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Al Dec 23rd, 1999 02:01 PM

Do you know anything about the rue Tronchet?
It runs north behind The Madeleine toward <BR>Saint Lazare. Are you familiar with it? We've been offered an apartment there. How's the neighborhood? My memory is a bit rusty, but rue Tronchet was OK years ago.

joelle Dec 23rd, 1999 11:26 PM

The neighbourhood around rue Tronchet is OK but it is a very busy street, so it's going to be very noisy... <BR>Then it's a matter of building. On this street, there are mostly end of 19th century/early 20th century buildings. Some of them have been carefully refurbished, others not really. Anyway rue Tronchet is considered as a "posh" address in Paris.

Al Dec 24th, 1999 03:37 AM

Many thanks, Joelle. Paris will be Paris, and we will just have to live with its wonderful noises! The apartment's location seems to be excellent.

elvira Dec 24th, 1999 07:07 AM

Al: thanks to Francesca, here's a great site <BR> <BR> <BR>type in the street and city, [rechercher] and you'll get a 'map' of the street with the businesses on it - some have photos, so you can get an idea what the 'hood looks like. <BR>And, you poor thing, you will be within walking distance of Fauchon - or, after a couple of weeks, waddling distance of Fauchon...

kay Dec 24th, 1999 08:02 AM

I've stayed in two different hotels on the rue Tronchet and enjoyed the location. I'd grab that apt. offer in NY minute. Lucky, lucky you!!!!!

Al Dec 24th, 1999 11:13 AM

Many thanks, all you good friends. My bride of 48 years and myself (ages 70 and 73 respectively) are planning an extended stay in France, etc., starting with two weeks in Paris. Any suggestions for other places (in France or elsewhere) that we might enjoy? We've never traveled in Belgium. Amsterdam and Keukenhof are about all we have seen of The Netherlands. We have a theory that the more one travels (drives), the less one sees. Prefer rail, city to city.

Scott McDonald Dec 26th, 1999 08:33 PM

Al: <BR> <BR>You might have already made up your mind about Rue Tronchet, but I just wanted to add that it's a very nice area...and to encourage you to stay there. It might be a bit noisy if you're on the front's Paris! You'll be very near l'Opera in one direction and l'Orangerie in the other. Make sure to visit Fauchon....a great "deli" and high-class "grocery"'ll see...right behind la's an excellent neighborhood for walking...the big department stores aren't too far away either. Have a good time! <BR> <BR>Scott

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