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zxcvbnm Mar 27th, 2018 12:29 PM

Driving and Parking in France and Monaco-any important rules?
How is it driving in Southern France- from Nice to Mercantour National Park and to Monaco and to Cannes and from Cannes to other national parks: Ecrins, Port Cross, Calanques? Is there snow anywhere near there or gravelly pathway for which 4 wheel drive is better- this week and next? How is driving in general there? Any particular rules of driving or parking that we should know about, like alternate side parking? Do rental car companies in France allow you to drive to Monaco or other countries? Any other helpful suggestions?

tuscanlifeedit Mar 27th, 2018 01:45 PM

We stayed in St Jean Cap Ferrat and had no trouble driving with our rental car to everywhere we wanted to go, with one exception. We drove to Monaco, parked and visited the palace and cathedral, explored, and then got in our car (gigantic parking structure) and drove down to the center of Monte Carlo. We just wanted to have a peek at the casino and high end shops but spent all our time there trying to park. In the end, after more than an hour, we could not find a parking spot. Traffic has bad, and crowds were big. We got out of there and drove to Ste. Agnes, where we were the only tourists we saw.

Michael Mar 27th, 2018 02:06 PM

Italy might have higher mandatory insurance requirements for rented cars, otherwise you need not worry about "crossing borders" of which there is none between France and Monaco.

gooster Mar 28th, 2018 10:34 AM

There has been a lot of snow this past winter, so as you go up into the Parc Mercantour you will have snow at the higher elevations (e.g. the ski resorts). The 0C/32F level is at 2000m or so, as of today.

In France, keep in mind that no headphones/phones are allowed in use, the alcohol % limit for driving is very low, and an IDP or other certified translation is recommended if you get stopped (they won't ask for it while renting, but afterwards). Speed limits can be condition dependent. The main A highways are tolls, so keep money or a chip-card handy. You can drive to Monaco but some may require the supplemental insurance for Italy.

We have an apartment in Nice and have driven around, although most times we take public transport. For Monaco, it is much easier to hop the train than to battle the traffic, although this is the offseason. Cannes is also quite easy by train - it's quite a short walk from the station to the main waterfront. For some of these towns and villages, it's best to rent the smallest car that is comfortable for your group. Parking and streets can get very narrow.

hetismij2 Mar 28th, 2018 01:03 PM

Remember that the sign stating the name of the town or village is also the speed limit sign - 50km/h unless it specifically says otherwise (often lower!). There is often a speed camera soon after that sign and fines are high and will be collected eventually, even if you are unaware you were speeding. In many village priorty to the right still applies, and will be taken so watch side roads and give way.
If you are using a GPS device it must not warn you of speed traps.

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