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Vish_Iy Nov 19th, 2017 09:12 PM

Family vacation
I am planning my first family vacation to Europe, in June/July.
We are threesome and we are planning a 10 day visit.
Request all enlightened souls to guide me to the best places in June/July.
Would like to cover upto 3 countries if possible.

We hail from India and a tad budget conscious.
Neverthless would like all inputs and promise to review and get back.


Vishwanath Iyer

janisj Nov 19th, 2017 09:51 PM

No one can possibly answer such a broad question. Do you have any guide books? Have you dreamed of visiting any specific place(s)? You do need to have at least some ideas of your own. Once you come up with some sort of basic plan we can help you refine/improve it.

10 days is a VERY short time to visit three cities let alone three whole 'countries'.

pariswat Nov 19th, 2017 09:57 PM

Nobody gets paid here to organise your holiday. If you have no idea at all see a travel agent if you don't want to read some guidebooks.

Vish_Iy Nov 19th, 2017 10:29 PM

Ok thank you guys. I will certainly come back with specifics.
Thank you for responding though.

bilboburgler Nov 19th, 2017 11:59 PM

How price conscious are you, certainly Romania and Bulgaria are cheap to visit and the first have some wonderful places to visit.

StCirq Nov 20th, 2017 12:01 AM

You are not planning anything. You just have the glimmer of an idea at this point. Nobody is enlightened enough to help 3 people organize a tiny little visit to an entire continent. You might be able to visit one country in such a short time and see a bit of it. Three countries is utterly unrealistic.You need guidebooks and websites and a reality check.

pariswat Nov 20th, 2017 01:55 AM

StCirq Indians are known to visit at a very fast pace.

They haven't got so much holidays, so it is often that they visit ore places than we would do.

If 3 countries are a 'must' OP could land in Paris, 3-4 days, go to Bruxelles - 2 days and finsih in Amsterdam, 3-4 days.

Total 10 days (on the ground, if possible).
Fly in Paris, leave Amsterdam.

Vish_Iy Nov 20th, 2017 03:15 AM

Thankyou @ bilboburgler, StCirq & pariswatfor your input.
Will be working on my itinerary and coming back for more guidance.

It is a wonderful forum. May the tribe increase.

bilboburgler Nov 20th, 2017 04:09 AM

Could just do Maastricht/Liege/Aachen, three countries in a 20 km circle and some amazing sights/foods etc

pariswat Nov 20th, 2017 05:12 AM

Drive to Luxembourg and you'll have a 4th !

fourfortravel Nov 20th, 2017 05:38 AM

With this being a first holiday in Europe, and possibly in June, my suggestion would be Paris and London, a *classic* first visit.

1. Both are two very easy-to-navigate cities for a first time visitor.
2. The weather should be mild.
3. European schools will not have been released for summer break so family crowds will be minimized.
4. No cruise ship passenger overload issues.

If you are feeling adventurous, Amsterdam is but 4 hours from Paris on a train. Fly into London and explore, take the Eurostar to Paris, then train to Amsterdam for a day or so before your departure.

Sassafrass Nov 20th, 2017 06:50 AM

What are you most interested in? Cities, mountains, countryside, art, architecture, small walled villages or towns, food, etc.?

PalenQ Nov 20th, 2017 07:46 AM

10 days pick at most 2-3 places to visit - fly into one like London and take train to say Paris then Amsterdam and fly out of Amsterdam.

Or any 2-3 places fairly close to each other - like Venice, Florence or Rome.

Or Paris -overnight train to Venice and Rome - fly into Paris and out of Rome, etc.

Or Paris-Switzerland-Munich, etc.

Trains are great - great resources on trains and where to go check; and

Again flying open jaw - into one city and out of another is great.

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