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jungli May 23rd, 2006 10:49 PM

first timer to Austria
As usual, before I plan any trip to any part of the world, I try and get advice from our friends in this forum-the advice has always been invaluable.

This time, my husband and me (living in London)are planning our first venture out together to Austria in June.We have about 4 nights or so and I would like to know what would be better-fly out from London to Vienna and then do 2 nights in Innsbruck or go straight to Innsbruck and then do 2 nights at Salzburg and miss Vienna.Pl give in your suggestions as we really don't have a clue except that having grown up on the Chalet school series, I really don't want to miss out on Tyrol.

Barbara_in_CT May 24th, 2006 03:28 AM

I think that Salzburg would meet your expectations. There is a lovely "Old Town", a cool fortress, and great mountains all around. Transportation wise, I would fly into Munich and take the train (Bayern Pass most likely) to Salzburg.

Your other options involve too much travel time for a four night trip.

speckles May 24th, 2006 04:00 AM

I agree with Salzburg. It's very pretty. I can't remember much about Innsbruck and haven't been to Vienna.

Can you fly direct into Salzburg? There is an airport there. Otherwise, Munich is 1.5 hours on the EC trains. I don't know how far it is to Vienna by train or car.

VolGreg May 24th, 2006 04:05 AM

Sorry for hijacking this thread but we are planning our first trip to Austria also. We are trying to do so with direct flights. For example flying into Zurich and returning by Munich. In between we will be traveling by car in Austria. Can this be done in a painlessly?

What cities would you recommend seeing along the way?

We are not skiing so what months would best for traveling?


JoyceL May 24th, 2006 04:12 AM

Since you want to spent time in the Tyrol region, skipping Vienna makes sense.

But if the Tyrol was not an issue, I would spend the entire time in Vienna. There is so much to see in Vienna that even 4 days there is not enough.

I as disappointed in Salzburg. It is a small town that can easily be seen in a half-day visit. I spent two days there, and felt it was at least one day too many.

ira May 24th, 2006 04:49 AM

Hi J,

My suggestion is either 4 days in Vienna or
4 days in Salzburg with daytrips to Berchtesgaden, Hallstatt, St Gilgen, Chiemsee and the surrounding lakes.


If you search this forum for Salzburg, you will find several threads.

ira May 24th, 2006 04:53 AM

Hi Greg,

I think that your question is sufficiently different that it deserves its own thread.


VolGreg May 24th, 2006 05:06 AM

Sorry to all, I started to post in an entirely new thread.I did not because it was so similar and would be posted so close in time that I might not get any responses.

Please ignore my question and I will start in a new thread

Operaman May 24th, 2006 07:59 AM

Agree with JoyceL. Vienna is not a place to be done in a day or two. Four is good for a taste, which will make you want to come back for more.

tcreath May 24th, 2006 08:21 AM

I loved both Vienna and Salzburg, and was quite unimpressed with Innsbruck. I would either spend all four nights in Vienna or all four in Salzburg. Salzburg can easily be done in a day, but the surrounding area is gorgeous and makes for wonderful daytrips.


bob_brown May 24th, 2006 10:46 AM

I never found much in Innsbruck to hold my attention.

Salzburg has some features. The old town is interesting. The fortress up on the hill is interesting if grim. The Marionetten Theater is interesting as well. I thought it was almost like a magic show because of the skill of the people who manipulate the little figures.

Schloss Hellbrunn is good to visit when the trick water fountains are in action, which most days in the summer.

The inside of the house was not that remarkable.

We also enjoyed a tour of the innards of the Festspielhaus where the Salzburg Music Festival is held.

If you saw Sound of Music, the Festspielhaus is one of the few places that you can visit that was featured in the movie. It is the scene in which the von Trapps made their escape and hid amongst the tomb stones.

cparris May 24th, 2006 11:43 AM

You could spend 4 nights in Vienna and do a day trip on a river boat stopping and visiting some of the beautiful villages along the Danube. I also really liked Salzburg, with a day trip to one of the previously mentioned places.

tipsygus May 24th, 2006 01:50 PM

Personally I'm a chalet school lover too, I'd fly into Innsbruck and travel to Jenbach, take the little train, (you know the one I mean) up to Pertisau and find a reasonable hotel, the Hotel Bergland is good, stayed there five years ago and others have recommended it since. Have a round trip on the little white steamer and then if you must go back to Jenbach and on the Salzberg, or forget travelling around, stay in Pertisau and do salzberg as a day trip. If you would more information email me privately I have several booklets on Pertisau. There is also a very good web site at which gives timetables etc. You'll love it.

JN May 25th, 2006 01:02 AM

With four nights, I'd suggest either spending them all in one place and day-tripping to nearby sites. If you really had to fit in more than one place, at most I'd split my time between two close-by cities(V-S, or S-I, but not V-I).

Have you looked into Ryan Air low cost flights to Salzburg from Stansted airport? Their flights are generally much cheaper than Air Berlin Stansted to Vienna.

jungli May 31st, 2006 01:58 AM

thank you all you guys for all the info.. plans still in making-somehow flights out from london are much more expensive for austria than some other places-gess everyone is rushing off there!! so still pondering....really appreciate all the help-wouldn't know what to do without u guys!!

Princess Jul 21st, 2006 08:13 AM

<just to let you know, we took a mini bus to Salzburg from the airport. The bus took us all the waz to our hotel in <old town. With the 40 minutes ride to the <main station in <munich and the transfer to the next platform and then getting a ride to zour hotel, it turned out to be about the same time. <it cost us 74 Euro each for roundtrip. <just an alternative to getting to Salzburg without the hastle.

fudgie Jul 21st, 2006 08:36 AM

I agree with Ira.(above). Go to salzburg with day visits to Halstatt, Berchesgarten etc. Don't spend time traveling from Salzburg to Vienna or spend 4 days in Veinna with side trips to Budapest and Bratislava.
have fun either way.

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