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ira May 30th, 2005 04:04 AM

Hi anna,

>Cahors to Dordgone, via Figeac?

Would anyone have suggestions on a scenic route?<

Try this using map 338:

Exit Cahors on the D911. Pick up the D8 outside Arcambal toward Galessie. Take the D8 through St. Cirq-Lapopie and across the Lot River to the D662. Go West to the D41. North to Cabrerets and the Grotte du Peche Merle.

After visiting Peche Merle, take the D41 along the Cele River to Figeac.

Exit Figeac on the N140. Go left on the D36 to Rocamadour.

From Rocamadour choose the best route to where you are staying.

It's about 1:45 hr Cahors to Figeac, and about 1 hr Figeac to Rocamadour.

Hope this helps.


Anna_C May 31st, 2005 03:35 AM

Thanks for the route Ira.

ira May 31st, 2005 05:28 AM

You're welcome, Anna

StCirq May 31st, 2005 06:00 AM

Anna, I can't be specific with regard to English-language tours of Carcassonne, but generally speaking in that part of the world, they have limited English tours and not at specific times - they base them on requests they get for them.

tedgale May 31st, 2005 02:26 PM

Anna_C: Brushing up now on High-school French: that's more like it! You go girl!

Where in Canada are you from (I'm in Ottawa, which today, after weeks of rainy chill, is basking in golden light and balmy temperatures -- and more to come: 28 degrees by the weekend!)

Anna_C Jun 6th, 2005 05:33 PM


I am from Toronto.

I am trying to book a private guide tour of Carcassonne with one recommended in the Rick Steve's guide book; however this person never returns email (guess she's too busy bec she has been mentioned in the guide). Carcassonne guide (at the castle)mentioned that the English tours are 11:45, 2:45 and 3:45 so I think we are out of luck as we are getting in when they close and leaving early the next morning. Maybe we just walk on our own using our tour guide? Seems a shame to come all that way and not take the tour (or trade off seeing some villages along the way to Cahors). Maybe I'll phone Carcassonne again and to confirm that I did get the correct schedule info for english tours.

Have any idea on regional gifts, food items, I could take home as gifts, for example, the chocolate dusted walnuts, and where to buy them?

Thanks, Anna

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