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rfbk50 May 27th, 2012 08:29 AM

Don't you feel part of the "in" crowd when -------
-------when someone comments about a certain town, street corner, view, restaurant, market, statue, etc. and you say to yourself, "I know exactly where that is". That makes me feel so worldly. I think that is part of the thrill of traveling.

I'm finally hanging with the cool crowd!!!!!!!

Sassafrass May 27th, 2012 08:54 AM

Don't know about feeling like part of the cool crowd, but it is fun when I see some place in a movie or on TV that I have been, or read about a place in a book that I can picture exactly because I have been there. I especially enjoy spending enough time in a place that I feel it is now part of me, that I have a little ownership or could get around without a map.

It is also fun and interesting to talk with people about places they have been or want to go, and how different sometimes their idea of a place is from the reality. Recently, a neighbor said they would not go to Paris because they had heard it was just another big city like NYC. Funny thing is, they've not been to NYC either, so even if it were the same, how would they know? It is amazing how different big cities can be.

AlessandraZoe May 27th, 2012 10:36 AM

I love watching Amazing Race just for that reason!

raincitygirl May 27th, 2012 11:49 AM

Sassafrass, people are funny aren't they? NYC and Paris are completely different! I like both of them for different reasons.
I am always amazed by people who really don't care to travel at all, no curiosity, no knowledge of anything beyond their own little neighbourhood....mind boggling to me.

bilboburgler May 27th, 2012 12:25 PM

a bit of a lounge subject

LSky May 27th, 2012 01:12 PM

I know someone who says, "I'd travel if I could take my own bed." She has a rich and interesting life without travel.

Like Sassafrass, I love seeing a place in a movie and I've been there. Having someone say in their own langauge, "I understand you perfectly", gives me a thrill that can last a month. When a woman said to me, "oh you speak English, sorry I couldn't tell" well, that made my whole vacation!

santamonica May 27th, 2012 01:21 PM

Me too. I feel a little guilty about it, like I should be more interested in reading articles in the travel section about places I haven't been rather than places I have been, but it's the places I've been to that I read about first.

colduphere May 27th, 2012 01:25 PM

That's why I love when someone mentions Disneyworld. We've been there twice. Or maybe three times.

Aduchamp1 May 27th, 2012 02:13 PM

That's why I love when someone mentions Disneyworld. We've been there twice. Or maybe three times.

There is a difference between living there and visiting.

olesouthernbelle May 27th, 2012 02:19 PM

Disney is always changing things up - have you been lately, cold> :))

colduphere May 27th, 2012 02:42 PM

Olesouthernbelle - Space Mountain is eternal. To be able to spit in the dark and hear someone down below swear. Priceless.

Clifton May 27th, 2012 04:42 PM

<i>When a woman said to me, "oh you speak English, sorry I couldn't tell" well, that made my whole vacation!</i>

I felt very differently when someone said that to me. Of course, I WAS speaking English, in an English speaking country.

We get a kick out of seeing places on TAR, etc where we've been too.

Clifton May 27th, 2012 04:44 PM

Oh, saw Anthony Bourdain's Australia show the other day and it turned out he'd eaten at Tibas, "our" Lebanese place in Brunswick where I'd had my birthday lunch the other day. He wasn't steered wrong. Delicious, love that place.

karens May 27th, 2012 04:53 PM

<<it's the places I've been to that I read about first.

I'm like that. I generally read trip reports after I've returned from somewhere, and not generally for trip planning.

AlessandraZoe May 28th, 2012 11:08 AM

And speaking of movies--it's great when you can recognize a location that is NOT where the movie is supposed to be set.

Case in point, that dreadful movie "Leap Year". My youngest came home from seeing it with a group of friends, said the movie was bad, but said she'd love to see it with me so that I could name all the REAL places in Ireland where the movie was shot. She had cycled many of them when younger, but she just did not remember the exact names.

So we hopped in the car and went. We had a field day playing "name that shot". We felt SO superior and smug :)

JanetKMR May 28th, 2012 11:15 AM

As the non-traveling Fodorite, and someone with friends who love travel and travel extensively, it bothers other people that I have little if any desire to travel.

I enjoy hearing about others' experiences and passion for it, but I'm a homebody and that's great too :-)

colduphere May 28th, 2012 11:18 AM

No it isn't Janet. You will never be a complete person until you can correct someone on the European Forum. That's where REAL PEOPLE post.

JanetKMR May 28th, 2012 11:20 AM

My purpose here is to help others feel part of the cool crowd ;-)

suze May 28th, 2012 11:53 AM

Yes I love it when cities I've been come up in conversation. I'm proud of all the places I've been. It takes a lot to get yourself out and about in the world.

Whether someone's asking you about something or even just seeing a place you've been on a travel TV show or in travel magazines is cool. There's not a lot in life I (can or do) brag about but it's fun to slip in, oh yes i've been to Switzerland 5 times or no Venice was not too hot in August.

kismetchimera May 28th, 2012 12:25 PM

I dont feel part of the "In crowd" but Feel blessed and thankful that I was able to live and to visit so many different places in the world.

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