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John Grant Oct 7th, 2000 02:30 PM

Florence stinks!
<BR>Recently visited Florence like the rest of the world to see the great art. I did and it exceeded my expectations (get reservations for the museums). Stayed at a two star dump recommended by Rick. The bad news was the pervasive smell of sewage all over the city. I don'i know if this is just an autum phenomon or is year round. I know many people who went there and did mot have this experience. Siena was much cleaner and more comfortable, but not as much great art. Anyone else have this experience? PS: seeing David almost made up for the sewage problem. It is an unbelievabli moving event.

Rose Oct 7th, 2000 03:45 PM

They must be having a problem with the sewer system. I've never smelled sewer gas in Florence, the only issue I had last October (9910) was car exhaust. <BR> <BR>I've never been disappointed with Florence. If you didn't like your hotel they were plenty others to choose from, I changed hotels last October. You have to make the best of a trip as you go, there will always be hurdles.

Carol Oct 7th, 2000 10:56 PM

John I too had no problems with bad smells in Florence. <BR>Please tell us the name of the dump you stayed at.

penny Oct 8th, 2000 07:08 AM

just returned from florence wednesday, and it smelled great!! it rained for an hour or two each afternoon(a perfect excuse for a much needed nap) and even that dampness did not bring out any bad odors.

Beth Marciel Oct 8th, 2000 07:20 AM

I try to avoid the large cities in Europe if possible - their pollution controls are'nt as stict as ours in California (and ours have a long way to go). Florence in particular last September - burning eyes from all the gas fumes - great for day trips - the countryside or small villages are the real experience.

John Oct 9th, 2000 08:09 AM

<BR>We stayed at the "Hotel" La Scaletta near the Ponte Vecchio. When you get there it is called a Pensione. Rick called it "well worn, but loved." I would call it uncleanable run by arrogant and unhelpful people. As we were arriving we met a nice family from Conn. who were just leaving ahead of schedule. They old us they had trouble getting into another hotel. The stench in their rooms was unbelievable.

Rose Oct 9th, 2000 09:52 AM

I switched from the Tournabouni to Tony's Hotel last October. The room at Tournabouni was very noisy as it was beside the kitchen, and really just a large closet. It wasn't worth what I was paying for it. I went back to the area I had stayed before, near the train station. Tony's Hotel is a pensione and a Hotel, meaning there are dorms and rooms. I got a room for $125 cdn a night which was nicer and quieter than the Tournabouni. <BR> <BR>My advice is to not writeoff the hotels by the train station, I know they have a bad rap but there are some nice places in the area.

Gal_F Sep 28th, 2012 12:11 PM

Sep 2012
Stinks indeed, sewery waves attacking every now and then... (I keep wondering why) Other than that, all wonerful!

nytraveler Sep 28th, 2012 01:09 PM

Another ancient post revivied????

joannyc Sep 28th, 2012 01:59 PM

Well, it apparently still stinks. I'm happy that someone reported it.

grandmere Sep 28th, 2012 02:27 PM

Agree, nytraveler; what's with all the old posts being revived, especially by new posters who seem to register only to complain? Start a new thread, folks.

joannyc Sep 28th, 2012 02:38 PM

If the shoe fits....or in this case, if the post fits why start a new thread? I like to see the history and see if things have changed or remain the same.

suze Sep 28th, 2012 03:26 PM

it's 12 *years* old!!

golfernz1 Sep 28th, 2012 03:41 PM

Waste of time answering this nonsense, maybe he's had better luck in the last 12 years, give this post a miss. Plus I have been to Florence recently and it did not have any unpleasant smells. Think he took the aroma of the hotel he stayed at around with him all day.

janisj Sep 28th, 2012 03:45 PM

will someone (anyone) explain to me how one can register and top a thread from <B>2000</B>?? Even googling - there are likely to be hundreds if not thousands of Fodors Florence threads that would come up before this moldy thing . . . .

mamcalice Sep 28th, 2012 04:39 PM

We have been to Florence 5 times since 2000 and 3 times before that and have never had an odor. And I have never heard anything of the sort from anyone else. And who brings up a 12 year old thread?

foodor Sep 28th, 2012 05:35 PM

I hope this thread scares off all the billions tourists swarming the city so I can have all Florence for myself!!

golfernz1 Sep 28th, 2012 06:23 PM

Very funny foodor and I'm with you on that, one of my favourite places.

golfernz1 Sep 28th, 2012 06:26 PM

Mamcalice - looks like it was Gal_F, hopefully his first and last.

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