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4sammy Sep 8th, 2017 07:08 AM

Europe November??
Hi all,

My husband is going to be in Europe - kind of all over (UK, Sweden, France) early November for business. We haven't been to Europe together since pre-kids so are trying to work in a short vacation at the end of the trip.

Granted - this is not the ideal time for an all-out, dream vacation. Weather will likely not be ideal and we won't have as much time as we would like - between his trip and Thanksgiving we are being squeezed to about 5 days. But it is a great opportunity to spend some time together, and I'll get my Europe itch scratched a bit.

His plans are still in flux, but we have a pretty good idea that he will be finishing up in Alsace, France.

Given the weather and length of trip - what would be your suggestions for a meetup location? Alsace appears lovely but perhaps better in spring. Paris is obviously an easy option, although we have both been a couple of times and would like to consider other destinations. It seems that he can travel easily to Paris and easily catch a flight just about anywhere in Europe.

We have been to Munich, to London and Paris, I have been all over Italy, but he hasn't. So Rome is on my short list, along with Venice. I have also always wanted to go to Amsterdam which could be a very easy trip for him; is the weather too terrible?

In a nutshell - if someone said, here, go to Europe, you have 5 days in November. Where would you go ?

MmePerdu Sep 8th, 2017 07:22 AM

"...if someone said, here, go to Europe, you have 5 days in November."

Interesting you should ask. Someone did say that to me, or more precisely, I said it to myself. I wanted a place to stop before an onward flight, it could have been anywhere and I chose Rome. I've been there twice before and have a number of places waiting for me to visit from my last 2 wish lists.

Last time was in late December and the weather was pretty good, occasional sprinkles and cool but still nice to walk, not at all cold. Better than my last visit to Paris in May. Amsterdam wouldn't cross my mind in winter.

4sammy Sep 8th, 2017 07:34 AM

Thanks! I thought I would get jumped on for not having a list ready of our interests, but honestly, it depends on the place, you know? In this case it really is about what places should be ruled out due to weather. Sadly I don't think Amsterdam is the best choice this trip.

So a vote for Rome, yay! I can taste the gelato already.

StCirq Sep 8th, 2017 07:36 AM

FWIW, we have 10 days in November and are going to Milan for 6 and Lake Maggiore for 4.

Amsterdam wouldn't be on my radar at that time of year. Sicily or Morocco might be, though.

PalenQ Sep 8th, 2017 08:11 AM

Amsterdam weather is not too terrible if you mean ice and cold - usually in 40s or so and a great place to relax and take a day trip or two by the super Dutch trains to nearby smaller Dutch gems like Delft or Haarlem or any of a zillion neat old regional towns.

Land in Paris and take Thalys train at speeds up to nearly 200 mph to Amsterdam in 3.5 hours - quicker than flying if you don't fly directly into Amsterdam. Could also stop in Brussels en route -for lots on trains and booking your own ticket-; (check their online European Planning & Rail Guide for lots of places to go);

Italy would be a good choice for warmer weather - land in Venice and take train to Rome in just over 3 hours.

Whathello Sep 8th, 2017 08:15 AM

I am each year in the French Riviera in Nov.
This year I could swim. Usually good weather.

dwdvagamundo Sep 8th, 2017 08:45 AM

How about Venice, for a second honeymoon?

4sammy Sep 8th, 2017 10:04 AM

Thanks all for your feedback - PalenQ, you did tempt me back to Amsterdam, but I floated both suggestions by the hubby and he responded thusly:

All Good

So I think we will go with Rome. Hooray as I subconsciously was hoping for that :)

Now - I have been to Rome but it was many years ago, as a solo college student. I had 5 days there and was more than ready to hit the road to Florence after that. The hub tends to get antsy after three days or so, so thinking we may hit the highlights in Rome and take the train up to Venice for 2. Sure would love it to be two weeks but 5 days is what we've got so I think we can make that work to hit the highlights, at least!

Thanks everyone!

PalenQ Sep 8th, 2017 11:01 AM

Book those Rome-Venice train trips ASAP for deep discounts - usually possible I think up to 90 days advance - also check - competitor to Trenitalia - runs on same rail lines but is consistently cheaper - check both - very little difference in comfort on trains many say.

I think Rome - Venice for what your desires are is about as best as you can do - Venice however I believe it subject to high water flooding in late autumn - conssult the stars and avoid high tidal periods when most likely to happen but even then catwalks are set up and it can be rather interesting and not the whole of Venice is flooded.

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