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Surfergirl May 13th, 2010 09:46 PM

I prefer linen blends because it helps solve the wrinkle factor, but if you cover the capris (or whatever) in a plastic dry cleaning bag, then roll them up tight, like a jelly roll, they come out virtually wrinkle free.

Since I am really into fabrics that breathe, especially in summer, I'm into cotton (which also wrinkles), and with the exception of jeans, stay clear of anything lycra, spandex, polyester, or any other stretching synthetic that ends up feeling like a space suit.

quokka May 13th, 2010 09:49 PM

I don't buy or wear any linen clothes because it looks horrible within minutes. There are other alternatives apart from either linen or synthetics. Cotton fabrics are just as comfy to wear. They wrinkle, too, but never as badly as linen.

djkbooks May 13th, 2010 09:53 PM

Absolutely NOT!

However, there are fine, quality, garments, of linen "blend" which do not emerge from the suitcase with nearly the same "crush" appearance. Cotton/linen is a wonderful blend.

I have packed linen for road trips from home. A dual voltage steamer actually does a much better job at smoothing wrinkles than a travel iron.

Guenmai May 13th, 2010 10:10 PM

I absolutely love 100% linen and traveled with it and have been traveling with it since the 70s. As to how wrinkled it will get, depends on the quality of it. I had a whole collection of it from Armani Express, back in the late 80s to early 90s, and it was as soft as cotton and didn't get wrinkled hardly at all. I kept all of the pieces up until a few years ago, then I replaced them with another collection, bought in Bangkok a few years ago. I now travel with those pieces.

To prevent it from wrinkling a lot, I fold it in tissue paper and then put pieces of it in big, freezer-sized, zip-lock bags and toss the bags into the suitcase. Happy Travels!

immimi May 14th, 2010 08:03 AM

I'm also a linen-lover. I've found the more linen is hand
washed, the softer it gets and hence the less it wrinkles.
Also like a little rayon mixed in.

As said, there's linen and then there's linen! Cheap linen
is just dreadful, nasty stuff!

Guenmai May 14th, 2010 10:43 AM

I couldn't agree with you more. As for washing, I throw it all in the machines at the laundromat, with my other clothes, and then pour in my Planet detergent, which is very gentle. I take the items out, shake them, hang them up, let them dry, and then use a steam iron on them to iron them very crisp. Then I wrap them in tissue paper and put them into a zip lock , plastic bag and pack.

And yes, "there's linen and there's linen" and high quality linen shouldn't be wrinkling so much. I love your statement line of, "Cheap linen is just dreadful,nasty stuff!". LOL! Ain't it the truth? I needed my laugh for the day!

As for some decent linen that I've found and washed to death, Chico's linen isn't bad. I've owned better, but it still isn't bad. I buy the short,sleeved, button down, fitted shirts and have had really good luck traveling with them. I'm on my way out today on a linen hunt as it's not that difficult to find it here in Los Angeles especially with our climate.

Immimi: If you're ever in Southeast Asia, the British India chain stores have some absolutely gorgeous linen clothes. The stores look like Banana Republic, just with that colonial, linen clothing look. I have a whole wardrobe of their clothes that I buy regularly when in Singapore and Bangkok. The company is Malaysian. Happy Travels!

rbnwdlr May 14th, 2010 11:06 AM

I wore a linen dress to my son't college graduation. In the pictures I look like a homeless person who slept in the dress. That said, I once had a linen dress from The Gap, when The Gap was not all cheap crap, and it was a soft as butter and NEVER wrinkled.

hobbitthefoodlover May 14th, 2010 11:45 AM

After discovering the beauty of linen cloth, I have been searching for cloth made from this fabric. After intense search (calling up companies, going into numerous stores),I realize that there are different qualities (grades) of linen. Just like there are different grades of pearl, diamond, cashmere.

Wrinkle or not. See-through or not. You have to give it a try (ie. devise ways to test the grade of linen) as oppose to saying "linen wrinkles like a homeless person."

Guenmai May 14th, 2010 11:52 AM

I agree that the GAP used to have very good linen. I used to buy pieces there, but back in the late 80s/early 90s before the CRAP came in. I find it beyond pathetic now. Happy Travels!

yorkshire May 14th, 2010 11:55 AM

Love linen, don't care about wrinkles. It looks just as appropriate wrinkled, but I do stick to dark slacks. I find it relaxes anyway, unlike cotton which does not.
My alternative is synthetic fabric capris.

jubilada May 14th, 2010 11:59 AM

I love linen, especially JJill, Eileen Fisher and FLAX. I just steam it in the shower. I don't for travel bring linen shirts with alot of buttons because they do tend to need ironing.

Guenmai May 14th, 2010 12:02 PM

immimi: British India finally has a website! I just looked. It's I've been wearing their clothes for many years. Linen works just fine in the tropics and people aren't worried about wrinkling. I have around 20, 100% linen shirts from them and also 100% linen short skirts. They also have great 100% cotton. Happy Travels!

OceanBreeze1 May 14th, 2010 12:02 PM

I love linen & wear it all the time @ home & while travelling. I do what StCirq does: run the hot water in the shower...get the hotel bathroom all steamy.... & then hang my linen clothes there. The wrinkles disappear. I do this w/ cotton too.

I like marcy's idea...spritzing linen clothes & may try that. It probably works well on cotton too.

I also use drycleaners' plastic bags to pack my linen & sometimes I use tissue paper too.

Julies, Pack your linen, wear it, love it! B-) Did you enjoy Turkey! I see that you originally posted your linen question 3 years ago!! B-)

Guenmai May 14th, 2010 12:13 PM

Two thumbs way up for Eileen Fisher linen. I have it,too. Well worth the money. Happy Travels!

Luisah May 14th, 2010 01:05 PM

"I like linen in the summer, too. I never iron it when I'm traveling, but I always pack a small spray bottle that I can fill with water.
I hang my wrinkled clothes up in the bathroom, spritz them with water, and the wrinkles come right out. If I'm in a hurry I blow the hairdryer on them for a minute. It really works!"

I do exactly the same. I love linen in warm weather and I don't travel without my small spray bottle. I use it on other clothes as well -- anything that gets wrinkled. Scarves, jackets ...

grandmere May 14th, 2010 01:27 PM

Another linen traveler!

Guenmai May 14th, 2010 03:22 PM

Good for you grandmere. Smiles. Happy Travels!

nytraveler May 14th, 2010 04:33 PM

I often travel with linen - but with linen blends - which don't wrinkle nearly as badly - and hang out in a hot shower. Also use silk for evening and light cottons during the day. I avoid synthetics - not just for travel, but for everything.

immimi May 14th, 2010 08:31 PM

Guenmai - great, now I've got a bad case of Linen Envy and
I'm not going East any time soon.

Guenmai May 14th, 2010 09:08 PM

LOL! Happy Travels!

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