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MelissaHI Jul 31st, 2006 12:13 AM

Did "The Italian Job" make you want a Mini Cooper?
I'm a little overdue, but I finally watched "The Italian Job" last night. since I am in the market for a new car, my sensitivity was heightened in seeing all those Mini Coopers. I'm suddenly envisioning myself looking as sexy & hip as Charlize Theron driving a red Mini.....what do you think? do any of you own one, and do you love it? or should I go for a more proven, reliable car like the corolla?

J_Correa Jul 31st, 2006 12:28 AM

I liked them before I saw the movie, but after seeing them in The Italian Job, I was in love. A coworker has one and he really likes it. He has had it for 2-3 years now and not had any problems with it. Another friend bought one for racing - did a bunch of stuff to it and now it goes really fast :)

Dukey Jul 31st, 2006 12:29 AM


Dr_DoGood Jul 31st, 2006 12:34 AM

I’m not sure why you think the “new” Mini is unreliable and unproven. It is, after all, essentially a quality BMW product, albeit designed and manufactured in the UK. The success across Europe is no surprise, the production line has continually been expanded and more shifts introduced to keep up with demand; depreciation is far lower than many modern cars due to the high demand for second-hand models and residuals remain high.
I’ve had one for three years now and not had a single problem with it and I know two other owners in my immediate close circle who have run one for a similar or longer period equally trouble free.

What I would comment on is; are you sure you want a small car? A Mini and a Toyota Corolla are not what I’d consider equivalent vehicles.

Anyway - happy shopping!
Dr D.

Carrybean Jul 31st, 2006 02:06 AM

Haven't seen the Italian Job but I've wanted one for years. There are even a few down here.

BTilke Jul 31st, 2006 02:14 AM

My brother-in-law living outside Boston has one--he commutes to work in it and loves it. His wife drives the family around in their Volvo wagon.
Here in the UK, we see them quite a bit and they're cute, but I don't want one. I don't mind that they're small, but I prefer a car with four doors. We're going car shopping this fall and while we have several small cars on the list, the Mini isn't one of them.
FYI, if you have one and you want to add a little Italian chic to the car, the Italian luggage company Mandarina Duck makes a line of suitcases specifically designed for the Mini.

tod Jul 31st, 2006 03:34 AM

I find my Mini Cooper 'S' a fun car but has had annoying rattle in the sun-roof. Overheated once - repairs can only be done 100km from home which is a pain. I love my X5 more!

Dukey Jul 31st, 2006 03:42 AM

Did Mr Bean drive some sort of "mini" or was that a Morris Minor????

AnnMarie_C Jul 31st, 2006 03:46 AM

Mini Cooper! Every time I watch that movie I want a Mini Cooper! ...that and to look like Charlize Theron... have Mark Wahlberg as my boyfriend... but I digress.... ;-) Oh my gosh, how funny--I thought I was the only one! :-) Would love to know what you decide!

sandi_travelnut Jul 31st, 2006 04:43 AM

I've wanted one since I saw the original movie. When I saw an old one in Italy in '99 I was totally in love.

PatrickLondon Jul 31st, 2006 04:52 AM

Well it certainly made me NOT want a Ford Transit van...

Dukey Jul 31st, 2006 04:53 AM

AnnMarie, PLEASE......there are a lot of men who do NOT want you to look like Charlize Theron, much less be in some sardine can car like a Mini...

Look like your wonderful sexy SELF and hop into my Ferrari!

kswl Jul 31st, 2006 04:56 AM


historytraveler Jul 31st, 2006 05:19 AM

Have one.Bright red with Union Jack on roof. What a fun car. Love it! Love it! Love it!

laartista Jul 31st, 2006 06:41 AM

Yes, but a convertable one.

gforaker Jul 31st, 2006 06:43 AM

I did my penance in college by owning and maintaining an English car, an MGB. I think I had to rebuild everything twice including the engine.

After years in a 12 step program I am now not allowed to own any British car. I have fallen a little and do have another sports car, a Fiat Spyder. Some people never learn.

cadillac1234 Jul 31st, 2006 06:52 AM

On our '03 trip to Italy they were advertising the Mini Diesel like mad.

I didn't see any on our last trip but i would've loved to see what kinda mileage you could pull.

kamahinaohoku Jul 31st, 2006 07:22 AM

Drive around in a shoebox? No thanks.

AnnMarie_C Jul 31st, 2006 07:22 AM

Dukey, that is so sweet. :-)

nukesafe Jul 31st, 2006 07:33 AM

I had one when I lived in London years ago. Not the Cooper, just the plain old Mini with the small engine. LOVED it! Just the thing for U.K. traffic. Zip in and out, and parking was a snap.

When I married my British practice wife, I bought her one and had it shipped to San Francisco. It was wonderful for shopping and zipping around the Oakland hills.

Would love to have one of the new ones here in the States. I'd even consider a Smart Car, but would want to try them out in American traffic first. Anyone driven one of them?


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