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chereamycat Jun 23rd, 2012 03:56 AM

Credit card not accepted for train!
I am trying to book a train on SNCF and my master card will not go through. How else can I pay for this without going on the English site? I do not read French well enough to know my options. Please help me.

Padraig Jun 23rd, 2012 04:03 AM

Unless things have changed since I last looked a couple of years ago, the SNCF site is intentionally set up to decline credit cards from outside the EU (I think it originally blocked all non-French cards, but EU consumer law requires that other EU residents should have the same access as French residents).

Southam Jun 23rd, 2012 04:11 AM

This topic comes up all the time here and you can find plenty of info in the archives. Here is a brief summary. First, use for the English version of the site. For "your" country specify anywhere (even Antarctica) to avoid being bumped to RailEurope. Apparently some Americans find it useful to warn their credit card company that a foreign charge is coming. And lastly, be patient. For all its usefulness, the SNCF/TGV Internet portal has moods and quirks (no logical Frenchman would believe this.) Sometime the best solution is to do nothing for 24 hours and then try again.

chereamycat Jun 23rd, 2012 04:38 AM

When I went on the TGV site I could not even get the trains that I wanted. As for putting in my country if I try to put in Antartica it puts me into other countries which puts me back over to Raileurope where I would rather not be. I really am trying to do what others have said. But i now have chosen the train that I want to book. Isn't there a way to reserve and pay at the station once I have reserved online? And how do I get the option to put in Antartica besides other countries as my choice?

ParisAmsterdam Jun 23rd, 2012 04:41 AM

Have a look at these two sites designed to help:

Be sure to contact MC and tell them you're about to buy a ticket online... it seems they often block a foreign transaction. Also, SNCF blocks a card for 24 hours after a failed attempt.

All this seems very hit and miss... some people have endless problems and for others, everything works first time. Go figure.

chereamycat Jun 23rd, 2012 04:45 AM

And I simply cannot get the train that I want on the other site.

mmyk72 Jun 23rd, 2012 04:47 AM

I had a similar problem last month or so. Did you call your credit card company first to tell them that you're planning to use it for overseas purchases?

chereamycat Jun 23rd, 2012 05:28 AM

So my master card co knows. If I try to book through TGV will they also block my card? And does the 24 hour rule still apply?

PalenQ Jun 23rd, 2012 05:42 AM


TPAYT Jun 23rd, 2012 05:50 AM

I feel you pain. I just booked yesterday on the SNCF site with success after following all of the Fodorites advice.

SNCF does have English--scroll to the bottom of the page.

I called Capitol One and they assured that they would cover it---I was switched to the fraud division and they gave me 3 days to do so.

So I got the English version on SNCF and did my booking from Brive to Paris. Very easy until the cc part when it rejected my purchase.

I left it up on my computer and called Cap One again. They looked up the transaction and said they would call SNCF but didn't have a number. THANK YOU FODORITES who gave the # for an English speaking agent 33 892 35 35 39. Cap One called and the agent said that they had been having trouble with US credit cards(surprise, surprise!) and that she couldn't do cc's on the phone but I should put it through again and they would OK it. I mentioned the 24 hr. thing (again, thanks Fodorites for the heads up on that) and Cap one mentioned it to SNCF.

So I put it through again for the same seats and fully expected it to be declined for 24 hrour. Miracle of miracles, it went through flawlessly.

The SNCF saved me around $100 from the Rail Europe site.

I know I would have given up if I hadn't had so much input from Fodorites.

I do hope I've helped you in some way. Good luck!

Christina Jun 23rd, 2012 05:51 AM

SNCF does not automatically block cards outside the EU, it is probably your own card that did it. SNCF has never done that, I have used US credit cards on the SNCF website every year ever since it was possible and have never not be able to do it. YOu should wait 24 hrs and try again (I assume that means you just told your CC about possible foreign purchases and that is what happened). I'll be buying one in a few days, probably, and can post on here how it goes. I've done it as recently as 9 months ago online with no problem and I have US credit cards.

There is no other way to do it online than using a credit card. In theory, if you can read French, yes there is, but it is only for purchases that you are going to be picking up at the station shortly, not for ones that are a long time away. You can reserve a ticket without paying, but you have to pay for it online or in person within one week of purchase. And those tickets cost more than ones that are prepaid.

Why don't you say exactly what train you are trying to book, maybe there is some advice that would be more specific to what you are trying to do. If it is a PREM, of course you have to pay when buying it. If it isn't a train that you can even get a discount or doesn't have reserved seats, then there isn't really any point to even trying to do it.

TPAYT Jun 23rd, 2012 05:54 AM

BTW, I used Great Britian for the country.

Also, I was able to print out the tickets.

chereamycat Jun 23rd, 2012 07:25 AM

i am on with capital one right now and they say that they cannot even make international calls. i am at a total loss, help?

Mimar Jun 23rd, 2012 08:03 AM

Ask for a supervisor.

TPAYT Jun 23rd, 2012 08:11 AM

Are you on with the fraud dept. of Cap One?

Man_in_seat_61 Jun 23rd, 2012 08:11 AM is French Railways (SNCF's) English language website.

It will work for anyone from any country, except if from the USA when if you select USA the search results will automatically open on with higher prices plus fees - so anyone from the US must select 'Antarctic' or 'Afghanistan'.

Anyone from any country EXCEPT the USA must still watch out for, and READ any popups about 'diverting you to their 'local' website', that means Rail Europe. You MUST click the link to 'Continue to'. Many problems I get about 'diversion' are because people didn't read the popup and click the link!

All bank cards are normally accepted, but problems arise, sometimes with a glitch with their site, often with the traveller's own bank detecting a suspected fraudulent transaction and blocking it. One particular problem seems to be the payment for 'iDTGV' tickets, a handful of special TGVs trains on key routes, where foreign cards DO seem to be an issue.

Patty Jun 23rd, 2012 12:40 PM

I believe the reference to waiting 24 hours is just a generic message. I've gotten that message a couple of times and just hit the "retour" button immediately after calling my credit card issuer to remove the fraud block and it went through fine without me having to start all over. For some reason the SNCF site really seems to trigger fraud alerts even on cards where I've never previously gotten fraud alerts for any other transactions (including actually fraudulent ones)!

chereamycat Jun 23rd, 2012 01:20 PM

Actually I did ask for the supervisor. And I did ask for the Fraud dept. And I did call the # of the English speaking French person and she said that there have been all sorts of problems with American credit cards and that she could not help me. She said that the tickets would need to be purchased directly at the station if they were refusing my card. Capital One said that there was absolutely no problem on their side. It was all a go . That the problem was with the merchant accepting my card. I pleaded for their help but they said there was nothing they could do. I went through all the steps. Capital One said that there was no reason why they were not accepting my card.

Patty Jun 23rd, 2012 01:23 PM

Have you tried any other card just to see?

ira Jun 23rd, 2012 02:15 PM

Hi Chere,

Are you trying to book a highly discounted PREMS?

If not, is there a reason why you can't buy the ticket when you get to France?


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