_kingdom2 Apr 22nd, 2004 06:39 AM

Reeder dear, please grow up, so naff!

Kate Apr 22nd, 2004 07:05 AM

m_kingdom, Harry's bar is stuffed to bursting with (affluent) tourists. If you think otherwise, then you haven't been. I think Reeder has a valid point.

Kate Apr 22nd, 2004 07:07 AM

I should add that a preponderance of tourists does not make it a bad place - if that were the case, then no one would go to Venice at all. Anywhere worth going to has long since been discovered. In your position, jen, I wouldn't hesitate to go.

SeaUrchin Apr 22nd, 2004 07:12 AM

My boyfriend and I did the same thing years ago, we went in because I had heard so much about it and wanted to try a bellini. It looked like a Los Angeles golf clubhouse, it was so crowded with Americans and really noisy. We went in looked around and walked right out again and went to the Cipriani.

dickv2 Apr 22nd, 2004 07:24 AM

Good morning, jenmarch
Yes, Harry's Bar is for the affluent tourist, but nothing can stop you from joining that group for one first time experienece at Harry's Bar. Will not deny the prices are high, but do find the food exceptional land also excellant service. We may have not have been to Harry's each time we visit
Venice but at least every other time to join the affluents'..Arrigo and now his son are excellant hosts..At least try it once, make your own determination as to returning or not.
Make reservations at least a day ahead and request a table in the front room.
and be firm with your request...Some dishes such as their pasta 1st courses are large enough for two.. The sweet sour sarde with taglioini perhaps is my main reason for returning.
My second best ristorante in Venice is the LA CARAVELLA, just about two blocks west of the Pza S. Marco and reservations are also a must...
Richard of LaGrange Park, Il..

NYCFoodSnob Apr 22nd, 2004 07:24 AM

I'm happy that Reeder had the foolish pride to tell her story. Harry's Bar in Venice is one of the few places in the world that garners fame for the number of tacky, ignorant people who have the gall to enter, do a quick once-over, and leave within minutes, deciding it isn't worthy of their patronage. Where else in the world does this sort of thing happen? The employees are so used to this obnoxious display they don't pay much attention to it anymore. Unfortunately, too many of these folk happen to be Americans.

If anyone reading this thread is tempted to try this sort of thing, <b>don't</b>. Tis better to NOT go in and ignore the place than to make a complete fool of yourself by trying to show <i>them</i> how insignificant they are to you.

<b>Harry's Bar is not about interior decoration or panoramic views of the San Marco basin.</b> It's a &quot;club-like&quot; establishment catering to internationals who enjoy gathering there to drink and be social in a veritable Venice institution. This is not an opportunity to publicly display your disdain for elitist businesses.

Here, m_kingdom got it right.

NYCFoodSnob Apr 22nd, 2004 07:33 AM

If noisy, bustling conviviality is not what you're seeking, then stay away from a bar. As SeaUrchin mentioned, there are plenty of other watering holes in Venice that offer peace and quiet, if that's your goal. It's called Harry's <b>Bar</b> for a reason.

oldorch Apr 22nd, 2004 07:34 AM

went there...ate dinner..had a few drinks...loved was very expensive...can't wait to go back.

m_kingdom2 Apr 22nd, 2004 07:55 AM

Kate, dear, when one refers to tourists, one associates it with &quot;tourist class&quot; hotels, i.e. cheap, tacky and sometimes downright awful.

An affluent tourist is, not touristy by nature (usually). I detest people who walk in and walk out of places, commenting on prices whilst they do so. Harry's Bar is legendary, so don't know it. However, if someone called &quot;platzer&quot; (do they carry out the action of the verb?) frequents it, perhaps it is best avoided, since it has been a decade or so ago I was last there I cannot comment on who is there now, but I doubt much has changed, except a &quot;platzer&quot; in the corner.

Calamari Apr 22nd, 2004 08:39 AM

Visiting Harry's Bar in Venice is an old tradition we have in my family when we go to Italy. My dad starting taking me there when I was 10. I remember almost everything about that day. The last time he took me there was while he was visiting me in Italy 12 years ago. I took my husband there (he is Italian) for the first time 20 yrs ago. I took my rug rats there (and they behaved beautifully) two years ago and we are looking forward to going again this June. Harry's Bar in Venice is an institution. Yes, it is expensive but sometimes you just have to say,&quot;so what!&quot; We won't eat at Chile's for a few months! At least go in and have a drink at the bar and soak up the scenery!

Reeder Apr 22nd, 2004 09:30 AM

Didn't mean to cause such a bruhaha!! I guess foodsnob put me in my place pretty good!! We had a wonderful time in Venice even without any class! H

Natalia Apr 22nd, 2004 09:39 AM

What makes the Harry's Bar in Venice so special and different from the other Harry's Bars?

I used to work in an office upstairs from the HB in Los Angeles and I would eat lunch there once or twice a week. I wouldn't pay any attention who came in and then walked out and there were alot of tourists in the area.

Sometimes it would be so crowded in LA HB that I would walk back out too, isn't it kind of silly to always be thinking about what others are thinking about you? So much so that you would stay in a restaurant even if you would rather walk out?

Budman Apr 22nd, 2004 09:41 AM

Reeder, I wouldn't pay them any mind!!

I always recommend to people going to Munich to go inside and look at the Hofbrahaus (the food is horrible and the drunks are obnoxious), then walk out and go down to the end of the square and sit outside and order your food &amp; drink. ((b))

ThinGorjus Apr 22nd, 2004 09:45 AM

I agree with Foodsnob. How anyone can critique a place by walking in and having a &quot;once-over&quot; is beyond me. If you sat down, had a few drinks, some supper, then critiqued that the place was &quot;no good&quot; that is valid.

nocinonut Apr 22nd, 2004 10:07 AM

I had reservations to eat at Harry's in Venice with an &quot;affluent&quot; couple. When we all entered, they looked at each other and said they would rather eat somewhere else, the wooden floors made all the conversations echo and it was stuffy and crowded, in their opinions.

If anyone could afford to be &quot;snobby&quot; it would be them, sometimes I think &quot;snobs&quot; are nouveau riche or wannabes.

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