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kenav Jun 12th, 2008 02:49 PM

Barbara in FL: I saw some other map that showed ferries from Mull to Skye - probably via some other isle. Perhaps not run by CalMac. I will ask the lodging we're staying in in Mull the best way to get to Skye. We haven't decided where to stay in Mull yet.

Also don't know where we'll be staying in Skye. Any suggestions?

As far as pricey eating goes - I hope that the big Scottish breakfast will carry me and hubby to a late light lunch or afternoon snack, and therefore not worry too much about the price of dinner.

GreenDragon - Have a great time and let us all know how it went when you get home.

janisj Jun 12th, 2008 03:11 PM

kenav: &quot;<i> I saw some other map that showed ferries from Mull to Skye - probably via some other isle. </i>&quot;

There are no ferries between Mull and Skye, via another island or not. You need a better map. I'd look for a good road atlas - Barnes &amp; Noble and Borders carry good UK road atlases.

You can take three different ferries from Mull - but all go to different parts of the mainland.

Then you either drive to Mallaig and take a ferry to Skye, or drive to Kyle of Lochalsh and take the bridge, or another small seasonal ferry at Kyle Rhea.

Barbara_in_FL Jun 12th, 2008 03:17 PM

I don't think anything else but CalMac serves Armadale but there might be different connections at Uig. It's a good idea to check with your lodging in Mull (or on Skye). The only non-CalMac ferry I saw while we were there was the private little ferry that goes over to the Glenelg peninsula -- which I recommend for its scenic value, but it won't help you get out to the islands.

Because we were on Skye for two weeks, we went the self-catering route. Here is our lovely little cottage:

I wish I could recommend a B&amp;B, but I know there are good suggestions in other threads.

psyclist Jun 12th, 2008 03:34 PM

I've enjoyed reading the various Scotland posts as I'm doing a last-minute plan for our visit to Scotland, leaving in about a week...

We have friends near Edinburgh that we'll be staying with beginning around day 3 or 4 of a 9-day trip. We already have our flights in/out of Heathrow (long story, it was a necessity).

We had originally planned on catching the tube into King's Cross from Heathrow and a train to Edinburgh, then rent a car there... reverse process on the way home. (We arrive into Heathrow in the a.m. and leave in the evening). Now that we're thinking we're going to head to the Northwest first for a few days, I question whether to just rent the car at Heathrow and drive vs. take the train which might allow us to head more directly Northwest?

Would appreciate opinions on whether to take the train to/from Edinburgh, as well as any and all advice on &quot;must see's&quot; for a middle-aged couple with a 10 year old.

Maybe it's just an American thing, but I just like the independence of having a car...

...and bicycle touring in Australia, I found the worst part of the left-handed driving was always the roundabouts... :)


janisj Jun 12th, 2008 03:48 PM

Welcome to Fodors psyclist. You might do better to start your own thread instead of piggybacking on this one. You are asking some unrelated questions and when we answer you it will sort of hijack kenav's thread.

But just a couple of quick comments. It is usually a very bad idea to drive after an overnight flight. Jet lag, unfamiliar territory, the hassles etc.

If it was me - I'd fly directly from LHR up to Edinburgh. Spend a couple of days touring the city car-less, then pick up a rental car and do the rest of the trip by car (some of Scotland, northwest England, down through England, and ending up in London. Drop the car and visit London, again car-less.

psyclist Jun 12th, 2008 04:00 PM

Thanks, janisj, I will start another thread. I hear you re: flying to Edinburgh, but we're kind of &quot;obligated&quot; to say with friends there for the latter part of our stay, so was hoping to get up to the NW early on... will look for any further comments on a new/different thread... thanks again!

kenav Jun 12th, 2008 06:47 PM

Will look at a different map!

We are flying into Edinburgh from JFK, spending 3 days and then to Glasgow for 2 where we will then rent a car and use it for the rest of our trip, ending at Edinburgh Airport. I agree - can't imagine driving after landing. We're always in a jet lagged daze.

BTW - Bought our tickets 5 days ago from Delta - and I just looked again (I never do this, don't know why I did it this time) and the fare went from the $1427 we got for the two of us, to $1755! Lesson: Buy when you think it's a decent deal.

kenav Jun 13th, 2008 05:23 PM

Yes - Tobermory to Kilchoan ferry, then drive to Mallaig and take that ferry - that's what I was thinking and what I saw on my map (just looked again). Figure 4 hours for that route?

janisj Jun 13th, 2008 06:00 PM

Just to clarify - Kilchoan isn't on an island, it is on the mainland.

Anther ferry option would be Fishnish to Lochaline - which is also on the mainland.

Barbara_in_FL Jun 13th, 2008 06:06 PM

According to, the drive in between the two ferries is just under 2 hours; the rest would depend on your connections. The crossing from Mallaig to Armadale is very quick (about 1/2 an hour) but you do have to be there ahead of time. If you're not staying near Armadale, the closest town is probably Broadford, another 1/2 an hour up the road.

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