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buzzer Sep 4th, 2005 09:32 AM

A nice adjunct to Google Earth is:

People post interesting finds. Click on the links and GE launches and flies you there.

Also interesting, you can import images and with a little fiddling overlay them on GE. Particularly compelling during hurricanes using satellite imagery.

halfpint Sep 4th, 2005 10:54 AM

Just wondering if there is an eventual charge for this google earth and also is it a terribly long download initially? Am interested but always hate to get beyond my depth in downloading. Any and all advise would be appreciated. If it is just a simple download, I AM COMING. Thanks much. halfpint

soccr Sep 4th, 2005 11:39 AM

It's currently free but yes, rather a longish download if you don't have broadband or cable -- and once you've downloaded it, it still takes a while to boot, will eat up your memory so don't be running too many other things at the same time or they'll all freeze. But yes, it's definitely worth it -- be sure to play with the rotation and zoom functions.

Gavin Sep 4th, 2005 02:27 PM

I think the business model is to keep it free to users and make money by charging to have your business appear on the images when users are checking out an area. This will make it a very usefull travel tool.

walkinaround Sep 4th, 2005 02:28 PM

it downloaded very fast for me. i don't think they will be a charge as it is easy to see the commercial's the future of web searches for businesses and companies will pay a lot to be shown on GE.

halfpint Sep 5th, 2005 04:52 AM

Thanks for the info so far and in trying to get to the google earth, sounded like you have to join google GROUPS of which there are only 268 members (just didn't sound right) so think I am not in the right spot. Could I get more info on what to look for as I do want to download it as am on cable so should not be too long a download. thanks much. halfpint

halfpint Sep 5th, 2005 05:46 AM

Here is halfpint again, just thought I would let all know I got it downloaded just fine in less than 5 minutes by using, instead of the other way around. Perhaps different strokes for different folks. Anyway, WOW and thanks much, looks like it is going to be soooooo much fun. Have a good labor day all. Halfpint

Jddechomd Sep 5th, 2005 05:55 AM

I knew from the title that this was going to be about this fascinating site. The detail in most places is awesome. By tilting the perspective you can even use it to get an idea of the hills and valleys around locations. Too bad the hotels and churches are not yet identified for Europe. It was really helpful in USA for finding stops along our route.
If this quality and detail is available on a free site I can hardly imagine what the spies have access to. They can probably read this Email from space!! (tilting my screen down a bit now HA!)

AnnieP Sep 6th, 2005 06:18 AM

Halfpint, Im sorry. It was my idiotic mistake that typed in the site incorrectly. It IS and not the other way around. Sorry for making you waste all that time. By the way, has anybody been able to find the Great Wall of China. Nobody (workmates) here can.

missypie Sep 6th, 2005 06:43 AM

I've heard that it is pretty darned dangerous for our folks in Iraq.

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