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crepes_a_go_go Mar 9th, 2004 06:57 PM

Do you own noise-cancelling headphones?
Has anybody tried these headphones on an international flight? If so, what brand? Did they work? I can't afford the Bose set for $300, but the rest I've seen look to be $100 or less. The pair that gets the best ratings are no longer being manufactured. Sorry the brand escapes me at the moment. If you bought a pair that you are satisfied with, please provide a link if you have it. Thanks. You posters on the Europe forum know everything!

Biz Mar 9th, 2004 07:06 PM

I have 2 pairs of Sony headphones, one a couple of years older than the other. Each was about $99 and was purchased through I'm a big fan of the headphones; somehow I seem less tired after a flight if I've been wearing them. My husband is a little less enthusiastic than I about their success. All in all, not the most important thing to bring on a trip, but wear 'em if you got 'em.

crepes_a_go_go Mar 9th, 2004 07:09 PM

I'm with you. No question is helps with relaxation. I have my own little selection of CDs I bring along with my portable CD player while traveling. But I read that these noise-cancelling varieties cut out that jet roar. Like every other travel gadget you find, there are a zillion different models, brands, etc. and you never know which ones are best.

crepes_a_go_go Mar 9th, 2004 08:03 PM

Just found the brand name of the supposed best headset that is no longer being manufactured - Noisebuster by NCT. So I guess I am looking for something comparable.

janis Mar 9th, 2004 10:11 PM

I've bought two different brands - one cost about $99 and the other about $75. Trying to avoid shelling out the $299 for the Bose ones. But having used Bose (loaned by a VERY generous friend), there is really no comparison. The Bose work better, have better sound, and are MUCH more comfortable. This is a case where you definitely get what you pay for.

Melnq8 Mar 9th, 2004 10:51 PM

DH came home one day with two sets of Bose noise cancelling headphones. My first impulse was to strangle him for spending so much $$ on headphones.

I have since changed my tune. They're absolutely wonderful! They come with several adaptors to fit different planes. Not only are they good for listening to music or watching movies, but they're great for sleeping!

I'm a convert now and never travel internationally without them.

Bose has since re-designed their headphones. The new ones fold and pack smaller than the old style, thus taking up less room.

DH did alot of research, trying to find a less expensive brand, but in the end Bose won out.

Cicerone Mar 9th, 2004 11:53 PM

I also own some Sony noise reduction headphones which I really like and ussually travel with. However, I have also found that just wearing a pair of soft earplugs and using the headphones provided (and keeping music on low volume) blocks a lot of the jet noise; its not as good as the noise reduction ones, but it helps a lot.

rkkwan Mar 10th, 2004 04:40 AM

I use the Sony NC-10 "in-ear-canal" earbuds with noice cancellation. [It has been replaced by the much better looking NC-11].

These "in-canal" earbuds are so good by themselves that even without using the NC circuit, they provide good noise filtering; so the difference is not that large. The non-NC ones (EX71SL, or EX51LP) cost much less. They do take a while to get comfortable with. Use it for days before your actual trip, or else you'll have some serious pain in your ears.

They are also great if you like your music loud, as even at top volume, your next-seat neighbor will not hear any sound emitting your headphones.

The NC-11 comes with a plug for use on planes that use the twin-plugs.

crepes_a_go_go Mar 10th, 2004 05:32 AM

Check out this site I just found. It mentions the discontinued Noisebuster and gives their recommendation for the best replacement brand.

bettyk Mar 10th, 2004 06:16 AM

We just bought two pair of the Plane Quiet Noise Reducing Headsets from the manufacturer, Outside the Box. These are designed by a former airline pilot and are great. By buying them direct from the manufacturer, we got both pair for under $150.

My husband had tried the Bose and really liked them, but felt they were just too expensive. He was really impressed with the quality of the Plane Quiet Headphones.

bobludlow Mar 10th, 2004 07:18 AM

I bought a cheap pair ($30) that worked fine but have since been discontinued. Just bought my wife a Bose set that is better but much more expensive. They work well to a point - both sets cover the ear and have noise-cancelling circuits that get rid of the low frequency dull roaring that always gives me headaches on long flights. But you can actually hear higher pitched noises like crying babies better because of the lower ambient noise, especially with my cheaper set which does not entirely cover the ears like the Bose set. I tried the "in-canal" sets which block more noise of all frequencies but they felt too uncomfortable to wear for extended periods. Good luck finding a solution that works for you.

JohnH Mar 10th, 2004 07:59 AM

I have the Bose noise cancelling headphones. They are great at blocking ambient noises like the jet engines. They also block some - but not all - other noises like people talking, crying babies, etc. You will still hear that stuff, they don't cancel ALL noise but they do lessen it.

Even better though, I am hearing things in my music that I've never heard before when I listen to it through those headphones. The sound quality is amazing.

crepes_a_go_go Mar 10th, 2004 09:41 AM

I wish I could justify the $300 for a pair of Bose! But with just one international flight per year, just can't do it. I will just break down and buy a cheaper pair. I had never thought of using the earplugs and wearing regular headphones over them. I can see where that would give some relief. I just can't go the earbud route. I have tried a couple of pair of those just for music listening, and they kill my ears!

Thanks everybody for your posts. I am still open to your suggestions if it is a pair I can afford.

Christina Mar 10th, 2004 09:51 AM

I have a pair because I really enjoy listening to music on flights, and don't care for the in-house programming very much. I always have my own tapes or CDs, but they also help when using the plane's system, of course.

I wasn't sure how well they'd work so went for middle-of-the-road brand to see. I got the Aiwa for about $50 from as they had about the best ratings for lower level and I like other Aiwa products. I wouldn't travel without them now, they really make a difference. I love them. I also like to use them in hotels/apts because they help cut out excess noise there, although it's really important for the plane.

Even though the Aiwa are about 100 pct better than nothing, now that I've used them I am seriously considering buying the Bose. The Aiwa are not perfect--they do cut down on noise a lot but not completely, and they are not super-comfortable over real long periods (like over 2 hrs). That's why I think I'll get the Bose eventually.

tonianyc Mar 10th, 2004 10:50 AM

I also bought the Bose and though they are expensive, have been a tremendous help to me, reducing engine noise on airplanes that have made me tired, ansy, and generally unable to cope with airtravel. You can make monthly payments of as little as $27, which is what I did. I also use them on loud commuter buses (though they are kind of bulky and look a little silly) or to listen to music and really feel like I am at a concert.

Noise pollution is just as bad as air pollution, and has all sorts of effects on your health, esp. if you live in an urban environment, so it's definately worth the investment, and Bose is the best at coping with this at least with my experience.


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