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wildc Feb 13th, 2016 08:23 AM

Europe Trip 22 year olds
Hi All,

Was hoping to get some ideas/thoughts about my friends and I's plan in Europe. We plan on leaving June 21st - July 6th. All four of us (22 year olds) would like to hit the bars/nightclubs most nights, and would like to tour some great areas as well. We would like to hit the following areas:

1) Germany - open for any suggestionsBarcelona
2) Amsterdam
3) Barcelona

Our budget per person is $4,500. This includes:
$1,500 flight (includes flying to and from all 3 countries)
$900 Food
$900 stay (combination of Airbnb, hotels, and hostels)
$1,200 misc. (tours, nightclubs, etc.)

Days 1,14 flying to and from
Days 2,3,4,5 Germany
Days 6,7,8,9 Amsterdam
Days 10,11,12,13 Barcelona

Questions for you:
What are some great places around amsterdam and barcelona to go out at night or see/do during the day?
Where in Germany would be the best place for nightlife plus touristy?

Any advice is great advice. Please comment if you have an opinion, criticism, thoughts and etc. THANK YOU

justineparis Feb 13th, 2016 08:49 AM

Germany --- BERLIN. fun and lively city for young partiers..

Amsterdam.. basically central Amsterdam is fun every where.. but we haven't done hard partying for many years now ( I did a 3 month trip to Europe when I was 23.. and my own 19 yr old daughter is doing a 2.5 month trip starting this April.. so I totally get the fun factor)

Barcelona.. can't help.. I found it not that fun.. but loved smaller coastal towns.. probably not what you are looking for however. On the other hand Lloret de Mar is an hour by bus from Barcelona and super fun for younger folks.. we were on bus going to a further ( quieter) town and when bus stopped at Lloret de Mar at least 90% of bus got off there.. and at least 80/% of them seemed young to us..

nytraveler Feb 13th, 2016 09:51 AM

Agree that Berlin is a great choice for Germany - lots of young people and quite inexpensive.

For Berlin to Amsterdam I would do train instead of fly. The trip will take about 6 hours (perhaps 1 hour longer than flying) but you can get super discount fares by buying far in advance. (But then I hate flying on discount airlines - way to cattlelike - would prefer 6 hours of comfort checking out the countryside to all the aggravation of airports and the huge restrictions on luggage of the cheap airlines.

I wold definitely check out the Let' Go Student guide to get info on places for student nightlife (pubs, clubs, etc) which will have reasonable rates. Note that beer and wine are usually very cheap in europe but hard liquor or mixed drinks can be outrageously expensive.

Your budget should cover hostels (but do pick out the best as soon as possible - since some are plagues by drugs and theft) and the food budget is doable as long as you are careful. (Be aware that soft drinks in europe are minute and very expensive unless you buy in supermarkets).

You have nothing for shopping and may be low on the money for local transit, daily expenses, sightseeing and nightlife.

Our younger DD, then 19, spent about 6 weeks 2 summers ago and spend almost $8K including air and train fares. The didn't shop a lot but they did see every sight and do some day trips (some sights are big $) and they stayed i modest hotels - but always with AC (many budget laces in europe do not have AC).

justineparis Feb 13th, 2016 10:03 AM

Most youngsters on budgets do not really build "shopping" into their plans.. they have to carry it all around .. and anything heavier then a keychain is a weight space consideration.
I know I did three months in Europe back in 80s.. only came home with one new shirt and a set of candlesticks.
At 23 my priorities were having fun, nightclubs, fun,seeing some historical sites, fun, and beaches.. lol

nytraveler Feb 13th, 2016 05:45 PM

Well, we're all different.

Even when I went the first time at 19 I wanted to see every museum, castle and cathedral - as well as the standard tourist sights. Boyfriend and I had a decent dinner every night and went to a pub or club several nights for a couple of hours but never anywhere near a beach (why - there were nicer beaches 20 minutes from my parents house and I could spend time there whenever I wanted?).

As for shopping - no did not do much - but I have never been a shopper at all.

justineparis Feb 13th, 2016 07:32 PM

Yes we are all different, you obviously had a heck of a lot more disposable income at 19 then i did, i had to wait and earn my way to europe on my own dime. I would have loved your trip, we on other hand ate crackers and cheese in seedy hotel rooms, but we did have 3 months to budget for ...

spaarne Feb 13th, 2016 10:48 PM

<i> Europe Trip 22 year olds
Posted by: wildc on Feb 13, 16 at 12:23pm
Posted in: Europe
Tagged: Germany , Netherlands , Spain </i>

For Germany consider D&uuml;sseldorf's Alte Stadt. It is a pretty crazy place, especially on Saturday. Bars and people galore.

In Amsterdam the Leidseplein is the favorite bar area for tourists. My preference is the Hoppe at the Spui for after work to early evening. This is an original "brown bar." The crowd spills out onto the sidewalk and almost into the bike path (beware of Amsterdam bike paths!!!). The clientele is mostly older than you but it is easy to start some chat and get primed for the night. The Dutch love Americans and love to practice speaking our lingo. If it is a warm sunny day take the train over to Zandvoort or Bloemendaal beach on the North Sea. Stop in Haarlem on the way back to Amsterdam for a very active pub area around the Big Church, a.k.a. Grote Kerk. That is about a ten minute walk south from the rail station.

For nightlife Paris is much better than Barcelona. A great place for years has been the Cave de la Huchette. Live music and very friendly folks downstairs. You'll meet young people from all over Europe.

Binge drinking and public drunkenness is frowned on in Europe. Be gentlemen, drink in moderation, and feed yourself before you start the beer. You are not at a frat party. Sorry to sound like your momma but you asked for "any advice, etc."

Overall I would pull the locations closer together. You only have two weeks and travel time is wasted time. Use the trains. For an illustrated introduction to European rail see
Get a copy of Lonely Planet's "Europe on a Shoestring." It was written for kids like you, and I still use it after decades of traveling in Europe.

kimhe Feb 14th, 2016 01:21 AM

Great nightlife in the medieval Born district in Barcelona. loads of bars/music bars in and around Passeig del Born:

More upscale and very local atmosphere nightlife in and around Carrer Aribau just up from the university from 1450:

nytraveler Feb 14th, 2016 09:29 AM

Justineparis -

Sorry - I didn't have any disposable income. Was putting myself through college on scholarships, student loans and working part time during the school year and 2 jobs every summer - since my parents were very low income and had none to contribute to my schooling.

The only way I was able to do this trip was that my godmother left me a minute inheritance and my B's brother was buying a VW in europe and wanted someone to drive it there so he could import it to the US as a used car - so he was covering transit costs. We stayed in gasthauses, pensions, and super cheap hotels (one in Paris was $6 per night - but we left because we found people doing drugs in the shared bath).

It just depends on what you want to see/do - and do admit that traveling as half of a couple is cheaper. B

nytraveler Feb 14th, 2016 09:32 AM

Sorry - and there was no way I could have traveled for 3 months - I spent the rest of the summer working 2 full time jobs so I would have spending money for my junior year.

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