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KathrynT Jul 7th, 2005 08:56 PM

Fodor's Editors: Please Return Earlier Thread Regarding the Tragedy in London
Dear Editors,

I understand your needing to pull the political portions of the earlier thread, but there were so many heartfelt messages and we were able to hear from so many London Fodorites, that I hope you'll consider reinstating the thread.

Thank you for your consideration,

Kathryn T

Sarvowinner Jul 7th, 2005 08:58 PM

Hear! Hear!

flanneruk Jul 7th, 2005 09:52 PM

Far more important, put the serious bit of the thread back.

Yesterday's murders were political acts, carried out with clear objectives, by people who affect us all.

Censoring Robespierre's attempts to get people to think about what lies behind them is dumb. It's dumb because censoring points of view is what the murderers do. It's dumb because an ill-infomed citizenry is always the best ally of the tyranny.

Most of all it's dumb because it achieves precisely nothing. We've been dealing with one sort of terrorism or another for nearly 70 years here. We've never seen the need to suppress debate.

tashak Jul 7th, 2005 09:57 PM

Well said!

lyb Jul 7th, 2005 09:57 PM


I totally agree with you that debate and discussion is important, but this is not a political board, this is a travel board. Also, there are times and places to discuss these things....would you go to someone's funeral and start debating whether they deserved to live or die depending on their lifestyle?

travelinwifey Jul 7th, 2005 10:02 PM

I just hope the fodors editors realize many, many people spent time writing out sincere heartfelt positive thoughts to those effected by the tragedy. I am too surprised because fodors sometimes cuts out the heated discussion but lets other parts stay... on that thread where there were more than 250 non offensive posts.

flanneruk Jul 7th, 2005 10:07 PM

If this is a travel-only board, why is it so cluttered with messages of sympathy?

And if you'd ever been unfortunate enough to attend the funeral of someone murdered, you'd realise that "why was she murdered and what can we do to stop these things happening again" is pretty much the ONLY thing that gets discussed.

kleeblatt Jul 7th, 2005 10:48 PM

The first part of that thread was an eye-opener. People's accounts of their whereabouts and activities during the tragedy. It was an eyewitness report that makes one aware of what to expect and how to behave during such a tragic event. The authors all behaved admirably and were calm in their written words.

I found it to be a piece of history and a learning experience on travel and on life. It was wrong of the editor's to take that away from us so soon.

sheila Jul 7th, 2005 11:03 PM

I wasn't really following the thread. I DID think it was good that it was there.

And lyb, having recently attended the funeral of a lovely man who drank himself to death, I had the tragic experience of listening to his son from whom he was estranged eulogise the good parts in the context of the bad. There was certainly know "he deserved to die", but there was a lot of "this may be why he died"

OneWanderingJew Jul 7th, 2005 11:25 PM

I respectfully request, as KatherynT did, that the words of support be returned. IMO, the connection to others is what fosters travel and by extension belongs on this travel site.

Thank you.

specs Jul 8th, 2005 12:13 AM

I am offended that fodors has pulled the thread. I have read this site for all sorts of information over the years and there have been heartfelt tributes, meaningful insights, and sometimes misguided rubbish and hyperbole. Please leave it to the readers to decide for themselves what is of value. We are overall a discerning crowd. This board is like life; there are always some spoilers and misguided fools. To pretend they don't exist is naive. To stay well informed is the best defense against ignorance. Perhaps there can be a spin off posting for those who wish to engage in political discourse, rants, etc. However, I'm on my own here in the UK and the postings yesterday were generally comforting and informative amidst rumor and uncertainty. Thank you to all who posted.

Kate Jul 8th, 2005 12:20 AM

They pulled it? You are KIDDING me. That is outrageously petty given current circumstances. I am disgusted.

Intrepid1 Jul 8th, 2005 01:35 AM

Very unfortunate given the content of some of the more "usual" posts, mine included!

I am attempting not to read too much into the very notable absence of posts from some of the more well-known folks here..perhaps they were all distracted by more important issues or..well, whatever.

I trust everyone in London is having a much better day today. And, don't worry we are <b> not changing our travel plans</b>.

SandyBrit Jul 8th, 2005 02:28 AM

Dear Editors:

Please consider the return of the earlier thread on the terrible tragedy in London. The first posts that I read before going to work were history in the making of people who were reporting the circumstances as dreadful as they were.


David_London Jul 8th, 2005 02:41 AM

I started the thread yesterday that Fodor's have now pulled. Okay it started to get political with a heated debate going on but isn't that what free speech and democracy are all about?

rex Jul 8th, 2005 03:49 AM


Best wishes,


claude315 Jul 8th, 2005 04:00 AM

PLEASE reinstate the thread!!

sera Jul 8th, 2005 04:04 AM

Politics is a part of travel. And of course there are people who ignore politics at home and in their travels. I am not one of those people.

Taking one day to passionately discuss the political ramifications of the awful events in London yesterday is not going to change the nature of this board.

Kate Jul 8th, 2005 04:06 AM

I emailed the editor's to demand an explanation. No reply yet - do they have the nerve to face up to their hurtful actions and DO THE RIGHT THING?

ally67 Jul 8th, 2005 05:24 AM

Well said, that thread was really what this board is all about.... learning from and connecting with others. Sorry it was taken off. Editors, where are you with a response?

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