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lorelle Jan 20th, 2007 08:32 AM

End of summer vacation for schools in Norway
We would like to travel to Norway this summer after the schools have had their summer vacation. Does anyone know when public schools in Norway remume classes again after their summer 2007 holidays?

wasleys Jan 22nd, 2007 02:10 PM

Google for

school holidays norway 2007


FauxSteMarie Jan 22nd, 2007 02:25 PM

For the record, I googled following the above advice and found nothing which gave me an answer to the question. I do believe that Norwegian schools are on holiday in July. I think they go back sometime in August, but I don't know for sure. I have never been to Norway, by the way, but looked into this in connection with trying to organize a home exchange in Norway years ago. It didn't work out.

By the way, it is more helpful to post the answer if you know it. If you don't know it, move on. Telling someone to google is not advice, but a sort of brush off. We can all presume some basic knowledge of web search engines.

At least that is my view. And you don't have to post on threads if you don't know the answer.

Christina Jan 22nd, 2007 03:10 PM

Yes, that is only your view, but I guess you don't have the right to tell other people what to do, either, it seems to me.

For the record, many people actually do not know very much about the web nor googling. I have seen countless posts on Fodors about people who didn't know how to use Google at all. Telling someone to google is usually not a brushoff, but advice. Whether it is good advice or not, may depends, but I suspect the reply would be something else if it were meant to be just a brushoff, or there would be no response.

If one is very familiar with the web and know how to search well, you could find the answer just by doing what wasleys says, as I did and found the exact answer in about the second mention of results. This is it:

It gives pretty exact date. The only thing is you do have to be a little google or web-savvy and try a few variations based on what makes the most sense in phrases, and also what weeds out junk. I did that because I am very familiar with web searching, and the best result that gets you that link immediately is exactly the words wasleys says, but to put the phrase "school holidays" in quotes, so it is retained as a phrase. Perhaps wasleys left out that info or something, I don't know.

FauxSteMarie Jan 22nd, 2007 03:26 PM

I am sure the original poster will be glad of the information. I guess I forgot to put the quotes in when I googled. 20 lashes with a wet noodle for me!

rjsol Jan 23rd, 2007 01:34 AM

Schools will start again someday in week 33, so if you go ultimo August you will be fine. Why, are you afraid of being run over by a horde of kidyoungsters ? For mountain hiking the weeks mentioned are quieter, as many work early in summer to make money, then go for a hike the last weeks before school starts.

wasleys Jan 23rd, 2007 03:39 PM


<i>you don't have to post on threads if you don't know the answer</i>

For your information in an attempt to give more help than you did I Googled that very search and the top link;hl=en was to a site which gave the information for each fylke in Norway. Not knowing where the OP was going in the country it seemed appropriate to refer to the method of finding that out so that they could get the exact information they needed. Certainly a lot more helpful than your waffle of <i>sometime in August, but I don't know for sure.</i>

So why did you post when you didn't know the answer?

FauxSteMarie Jan 23rd, 2007 04:58 PM

To encourage someone who really knew the answer to post. If you really knew the answer, you could have posted the link in your first response, rather than giving the poster the brush off. You did give the poster the brush off.

Have a nice day, and be more polite to posters the next time, please.

wasleys Jan 23rd, 2007 05:31 PM


I did not give the OP the brush off. That is purely your subjective opinion. I gave clear advice as to how to find the answer; putting those four words exactly as written here into Google brings up the details on the first link. With hindsight it would have been better to post the link, however it was late and I was short of time and in that respect I am culpable of lack of thought - not lack of courtesy - for which I would apologise to lorelle. At least I tried.

You, on the other hand, appear to have had the time but chose to use it sanctimoniously by preaching rather than constructively by trying to offer real help.

In future please concentrate on helping, not policing.

FauxSteMarie Jan 23rd, 2007 06:28 PM

Wasleys, if the above is an apology, I accept and regard the matter closed.

wasleys Jan 23rd, 2007 06:33 PM


No apology has been made to you so you are not in any position to accept or otherwise.

But I agree that our discussion is closed.

FauxSteMarie Jan 23rd, 2007 06:39 PM

Then I don't accept the apology because you did not apologize.

lorelle Jan 24th, 2007 09:02 AM

Thanks, Christina, for giving me the website I needed. I had done a Google search, but for whatever reason I did not find this helpful site.
Wow! I had no idea my request for info would unleash such a firestorm of comments, but thanks to all who did contribute in a positive manner. I really appeciate eveyone's help

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