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yesmar82787 May 5th, 2003 06:27 PM

I am going to France this summer to a town called Limoges. I will be living with a french family who has a 16 year old teen. I am from Georgia and wanted some ideas on what i could bring him and or his family that would be of some interest. I dont want any t-shirts, hats, or pins. No cd's and no candy. I've got some of that stuff and some of it is just too cheezy.
I want something really cool. but what??

uncle_sam May 5th, 2003 07:10 PM

A new leader, for starters!


Hendrinatr May 5th, 2003 09:12 PM

Teens are notoriously unpredictable when it comes to "cool". What day of the week is it again?

Try something from Georgia. Or PC computer games? Kind of a crapshoot.

jenviolin May 6th, 2003 12:08 AM

A few ideas:
A Bop-it Extreme2
A book of cool websites
A supersize frisbee or flying ring (can't remember what those things are called!)

viamar May 7th, 2003 03:49 PM

Maybe some Levi's? If the Teen is a girl maybe something from the Gap or Limited Too.

cigalechanta May 7th, 2003 04:10 PM

American cds are very expensive there . ASK the parents what he likes in music.

yesmar82787 May 11th, 2003 04:06 PM

thanks i'll try that. Anyone else?

RAR May 12th, 2003 03:24 AM

Um unless France is just very different than Italy in music stores, the American CD's here are no more expensive than they are in the States. Typically pay 10-20 euro.

Dreamer2 May 12th, 2003 03:37 AM

I do think denim is generally more expensive in Europe, but you could never buy somebody else a pair of jeans and expect them to fit (especially a teenage girl!). However, I'd go with demin accessories. Both a denim pocketbook and a denim hat in that style the American kids all like now. (It's kind of shaped like an upside down flower pot with a smallish brim all the way around.)
Also, does she study English? A popular teen novel, or translation of something popular in France, or the English or American version of Teen People would probably be fun.

Dreamer2 May 12th, 2003 03:40 AM

Oooops! Thought it was a girl! Not quite awake yet... sorry.
Okay... Do they have Game Boys in Europe? Just kidding!
I'm clueless about older boys, but I'm thinking a couple baseball gloves and balls to try something new? Or a wiffle or nerf ball baseball set?

Gretchen May 12th, 2003 04:12 AM

Limoges is our sister City and we have visited it with some teens in our group. An American sweat shirt might be nice--we saw a Hanes sweat shirt with the Hanes name and zip code as the design for $75 at their Galeries Lafayette!!! For the family a book about your state or area might be nice. A piece of Georgia pottery? HOw about a really nice beach towel--I think linens can be expensive there. What would your boy "friends" like to get? Be sure to take a little photo book of your family, town, house, school, etc. to show them.

jenviolin May 12th, 2003 11:59 PM

yesmar, I asked some French friends and they advised 3 things:
- a computer or video game
- the latest Nike shoes (!!!)
- a sports team or university sweatshirt (hooded, large) from your home state or town

Come to think of it, this last one is something that practically anybody would like to receive.

yesmar82787 May 14th, 2003 11:43 AM

Great ideas, thanks

Lorac1127 May 14th, 2003 11:50 AM

When my daughter's French friends visited us here, they bought lots of Levis. And they loved everything with a NY logo on it. They had no idea who the teams or schools were, but loved the NY.

yesmar82787 May 15th, 2003 05:22 PM

ok great!!

Tulips May 16th, 2003 03:45 AM

Anything from the Gap; hard to find in Europe, and very popular.

BTilke May 16th, 2003 05:35 AM

I would bring him a "coffee table" type book guide to American sports, explaining the rules of American football, baseball, etc. Even if he never actually plays those sports, he will be considered cool for understanding the games. FYI, American football games are shown more and more on Euro tv (esp. the Eurosports channel) and is gaining in popularity as a spectator sport if not a participatory one.
BTilke (Brussels)

Snoopy May 16th, 2003 07:04 AM

US, thanks. I was going to suggest a one way ticket ANYWHERE.

yesmar82787 May 16th, 2003 01:05 PM

what is this about a one way ticket??

yesmar82787 May 18th, 2003 07:48 AM


jenviolin May 18th, 2003 08:19 AM

yesmar, Uncle Sam is not happy with French politics these days so he means to suggest that you should give your host friend a one-way ticket out of France. Seems like that would make YOUR summer less fun.

yesmar82787 May 19th, 2003 12:07 PM

ok i see! haha

logandog May 19th, 2003 01:25 PM


yesmar82787 May 22nd, 2003 05:12 PM

okay thanks! Anyone Else

yesmar82787 May 30th, 2003 09:15 AM


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