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goingthere2 Sep 30th, 2015 09:09 PM

Deutsche Bahn Credit Card Purchase
I just purchased train tickets on Deutsche Bahn with my credit card. I understand I will be asked to show this exact credit card for ID when I use my ticket. What happens if between now and then my credit card is hacked and I end up with a new one?

swandav2000 Sep 30th, 2015 09:14 PM

Hi goingthere2,

Bring it anyway. It will be used only as an id, not as a means of buying anything.

BTW, if you have a smart phone, you can get the DB app, then sign in, then download your tickets. Once the tickets are downloaded, you don't need connectivity to show them; they are stored like a document. When the conductor comes by, you just show the saved ticket and your cc.

Have fun as you plan!


Man_in_seat_61 Sep 30th, 2015 10:56 PM

Just resist your bank's request to cut up the old card. It still works as ID, even when de-activated as a credit card.

I've known people dutifully cut up the replaced card, then ask me how they use it as ID. Don't cut it up!

Mimar Oct 1st, 2015 06:20 AM

I had this problem in Edinburgh. I had planned to stick the card in a ticket machine and retrieve my paper tickets. (I like to lessen the amount of paperwork I carry when possible.) But the card I had used to buy the tickets online was long compromised and destroyed. I talked to somebody at a window and she helped me get the tickets.

goingthere2 Oct 1st, 2015 06:34 AM

Fodorites are the best. Thank you. I would have cut up my card right away as directed by the bank. Now if the problem presents itself, I will be prepared.

janisj Oct 1st, 2015 06:58 AM

Not to worry. Over the years I've probably had 10+ times where I no longer had the original credit card (cancelled/replaced by the bank due to fraud detection, or just replaced at the normal expiration dates) to collect train tix, theatre tix, whatever. Never once was there a problem -- but it does usually require human intervention. Train ticket agent, etc.

I never take my old cc.

pariswat Oct 1st, 2015 07:13 AM

Fully agree with Janis but easier if you have the old cc.
I'd cut a part of it to render it inefficient.
If not you 'just' have to discuss longer - but if you can prove who you are, no prob, it happens everyday that people lose/forget/destroy/are stolen their cc..

Got the same problem with a hotel, where the guy absolutely wanted to see the card I had used.
He was so nice I ended up putting all my cards (CC and debit) and told him to find the right one.

I won't be going back to this hotel...

quokka Oct 1st, 2015 07:51 AM

The barest minimum you need to have/know is the NUMBER of the old credit card. The conductor can type the card number by hand into that electronic scanner thingy to check if it matches the ID on the ticket. If it does, all is well.

Keeping and presenting the old card would of course be easier.

Christina Oct 1st, 2015 07:58 AM

no, that's not true, the reason the card is the ID because they want to see that you have it, not just that you have stolen someone's number. They want the card.

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