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JAN Oct 1st, 2000 04:16 PM

Eiffel Tower
Does anyone know if the Eiffel Tower has opened past the second level yet? A few weeks ago, you could not go past the second level due to refurbishing, etc. <BR> <BR>Leave on Friday. Would like to go to the top! Just curious!

was just there Oct 1st, 2000 08:05 PM

Yes. You can shoot right up to the top.

deena Oct 2nd, 2000 06:58 PM

You can go to the topo, but be sure to see the first and second levels also. Each gives a different perspective. <BR>

Julie Brown Oct 3rd, 2000 10:35 AM

Jan--My hubby and I were in Paris in May of this year, and let's just say you skip the top level of the tower. The 2nd level is much less crowded and you don't have to be led like cattle into a tiny elevator car. Talk about a pickpocket field day. You are just too close to people you never want to know. But on a postive note, the view is wonderful and you can say you did it and never have to do it again. Have a wonderful trip Paris is a lovely city, and even if I had to land there on top of the Tower I'd go in a heartbeat!

Cindy Oct 3rd, 2000 11:07 AM

Yes, you can go to the top. I was there two weeks ago. Personally, I loved visiting all three levels. Yes, the elevator is crowded, but I truthfully can tell people I went to the top of the Eiffel tower. If only anyone cared. : )

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