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AJPeabody Aug 15th, 2017 01:41 PM

Do I Tip the Maid & How Much, Paris 3* Hotel?
Ok. I know you don't tip the waiter beyond a bit of change or a euro or two. And I don't have to tip the cab from the airport on a fixed fare unless there's a lot of baggage handling. How about the maid that cleans our room every day? Tip or not? How much, how often, and how to leave it? It's a 3* (French official rating) hotel in the Latin Quarter, if that makes a difference. We'll be staying 10 nights, by the way, so that may affect the answers.

PalenQ Aug 15th, 2017 01:43 PM

All French workers if legally employed get a decent wage and benefits - use same logic as with taxi drivers and waiters I would say - that said don't hurt to leave some little change but I do not think they depend on tips.

Underhill Aug 15th, 2017 02:30 PM

We usually leave 2-3 Euro per day for good service, and at the end of our stay any small change and metro tickets.

AJPeabody Aug 15th, 2017 02:45 PM

How does the maid know the 2 euros or the change is a tip and not just some change I didn't put in my pocket?

PalenQ Aug 15th, 2017 03:11 PM

Maids are not dumb - Americans staying she/he expects such tips.

Or just write a note "Thanks for the good service" -in French of course. Fractured French - "Merci pour la bonnne service"

Awaiting French Fodorgarchs to give their two euro cents' worth on this!

xcountry Aug 15th, 2017 03:23 PM

As you noted Europeans don't tip, they round up. There's a critical difference.

So if the nightly room charge is 155€ I would round up with a 5€ tip, I mean round up.

Whathello Aug 15th, 2017 05:49 PM

I have stayed more than 300 nights in 200 different hotels over the last 4-5 years in paris.
In 2,3 stars mostly.
My accumulated tips for maids or other staff is : 0.
No tip is expected and none given.
But since you are US you will not listen so do as you wish.
Just now you know the rules : 0.

Geordie Aug 15th, 2017 06:05 PM

<<Maids are not dumb - Americans staying she/he expects such tips.>>

How would a maid know someone's nationality, are you saying he/she would check the reservation system

<<So if the nightly room charge is 155€ I would round up with a 5€ tip>>:

You've misunderstood, you always round up to the nearest hundred or you'll be considered really cheap and I would attach a personal note "Merci pour la bonne service"

Underhill Aug 15th, 2017 06:07 PM

We put the tip in an envelope and leave it on one of the bed pillows. Universal language.

Pepper_von_snoot Aug 15th, 2017 06:40 PM

As in: tip the maid out of the window?

How much leverage do you think you can get?

Thin aka Superstar White Chyna

kerouac Aug 15th, 2017 07:02 PM

I have never tipped the hotel staff in Europe.

ToujoursVoyager Aug 15th, 2017 07:14 PM

If you leave a note: "Merci pour le bon service"

Service is masculine not feminine

Robert2016 Aug 15th, 2017 08:25 PM

We always leave 2€/day for the maid, with a note thanking them for picking up after us, and in exchange always receive the best of service. If you are too cheap to leave such a minor token, that speaks more about you then any tradition.

bilboburgler Aug 15th, 2017 10:18 PM

Thin LOL

Another European here, who has never tipped a room maid in Europe.

Tulips Aug 15th, 2017 10:26 PM

And another European here, who has never tipped maids in Europe.

Whathello Aug 15th, 2017 11:05 PM

We Europeans are so cheap.
On the other hand we have universal healthcare and don't ask a credit card before dispensing medicine.
Robert : you donate money to hospitals I hope or would you be cheap on that account ?
Having different cultures is normal.
Using one's to tell others from a different they are cheap is arrogant and stupid.

historytraveler Aug 15th, 2017 11:10 PM

As an American, I would never tip a maid in Europe out the window or otherwise. But really just do what you want to do, tip or not tip and get on with it. It's hardly a worth a lengthy discussion or any discussion at all for that matter.

Pvoyageuse Aug 16th, 2017 12:08 AM

European here. Never tip the maid.

" If you are too cheap to leave such a minor token, that speaks more about you then any tradition".
What's tradition in one country may be a major blunder in another. Giving a buch of chrysanthemums to your hostess in France is considered as very gauche (chrysanthemums = flowers for the dead). Thank God Europe does not follow blindly US traditions YET.

bilboburgler Aug 16th, 2017 01:23 AM

Just imagine you went to a country for the first time and you had some shiny glass beads in your hands and a native gave you all his land for those shiny glass beads.

Now did you destroy his culture or just "do what I do at home"? ;-)

"Take nothing but photos and leave nothing but foot prints" might be a good motto

kerouac Aug 16th, 2017 01:44 AM

Boy, those maids in the hotels full of Americans are going to be really disappointed as the clientele becomes more and more Chinese in Paris.

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