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uruabam Jan 7th, 2015 03:56 PM

Thanks Sassy. If your travelling companion is uncomfortable making the journey alon it would be straightforward to accompany them to Buchanan St Stn and see them onto the Airport bus and still be back in Edinburgh by 8AM.

sassy27 Jan 7th, 2015 04:29 PM

Oh I will be calling the airline when all 3 of us are together, hopefully this weekend. I really don't want us to have to get up that early as we will be vacating our rental that same morning so will be busy with other things. It was just easier for an Edinburgh arrival and departure as all three of us are familiar with Edinburgh and timing. The 3rd person has never been to Glasgow and if I wanted Glasgow in the first place, I would have booked that destination. I just am planning for the worst just in case but I'll report back as this might help someone else.

janisj Jan 7th, 2015 04:36 PM

Oh Jeeze, move out day makes it even messier. That would make staying over night in Glasgow a non starter for sure.

I feel for you.

sassy27 Jan 16th, 2015 03:53 PM

I wanted to give a half update on this. I called the airline today and only so far got 2 tickets changed. While I am not very happy with what I got it is doable.

I couldn't change the 3rd person's flights as they were booked through a different partner even though we were all on the canceled route. I did have some problems which I expected. The agent thought GLA Glasgow was LGA La Guardia, I just hope he was tired even though it was the morning my time. Then he couldn't understand why I wanted to change the destination. Then he said something about no code share flights on my return so he couldn't help me. 4 times I said sorry no and his only option was to call back later, they might add a flight. I finally got a supervisor who was snippy. I never raised my voice so guess she was having a bad day. She got me on partner flight for the return. I am getting back 7 hours later but I wasn't turning back. The earlier flights didn't have any economy class, which while not problem, I wasn't going to continue fighting and get her more angry. It will make going to work hard the next day but I can do something about that.

I am seeing the 3rd person tomorrow so we will call together to change the other flights.

MmePerdu Jan 16th, 2015 04:25 PM

Good work, sassy. They're willing to hang us out to dry and we mustn't let them. They can do the right thing if they want to, and even when they don't want to, and I'm glad to hear you stood up for yourself.

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