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LKoshell Jun 26th, 1998 05:25 PM

First Trip to Russia
I'm taking my first trip to Russia in August (2-week river cruise with 5 friends, then 2-week trip across country via the Trans-Sib with 1 friend). <BR> <BR>1. Any idea what the weather will be like? <BR>2. What to take for "favor"-type give-aways? <BR>3. Best place to legally exchange $$ for rubles? <BR>4. How much money can one take into Russia? <BR>5. Can you exchange rubles back into US$ before <BR> leaving the country? (Legally) <BR> <BR>Thanks for any advice. <BR> <BR>L.Koshell <BR>

Konstantin Jun 29th, 1998 01:00 AM

1. Russia is a big country and in different regions the weather could vary greatly. Usually in August it is +15C to +30C with possible rains. <BR>2. Of course it depends on whom to give-away. In some cases good alcohol could go. <BR>3. Try to do it in a big city, like Moscow or St.Peter. Here, in Moscow, in center there are lots of official currency exchange points, just choose the best. At the airports the courses are usually a little bit worse. <BR>4. Don't know exactly, but at least several thousand USD. You just have to put everything on the custom declaration and keep the declaration until you leave. <BR>5. Yes, you can. But when you will change dollars into rubles, they must give you a special paper, which will be necessary for you to change your rubles back. <BR> <BR>Have a nice trip. <BR>Konstantin

LKoshell Jun 29th, 1998 01:30 PM

Konstantin: <BR> <BR>Thank you for your reply. I'm so looking foward to my trip! <BR> <BR>By the way, one of my uncles was named Konstantin also! (Memory eternal.) <BR> <BR>Thank you again! <BR> <BR>

Timur Jun 29th, 1998 09:43 PM

Give-aways: I don't smoke but those who do would really appreciate American cigarets. Somehow Marlboro and Camel made in Russia under licence do not taste same as those made in the US.

Zeljka Jul 5th, 1998 11:24 PM

Hello, <BR> <BR>First I have to tell you that you'll really enjoy yourself watching the towns,abundance of cultural objects worth seeing.....But if you are going in a big towns as a Moscow is, my advice is to keep a "low profile",i.e.don't expose yourself so much on the street (I mean don't show on every step that you are foriner),don't take taxi on the street (ordine from the hotel or.....but DON'T TAKE THOSE ONES on the airports,streets ...etc.If you respect those rules you shouldn't be warried for your money.Money you could change on every step,e.g on the airport.One more advice:MIND YOUR BAGAGE IN THE AIRPLANE (take as much as you can with you, in plane)because you could stay without it. <BR>At the end I wish you enjoy your staying there! <BR>Zeljka

J. Ovey Jul 6th, 1998 02:20 PM

Hi. Moscow and Petersburg are great places. I also went to Tver, between the two of them. I'm sure you will enjoy them. The best places in Petersburg are the Peter and Paul fortress, the Winter Palace, Hermitage, Isaac Cathedral, Nevskiy Prospect, the Nevskiy monastery and cemetreis where EVERY famous Russian composer and writer is buried, the subway system (esp. in Moscow) and then out of town the palaces at Pavlovsk and Pushkin. Don't miss the amber room! <BR>Even if you don't go to these places, just walk around and be astounded by fantastic architecture everywhere! The same goes for Moscow. Here go on the subway, see the Kremlin, Gum, Lenin, Gorkiy Park, Bolshoi Theater, Red Square, St Basil's, Arbat (shopping street), and the art galleries! <BR>Try to get to the theatre or opera. I went to the Mussorgsky theatre to see Barber of Seville - fantastic, and only for about $25 in the stalls. <BR>Russiansare fantastically, if not embarrasingly hospitable. Three things are holy to them: God, Russia and guests. <BR>You will be shocked by the contrast between rich and poor. Lots of old women with rags on selling 2 carrots, 1 kitten or a plastic carrier bag! Then rich folk in Mercedes with blacked out windows and mobile phones as far as the eye can see. <BR>Some tips: Take disinfectant. The toilets can be atrocious. Take bath slippers: veruca danger and hygiene. Even in large hotels. <BR>NEVER get into a taxi on the street. Always take one from the hotel and fix the fare in advance. <BR>You'll be okay walking around in Petersburg, and central Moscow is okay, although I found Petersburg safer from the atmosphere. <BR>Souvenirs: There are booths everywhere selling kitsch. But the crystal eggs are sometimes exquisite. If you've a guide, they'll probably take you to a shop where they get commission to supplement their measly salary. <BR>NEVER show off with money. Respect their humility, although the new rich flaunt their wealth in a disgusting manner. <BR>And if you get the chance, go to the sauna (banya). Great experience, where you'll meet the real soul of Russia. <BR>Corruption and crime is high, but that's hardly surprising given the ecomonic situation! Don't look like prey. If you're with Russian in the family, then you'll be okay. <BR>You can take in as much money as you want, but can now (officially) only pay in roubles. Change in the hotel or at a bank (I found Sperbank okay). You are NOT allowed to leave Russia with roubles. <BR>You will have to declare anything you buy (like a painting) so don't try to hide anything in your suitcase. The spot checks at the airport are thorough. <BR>Petersburg airport is fresher and a good deal nicer than Sheremetyevo in Moscow. Try to fly to there and take an overnight train to Moscow. How train travel should be. Leisurely with great kitsch deco. <BR>And have fun. Russia is a great place!

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