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jmb67 Oct 12th, 2003 03:42 PM

Does anyone miss Italy?
I just came back from my first trip to Italy last week and I miss it terribly. I felt at home there. Does anyone else miss it as much as I do?

cmt Oct 12th, 2003 03:49 PM

I just came back from Italy Tuesday, but it's still with me since I brought back an Italian flu as a souvenir :(

Seriously, I love Italy, and I think about it between trips. I tend to miss certain parts of Italy. Other parts are beautiful and intersting and I enjoy them while there, but I don't necessarily feel the same emotional pull. For example, on this trip I was in northern Italy only, and I missed Sicily. I called a cousin in Sicily, and when he asked me whether I was coming to visit and I told him that I couldn't this time and that I missed Sicily, I really meant it.

lyb Oct 12th, 2003 03:58 PM

Boy, do I!!!! I've been backed since mid-July and I still miss it! I look for as many books as possible taking place in Italy. I watch movies that take place in Italy and when the attack is really bad, I pull out the video that my friend took while we were there!

Italy definitely gets to people, I'm already planning my next trip to Italy.

dln Oct 12th, 2003 05:27 PM

cmt, you brought a lovely Italian souvenir home as well? We've been home three weeks; two of which laid me low! Nonetheless, I'm rarin' to go back. Italy is well deserving of the high praise heaped upon it. The scenery is jaw-dropping, the food is mouth-watering, and the jewel of Italy, its people, are the best on earth!

Yes, I miss Italy.

RufusTFirefly Oct 12th, 2003 06:25 PM

I love visiting Italy, but I don't think I could live there unless I was very, very wealthy.

Natalia Oct 12th, 2003 06:28 PM

Yes, I miss Italy with all of my heart. I have to so many places around the world and no place else is in my heart like Italy.

I am a bit obsessed about it, interestingly enough, I too read books, look at pictures, grab whatever I can find, come home from a trip there and start planning the next one before I am even off of the plane. My co-workers don't even ask me where I am going on vacation they just ask when are you going back?

I spent this weekend painting my house to look Italian......yes I miss Italy

Marilyn Oct 12th, 2003 08:02 PM

All the time. It makes me smile just to think about it. I find a food fix helps a bit -- fresh tomatoes from the farmers market, pecorino, fresh basil, or maybe some figs wrapped in prosciutto. I've been reading more about Italian Renaissance art also -- so much more meaningful when you've seen the art or architecture.

Huitres Oct 13th, 2003 01:33 AM

Si, Si, Si, Si.....MOLTO!!!! :-( Sono molto trista. I was there 6 weeks in August and September and hate returning to the States. I am already planning my return trip in March! Can't get enough of that wonderful country!

lucky03 Oct 13th, 2003 03:14 AM

Yes, and I'm not even Italian...don't speak the language...but LOVE everything, people, the joy of life (what's that french expression?), even like the crazy drivers!!!

cmt Oct 13th, 2003 03:22 AM

Reminders of Italy:

ira Oct 13th, 2003 03:49 AM

One more person who came home with flu from Italy.

jal716 Oct 13th, 2003 04:01 AM

I have been back for three weeks and keep telling my husband that I am "homesick" for Italy. Check out Good Morning America today and tomorrow (oct. 13/14), they are in Rome. Maybe it will give you a fix.

Maira Oct 13th, 2003 04:04 AM

The good news is that there is a cure for that....START PLANNING YOUR NEXT TRIP!!:-D

cmt Oct 13th, 2003 04:28 AM

Ira: The friend I spent several days with in Italy says it's an Italian flu. He says many of his co-workers are sick (he's not). On the other hand, in my case I was reckless and was the only person who stayed outside on the top deck for most of a long boat ride last Sunday when it was cold, drizzly and extremely windy, and maybe the shock of all that cold wind zapped my immune system. I also think exposure to cigarette smoke can lessen immunity (at least in my case it always does). But anyway, we had our trips. Better to be sick at home than while on vacation, right?

loislane17 Oct 13th, 2003 06:46 AM

I miss it like a best friend. I've been going every year since '95 and unfortunately, it doesn't get any easier. This year I couldn't go-a bad intersection of time and money-and I almost ache for it.
I usually fill the time helping friends plan for their first trip (I'm doing two trips right now), but that is making it worse. Sometimes looking at my stacks of photographs helps-being able to relive the stories-but now it just makes me sadder. Reading books about or that take place in isn't working; not even my Italian classes.
What with all this talk of flu, maybe it's something they put in the water! :-)
Anyway-it's wonderful to find people who share this feeling here at Fodor's.

jmb67 Oct 13th, 2003 07:30 AM

Wow, all the responses! I'm glad I'm not alone in missing Italy so much. I would even go so far as that I get depressed. To help, I will live like an Italian, eat Italian food and watch Italian movies, and, plan my next trip.

swalter518 Oct 13th, 2003 08:40 AM

Just got home last night with a horrible cold as a souvenir, none the less, had a wonderful time and will probably miss it once I get over my jet lag and realize I'm not it Italy anymore!!!

BoulderCO Oct 13th, 2003 11:22 AM

Just got back three weeks ago. Not a day goes by that I don't think about Italy. We feel more comfortable there than anywhere else in Europe or many places in the U.S. for that matter. Already planning another trip for next year. We just may go back every year until we either get it out of our system or get too old to leave the house.

bookchick Oct 13th, 2003 12:15 PM

Very, very much.


enjoylife99 Oct 13th, 2003 12:28 PM

I was going to let it go but after watching "Under the Tuscan Sun" I decided to work on my 3rd trip this time - so Prague can wait!

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